Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: : The connection with the ring, the storm queen, the invitation of Feng Qiyu

"Does Liu Chuanxing have something to do with Wuyou? Otherwise, why would the other party save him?"

   "But I heard that there was a festival between the Thunder and Hades. The enchanting of the two royal families can still join forces? There should be another reason for this."

  Chu madman thought to himself.

   He looked at the blood on the ground, and felt a strange but familiar breath from it.

  What kind of weird smell is this?

   "Xiao Ai, analyze this breath."


   Xiao Ai should say, "Master, this breath has a certain connection with the breath of the ring in your hand."


   The madman Chu's eyes flickered, his eyes narrowed slightly when he looked at the dark ring in his hand.

   This ring, he still hasn't figured out its origin.

   And the emperor family wanted to **** this ring, and now there is another Liu Chuanxing whose breath is connected with the ring, and the other party also wants to save Wuyou from his hand.

   Does this Liu Chuanxing have anything to do with the emperor family?

   "Things are getting more and more interesting."

   Chu Madman smiled faintly.

   What is certain now is that many people are staring at the ring in his hand.

  Perhaps, they are all thugs of the emperor family?

   And the other party wants to save Wuyou, perhaps because he sees his strength is strong, so he wants to unite some people to deal with himself together, Wuyou is not bad in strength and is a person who can be used.

   "Ha, a mob, who of you can get this ring from me?"

   He doesn't mind having fun with this group of people.

   Hunting game, if it is simply hunting prey, it would be a bit boring.

   Prey, also want to deal with hunters, this is interesting.

   Chu Madman smiled faintly, then his figure flashed and left the scene.

   Under the fairy tree, Shen Fei and others have merged with Ling Fei, Han Xingyu, Feng Qingxue.

Shortly after.

   Chu Madman came slowly, and several people hurriedly greeted him.

   "Heaven Sword, how are you doing?"

   "Oh, do you think that a Wuyou can turn the sky over?"

   Chu Madman said lightly.

   Everyone smiled upon hearing the words, and sure enough, the Heavenly Sword was the most powerful.

   "Where is Wuyou?"

   "You are going to ask the wind, after all, he has turned into ashes and scattered with the wind."

   Everyone heard that, although they had been prepared, they were still a little frightened.

   It wasn't because the Madman Chu was able to kill Wuyou, but because Wuyou was behind the Pluto clan, and Heavenly Sword's move would undoubtedly completely offend the Pluto clan.

   "The trickiest thing in the Hades clan is not Wuyou, but Wutianming!"

   Ling Fei said.

   Wu Tianming, fifth on the list of gods, self-named the son of the gods, is indeed much stronger than Wuyou.

   "It's okay, under the world, treat everyone equally!"

   Chu Madman said lightly.

   His meaning is very obvious, whether it is Wuyou or Wu Tianming, it doesn't make much difference to him.

   He can kill Wuyou, and he can naturally kill Wu Tianming too!

   "It is indeed a heavenly sword, this kind of pride is admirable!"

   At this time, a voice sounded.

   Not far away, I saw a beautiful woman in a blue dress, like a willow in the wind, slowly stepping into the air, with fairy radiance on her body, very eye-catching.

   The moment they saw this woman, many people suddenly exclaimed.

   Especially some men are full of admiration.

   "It's Feng Qiyu! She is here!"

   "Oh my god, it is Feng Qiyu, is she going to compete with the heavenly sword for the divine fruit of the sky and sea?"

   "Feng Qiyu is the third existence on the Celestial List. If she makes a move, I am afraid that even the Celestial Sword may not be able to win it."

   There was a lot of discussion.

   Feng Qiyu, this is a legendary evildoer.

   She was born in the wind clan, and although the wind clan is also a royal clan, it is similar to the sword spirit clan. It is not a powerful royal clan. They have never fallen behind.

   Therefore, the wind clan and the sword spirit clan have a good relationship, and it is somewhat of a hug to keep warm.

But Feng Qiyu, who was born in the wind clan, showed unimaginable talent. He was obviously not a peerless physique and top-notch bloodline. However, he was advancing all the way through cultivation, reaching the top three positions of the gods all the way, and was hailed as a storm. The queen, even the devilish evildoers of some ancient royal families, have been overshadowed by the limelight.

   is regarded by countless people as the hopeful star of the Fengzu's future!


   After seeing the incoming person, Feng Qingxue exclaimed, and then she shrank subconsciously and hid behind Madman Chu.

   "When you ran away from home, weren't you very courageous? How do you know that you are afraid now?"

  Feng Qiyu glanced at Feng Qingxue, and said indifferently with her tenderness.

   Seeing her look like this, Feng Qingxue became more and more frightened.


   In the end, Feng Qiyu sighed helplessly, "Don't worry, I won't do anything to you."

   Feng Qingxue breathed a sigh of relief.

   Although their sisters grew up together, they are not intimate.

   Perhaps because Feng Qiyu's halo is too dazzling, Feng Qingxue always feels a little uncomfortable in front of her sister. There seems to be an invisible barrier between the sisters.

   Even so, but after all, they are sisters, and there will be no suspicion.

   "Sister, are you going to compete for this fairy sea fruit?"

   Feng Qingxue said with some worry.

   Although she knows that Feng Qiyu is very powerful, she has seen a lot about the ability of the Heavenly Sword in the past two years, and she seems to be no worse than her sister.

   If the two people fight, she doesn't know what to do. She feels uncomfortable if anyone is injured.

   "If I say yes, what will Heavenly Sword do?"

   Feng Qiyu looked at Chu Madman.

   "If the sky doesn't allow, who dares to take it? You are no exception."

   Chu Madman held his hand and said lightly.

   To be honest, he was a bit expecting Feng Qiyu to make a move, after all, this woman was the most powerful evildoer he had ever seen.

   Its breath actually made him feel a slight threat.

   This is too rare, too rare.


   does not seem to be all waste.

   But it’s okay, so it’s worth hunting!

   "Heh, Heavenly Sword has misunderstood. I didn't mean to compete with you for this fairy fruit, but I have an opportunity that is more valuable than this fairy fruit. I wonder if you are interested?"

   "Interesting, talk about it."

   "Are you sure you want to say it here?"

   Feng Qiyu glanced around, everyone who was talking about stopped, and their ears were pricked up, just waiting to hear the great opportunity in her mouth.

   What are the people here for?

   Of course it is a chance!

   This opportunity, where would they miss it?

   "It's not troublesome."

   Chu Madman suddenly had an extremely terrifying sword pressure pouring out, impacting all directions, causing all Tianjiao present to feel a suffocating pressure.

   "Everyone leave immediately!"

   Hearing his words, although everyone was a little dissatisfied, due to his strong strength, no one dared to say anything.

   After a while, the crowd dispersed.

   "You can speak now."

   "Heavenly Sword acts, as expected, it is vigorous and resolute."

Feng Qiyu smiled faintly, and said: "I know that there is a place of great power in the ancient star of Tianyuan. There are many treasures hidden in it. Some of them are not even worse than this fairy sea **** fruit, but that place The place of inheritance is dangerous, so I want to invite Heavenly Sword to go with me, how about it?"

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