Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: : Goodbye to Ye Zhu, who was scared away

Hundreds of colleges.

Madman Chu naturally noticed the emergence of the mountain and sea battlefield, "It seems that this controversy between the world's sons is finally about to be resolved."

"Ha, chief, since you are back, these seventy-two arrogances are not to be feared!"

Wang Shentian laughed, confident in Chu Madman.

"That's not necessarily true."

Madman Chu's mouth curled slightly, "Occasionally, there are still a few interesting opponents."

"Does the chief refer to the descendant of Fuxi?"

Cao Yun next to him was moved, and said curiously.

"He is just one of them," Madman Chu said.

Everyone thoughtfully.

Then, Madman Chu took Wang Shentian and others, preparing to go to the mountain and sea battlefield.

The Shanha battlefield, as the final battlefield of the Jiezi battle, is not the only place Jiezi can enter.

Some other Tianjiao evildoers can also enter.

Not only that, this mountain and sea battlefield hides a huge amount of resources that were unimaginable in the past, which makes countless Tianjiao evildoers be tempted.

There are many opportunities for treasures.

But correspondingly, fighting is indispensable.

There are powerful evildoers at every turn, and the mountains and rivers are broken, the world collapses, and it is worthy of the name of the battlefield.

After Madman Chu came here, the immortal knowledge spread.

Within the scope of his immortal consciousness, people were found fighting in seven or eight places.


Madman Chu shook his head, and Tianyuan Universe stared at him. If Pangu Universe continues to fight, I'm afraid the situation will be even more severe.

But unfortunately, people's hearts are treacherous.

People who ignore the overall situation because of their own interests abound.

It is basically impossible to prevent the internal friction in the Pangu universe. Fortunately, the Tianyuan universe also has internal friction, such as the battle for emperor hegemony...

"Hey, this breath is..."

Suddenly, Madman Chu felt a familiar aura.

I saw it on a certain battlefield.

Ye Zhu was fighting with several monks.

The tyrannical strength makes the Quartet evildoers fearful, and the sword of the sword and the sword of the immortal are all used by him to the point of incisively and vividly.

"I want this sword intent!"

Ye Zhu held a short sword in his hand.

There is a biting will of swordsmanship stored on it, which is helpful to his comprehension of sword intent, and this thing is also something that everyone is fighting for.

However, Ye Zhu is Qingye Jiantong, one of the ten supreme immortal bodies in the immortal world, and his strength is extremely powerful.

Not to mention the younger generation, the entire Immortal Realm, under the harmony of the Dao, in the Sword Dao can be side by side with it, it is estimated that there is only one Xuanyuan heir.

When the swordsmen all around saw it, although they were not reconciled, they were helpless.

But at this time.

An overwhelming coercion swept across.

The swords in the hands of countless people trembled for it, as if respectfully greeted the supreme in the sword.

I saw a young man in a golden robe, holding a golden long sword in his hand, and stepping forward with his head held high, his sword intent was awe-inspiring, he was the heir of Xuanyuan!

"Oh, Ji Wu, the descendant of Xuanyuan!"

Ye Zhu looked at the visitor, his eyes flashed slightly.

"Hand over the sword intent in your hand, I don't need to kill you!" The Xuanyuan Chuan said lightly.

Hearing what he said, Ye Zhu couldn't help but sneered, "Ji Wu, you don't think you are too confident. After all, you are just a bereaved dog."

Hearing the words "dog of mourning family", Chuanyuan's face sank on the spot.


Everyone in the fairy world knows that Madman Chu destroyed the Ji family.

The descendant of Xuanyuan was also a member of the Ji family.

But because of his lack of strength, he couldn't find the Madman Chu for revenge, so he was brooding about this matter.

Now that Ye Zhu is so mocked, how can he stand it?

He immediately yelled, his figure flashed, and the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand was cut at Ye Zhu!

The cold sword intent, whistling in all directions.

Ye Zhu didn't retreat, raised his hand and cut out with a sword energy!

Xuanyuan Jianqi and Zhuxian Jianqi slammed into each other!

As a result, the descendant of Xuanyuan took a few steps backwards, looking at Ye Zhu, his face sank slightly, "You have practiced Zhuxian Jianqi to this level!!"

"Thanks to the sword of Zhu Xian taught by fellow Chu Daoist, this set of swordsmanship has many similarities with Zhuxian Jianqi. Under mutual confirmation, it actually made my Zhuxian Jianqi to a higher level. As far as kendo is concerned, you are no longer my opponent." Ye Zhu stood with his hand in his hand and said lightly.

Hearing his words, Xuanyuan Chuan Ren became even more angry.

He is not an opponent of Madman Chu, now, can he even beat a person pointed out by the opponent? !


The Xuanyuan Chuan's body has risen to the extreme, with sword auras intertwined and flowing around him, transforming into a layer of body-protecting sword gang!

It is the ultimate Xuanyuan Jianqi!

"Fight again!"

The descendant of Xuanyuan shot again, swinging the Xuanyuan sword in his hand, and even more domineering pressure spread out.

Under this attack, Ye Zhu's expression was also a little serious.

"Then let me see it!"

The two sides fought again, and the sword energy and sword energy attacked.

A peak sword show unfolded.

Sword and sword, one after another!

In the blink of an eye, the two swords have collided more than a hundred times!

"The sword in your hand... is the Qingping sword!"

The descendant of Xuanyuan looked at the sword in Ye Zhu's hand with a solemn look in his eyes.

"The eyesight is pretty good."

The Qingping sword is the saber of an ancient master of the immortal world.

This sword is not inferior to Xuanyuan Sword in terms of level.

"Even with the Qingping sword in hand, you can hardly break my Xuanyuan Jiangang!"

"is it?"

Ye Zhu chuckled, then held the long sword high, and finally displayed the sword spirit of the immortal, the domineering and terrifying sword spirit came out!

Wherever I go, the scene of the fall of gods and Buddhas is reflected!

Aoba Sword Eye and Zhuxian Sword Qi, the power of this sword is extremely powerful, and it is absolutely beyond the ordinary that Dzogchen can withstand.


Jian Ying directly collided with Xuanyuan Jiangang.

Amidst the sound of an explosion, he saw the descendant of Xuanyuan flying upside down, vomiting blood.

Just when Ye Zhu was about to do it.

A big colored hand suddenly grabbed it, and it was Hua Xi, another human emperor's descendant of the Human Emperor Sect.

"Mending the sky!"

The colorful palms contain the power of infinite good fortune, even Ye Zhu can not help but his face is solemn, raising his hand with a sword, struggling to block!

With a boom, Huaxi and Ye Zhu retreated.

"Hua Xi, it's good that you are here, you and I will take action together to seize the sword in his hand."

Huaxi nodded slightly, just about to agree.

But suddenly, she seemed to sense something. Looking into the distance, she saw a white figure walking slowly.

The moment the eyes of the two sides collided.

One is flustered, the other calm.

"Heir of Xuanyuan, go, Madman Chu is here!"

In a word, Xuanyuan Chuanren's complexion changed immediately, and then his figure flashed and disappeared.

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help being stunned.

"This is the human descendant of the Human Emperor Sect? Did you make a mistake ~ was so scared away?!"

"Indeed, it's a bit weird."

"Is Madman Chu so scary?"

"Uh, it's actually really scary."

Ye Zhu put away his sword and looked not far away, with a smile on his face, "Friend Chu Daoist, it's been a long time."

"Ha, Brother Ye, it's been a long time."

Ye Zhu smiled faintly.

Immediately, he looked at Gu Linglong beside Chu Kuangren, and bowed slightly, "This is the wife of my wife, it's polite."

"Well, I have met fellow Daoists."

Ye Zhu is one of the few friends of Madman Chu in the immortal world. Seeing you now, he is in a good mood.

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