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Chapter 1007: : Shang Sheng Guxing, the domineering imperial army

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Inside a pavilion on the warship.

Madman Chu sat cross-legged and took out a white divine fruit, which was the fairy sea divine fruit obtained from the treasure house of the Galaxy God King!

"With this divine fruit, the fairy yuan flower in my body, how can it be improved by how many ranks?"

Madman Chu whispered.

He subdued the divine fruit, and in an instant, an extremely majestic immortal power suddenly exploded in his body, flooding his limbs!

This immortal power is too majestic, like a boundless ocean.

If it weren’t for Madman Chu to be the only original body, this celestial power might be enough to burst him, but even so, there are still traces of celestial brilliance escaping from his body, mixed with the power of celestial power, impacting in all directions. Fortunately, there were many restrictions placed by him in this pavilion, which did not cause much movement.

"The effect of this fairy fruit is really tyrannical!"

The corner of Madman Chu's mouth was slightly raised.

Without saying a word, he began to circulate the Xian Yuan in his body, slowly refining the Xian Guo.

And the flower of Xianyuan was also slowly rising.

During the time when Madman Chu was in retreat, Ling Fei and several people drove the warship and came to an ancient star.

"Shang Sheng Guxing has finally arrived."

Shangsheng Guxing is a star that specializes in various trade activities in the Tianyuan Universe.

There is more than one Shang Sage Ancient Star, which is distributed all over the universe and belongs to the Shang Wang family.

The Shang family is a family that specializes in commercial activities. It is said that they have accumulated so much wealth that they can buy a tenth of the Tianyuan universe. Although the rumors are not true or false, it is sufficient to explain the wealth of the Shang family. Strong, but few people dared to make the idea of ​​this wealth.

Because the Shang family is still one of the ancient royal families in the Tianyuan universe.

Moreover, the network of relationships is extremely complicated, and there are commercial contacts with all forces, and the interests of all forces are involved, and the whole body is involved, so that no one dares to easily mess up.

"Now Shang Sheng Guxing rests for a while."

Ling Fei thought to himself.

Since Kuangren Chu had not yet left the customs, he did not rush to find a place to stop the ship, but let Han Xingyu stay in place and disembark by himself to purchase some supplies.

Starry sky.

Dozens of golden lights passed by and came to Shangsheng Guxing.

The one headed was a man wearing a golden armor and a scar on his face.

The man glanced at the ancient star of Shang Sheng coldly, then looked at the jade pendant in his hand that was full of radiance, and said indifferently: "This is the ancient star of Shang Sheng, where the fragmented breath stopped, they You must purchase some supplies to continue sailing. Go, find them for me."


Dozens of golden lights spread out and began to explore the ancient stars of Shang Sheng, and many people also noticed them and couldn't help being extremely surprised.

"These people are... the imperial army of the emperor clan!!"

"Damn, how come the imperial army is here, what are they going to do?!"

"Oh my God……"

Everyone was extremely surprised and talked a lot.

Ling Fei, who was purchasing materials on the ancient star, couldn't help but frown, "Emperor Army, why are these people here, are you passing by?"

The imperial army is a carefully selected soldier of the emperor's clan, and each of them has a decent cultivation level.

Whenever they appear, they often represent the will of the emperor family, and the emperor family is one of the oldest royal families in the Tianyuan universe. Even among the ancient kings, it is also the top. In the entire Tianyuan universe, almost Few forces can compete with them, worthy of the name of the emperor.

"Forget it, buy something and prepare to leave."

Ling Fei murmured.

After purchasing the supplies, he returned to the warship.

But when he was about to leave the warship, an imperial army in golden armor stood in front of him.

"You can't leave for now."


Ling Fei frowned slightly.

"We have something to ask you." The Emperor Army said indifferently.

After a while, the emperor's army surrounded them, and they soon surrounded Ling Fei, Han Xingyu, Feng Qingxue and others.

"What are you doing here?"

Feng Qingxue said with some dissatisfaction.

The Scarface Emperor Army headed by the Scarface didn’t say anything. He looked at the luminous jade pendant in his hand, and his eyes lit up, “Yes, the jade pendant has the strongest feeling for this warship. It must be here. Search for me and collect the fragments. Find it out for me!"

"Presumptuous!" Ling Fei couldn't bear it, and said indifferently: "This is the ship of the sword spirit clan, even if it is the imperial army, it is too overbearing to search if you want to search!"

"Oh, a member of the sword spirit family." The scarred man headed his eyes flashed, and then said lightly: "I am Emperor Jun Tianhong. I suspect that there is something we have been looking for on your ship. Please let us search. Now, please open up your universe and let us search."

After hearing that they belonged to the sword spirit clan, Tianhong did not hesitate because of it, but instead made even more excessive demands.

Not only to search for ships, but also to search for Qiankun Ring.

This made Ling Fei's faces extremely gloomy.

"Emperor Army, what qualifications do you have to do?!"

Feng Qingxue said coldly: "Why, don't you want to fight with our Feng Clan and Sword Spirit Clan at the same time?!"

"Please also cooperate with a few people."

Tian Hong said lightly.

If it had been before, he might have taken a gentler approach, but the fragments were of great importance, and he couldn't take care of that much.

Besides, the sword spirit clan and the wind clan are also royal clan, but there is still a gap compared with the ancient royal clan.

Not to mention, the emperor family standing at the top of the ancient royal family.

As long as they don't kill people, after doing things, just give a little apologize and two apologies, it's almost the same, you don't need to care at all.

"What if we don't?"

"Then we have to take some tough measures."

Tian Hong said lightly, then waved his hand.

Suddenly, the imperial army in golden armor rushed out, took out their weapons, and locked Feng Qingxue on several people.


Ling Fei gritted his teeth, his face gloomy.

In the imperial army on the opposite side, there are several Da Luo, the head of Tianhong, the aura is extremely difficult, it is very likely that Da Luo is a powerhouse of five auras.

Mad Chu is in retreat, with their strength, it is basically impossible to resist.

But in the large court, people were searched, and the ship was searched. If it is spread will the face of the sword spirit family be put?

Also, Ling Fei couldn't be more clear about what was on this battleship. It was theirs. Should the Emperor Army and others find something, should they be given it? ?

Madman Chu is in retreat. If it disturbs him, what should he do?

"If you want to search the ship, you must pass me first."

Ling Fei said coldly.

"It's not difficult to beat you."

Tian Hong sneered and stepped out to reach the sky above Ling Fei. He raised his hand and pressed it down. The magnificent Luo Yi directly rolled down!

boom! !

I saw the void explode directly.

Ling Fei's face changed drastically, and he resisted, but was pressed on the ground with a palm, spit out a mouthful of blood, making it difficult to move!

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