Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1003: : I am destroyed, there is no emperor in the world, there are only humans

"The son..."

Lan Yu walked in front of Madman Chu and choked silently for a moment.

There were a thousand words in my heart, but when the words reached my throat, I couldn't say it. I just looked at the other person, and my eyes grew red.

Madman Chu was open and open his arms, "Lan Yu, long time no see, won't you give me a hug?"


Lan Yu obeyed his heart, rushed up and hugged Madman Chu.

On the side, Quartz stopped moving.

In the end, she sighed helplessly, looking at Lan Yu who was holding Madman Chu with some envy.

She looked at Gu Linglong who was smiling not far away, with curiosity in her eyes.

This is the rumored Taoist companion of Madman Chu?

Jinxian's cultivation?

Well, it's not brilliant.

Although the appearance is outstanding, there are still a few goddesses in the fairy world that can be compared with them.

Such as Lan Yu, Huaxi, and even herself.

The temperament is unique, with a kind of maternal tolerance, and it complements the Chu Madman.

It was this woman who got the love that ninety percent of the women in the fairy world wanted but could not get.

Quartz couldn't help but glance again.

And Gu Linglong seemed to have discovered something, turned to look at Quartz, smiled at her slightly, and nodded lightly.

Quartz also bowed.

I don't know why, but I feel a little faint.

After a while.

Madman Chu separated from Lan Yu. After seeing Gu Linglong, Lan Yu's face turned red, and his eyes dodge a little, "Well, sister Linglong."


He actually hugged the son in front of Sister Linglong! !

You won't be hated by Linglong sister, right? !

Thinking of this, Lan Yu was quite nervous.

However, Gu Linglong didn't say anything. Looking at Lan Yu, the eyebrows were as soft as ever, "Lan Yu, long time no see."

"Yes, sister Linglong, welcome to the fairy world."

Lan Yu's mood gradually calmed down.

The Madman Chu looked at the Nirvana Fountain of Good Fortune in the Eight Hundred Princes Formation, with a hint of playfulness on his face, "It is indeed a treasure."

I saw the immortal essence surging around him, and he shouted, "Everyone, leave!!"

Immediately afterwards, the Dingtian Sword in his hand was held high, Xianyuan urged to the extreme.

Qinglian's destructive power urged!

Some monks seemed to realize something and ran away quickly, but there were still some people who were attracted by Nirvana's good fortune fountain and ignored them.

boom! !

Cut down with one sword, the terrifying sword light burst out!

Jianguang cut towards the eight hundred princes formation, wherever he went, barriers were broken one after another!

Many monks who were rushing into this formation noticed the sword light from behind, they screamed strangely, and they were terrified, and then fled the range of the sword light frantically.

As the mountain shook for a while, the entire Qishan Secret Realm shook frantically.

On the ground, a huge sword mark spread tens of millions of miles, cutting almost the entire land in half.

And around the sword mark, the fragments of the broken eight hundred princes array filled with a faint light.

"What a terrifying sword!"

"If I had been hiding a little bit earlier, this little life would have been lost."

"Mad Chu, are you so crazy?!"

"Nonsense, didn't you know him on the first day?"

Everyone has lingering fears.

Fortunately, Madman Chu reminded them of his sword.

Otherwise, this sword would not only cut down the Eight Hundred Princes Formation.

"Huh... there is another barrier that hasn't been broken."

At this time, someone gave a whisper.


Madman Chu's sword was extremely powerful, and it directly killed most of the eight hundred princes formation.

But there was the last barrier left.

In front of the barrier, there was a man wearing a bronze armor and a sword, and there was a noble emperor's aura permeating him.

It is the power incarnation of the first emperor of the Ji family.

Madman Chu looked at each other with indifferent eyes, "Ji Fa, the first emperor!"


The first emperor said indifferently. He held the sword and said to the madman Chu: "Young man, you are very powerful, please sign up!"

"You should call me... the emperor!"

The madman of Chu stepped forward, surrounded by the spirit of Nine Dragons, and the power of the emperor broke out! !

Seeing this scene, the pupils of the first generation emperor shrank sharply, and he couldn't help but exclaimed: "There is still an emperor in the world!!"

"The Emperor is not completely extinct, is this disappointing to you?"

Madman Chu said lightly.

"This is the Qishan Secret Realm, but I haven't seen half of the Ji family here. Why is this?"

The first generation emperor asked.

Madman Chu stood with his hand held in his hand, his whole body circulated, and Jiulong roared behind him, "There is no longer the emperor Ji family...I will destroy it!"


The first emperor was even more shocked, and his eyes were filled with anger, "Human Emperor, the same human race, did you do such a great job?!"

"In the past, you colluded with Xianting, destroyed the emperor, and reduced the clan to a vassal of Xianting. Have you ever thought that you are also a human!"

Madman Chu said indifferently.

"You, huh! It's useless to say more, my body is already dead, but even if this power incarnation remains, I won't let you get the opportunity here easily!"

The first emperor snorted coldly.

I saw that he raised the sword in his hand high, and the remaining aura of the broken eight hundred princes array all around was converging towards him!

In the blink of an eye, the breath of this power incarnation is rising steadily!

"Oh, interesting, since it is against the first emperor of the Shang Ji family, then I think it might be more appropriate to use this sword against you."

A red two-handed sword suddenly appeared in Madman Chu's hands.

"King Zhou's Scarlet Blood Sword!"

The first generation emperor's expression condensed, "It turns out that your emperor's fate is inherited from King Zhou. Sure enough, Tu Shan Daji should have been killed in the first place. Unexpectedly, someone could enter 100,000. Dashan has inherited the human emperor's inheritance from the mysterious realm of the monster race."

At the beginning, King Zhou died and Da Ji fell.

But the nine-tailed fox, nine-tailed and nine lives, is difficult to kill, and Daji returned to Tushan with the body of King Zhou.

Unexpectedly, the corpse contained the inheritance of the emperor.

"In the old days, you colluded with Xian Ting to kill King Zhou and subvert the Emperor. Today, I will use this scarlet sword to kill you, the first emperor!"

"From then on, there is no emperor in the world, only the emperor will sit in the world!"

Madman Chu held the Scarlet Blood Sword, stepped out one step, and once he shot, it was the sword of Zhou tyranny! !

"Emperor Sword Art!"

The first generation emperor urged the emperor sword, and a huge sword shadow appeared across it.

As the first generation of emperor, he has emperor's luck in his body, and the power of using this sword tactic is extraordinary that the Ji family can compare.

The sword of the emperor, the sword of tyranny, makes the four directions turbulent.

"Zhou's Sword, Tyrant Lin!"

Madman Chu held the Scarlet Blood Sword high and cut it down with another sword, as if the overlord pushed it horizontally for nine days!

"Sword Art of the Son of Heaven, ask God!"

The first generation of Heavenly Sword also urged extreme moves!

Two giant swords and sword shadows collide!

Behind Chu Kuangren there is a roar of The first generation of emperor has a golden yellow emperor's luck.

The Emperor Jiulong fights the emperor's luck!

"Zhou's sword, no way!!"

The madman of Chu urged the sword of Zhou to make a final sword, and countless lines rose into the sky, condensed into a sword shadow!

This sword is the sword of innocence and the sword of tyrants!

Cut out with a single sword, and a thousand ways to pass away!

"Sword of the emperor, the world society!"

The first emperor was cut out with a sword, and hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers appeared in the sword light!

In the end, a sword broke out the most extreme collision!

(End of this chapter)

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