Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1001: : 0 Xixian Emperor, threatening Ye Zhu, where is the courage so arrogant...

"Damn it, let them run away."

A general snorted coldly.

Madman Chu was on the sidelines and didn't care, because this was the result of what he deliberately did. With his strength, it was not difficult to keep Yun Zhongyue, but he didn't want to do that.

Just paddling by yourself, there is no need to be so serious.

"Return to the city for rectification."

Madman Chu said lightly.

Hearing this, everyone responded quickly.

Seeing Madman Chu's back, their eyes showed worship, and they didn't know the specific strength of the other party.

I don't know that the opponent was paddling in the previous battle.

But the power displayed by the other party made them marvel at it. If there is no other party, they are afraid that they will be completely destroyed by Yun Zhongyue.

After returning to the city.

Madman Chu found a military adviser in the city.

This person's name is called Anzhixun.

The cultivation base is not high, but it is the powerful confidant before Scarlet Blood, but after Scarlet Blood's death, he has repeatedly shown courtesy to the madman of Chu.

A whole wall of grass.

"I'm looking for you, there is mainly something I want you to do. Do you know how many fairy gold veins are hidden in this Ninth Continent?"

Madman Chu asked.

An Zhixun was a little surprised. I don't know why the other party suddenly asked about this, but he answered honestly: "The Ninth Continent is not rich in immortal gold. There are only seven immortal gold veins."

"I know, you find someone to mine."


After An Zhixun left, Madman Chu fell into deep thought.

He inquired about the fairy gold veins for the purpose of Zeguo's battle map. To set up this formation, a large amount of metal was needed.

That's why he asked about the fairy gold veins.

"Seven...This is far from enough."

Madman Chu whispered.

If you want to lay out the Zeguo battle map that covers the entire void battlefield, the required fairy gold resources are absolutely massive.

These immortal golds are far from enough.

"It is necessary to investigate where there is enough immortal gold..."

Madman Chu took out a jade slip.

Summoned to all members of the Yuantian Society in the Void Battlefield.

Let them pay attention.


Yun Zhongyue defeated the Ninth Continent.

Embarrassed and fled back to the line of defense of the Pangu universe.

"Damn, I didn't expect the strength of this Heavenly Sword to be so strong!"

Yun Zhongyue couldn't help feeling a little bit, "It's really a new generation of newcomers replacing the old, the fairy king of the Pangu universe, and the heavenly sword of the Tianyuan universe. Seeing these people, I feel that I am really old."

"Senior's words are polite."

A laughter sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a star map appeared in the void.

I saw a figure appeared.

The visitor wore a cyan gown and held a cyan sword in his hand.

In a pair of cyan eyes, there is a faint sword aura.

A green grass emerged in it.

"Oh, you are the one who rescued just now."

Yun Zhongyue curiously said: "It was actually Qingye Jiantong, if I didn't guess wrong, you are Ye Zhu from Sanqingdao Sect."

"Senior actually recognizes the junior, it's an honor for the junior."

"Ha, although I suppressed Daoran's Qi in a hidden world for many years, I am not completely ignorant of external affairs. Looking at your cultivation base, I am afraid that you are not far from He Dao. Perhaps, speaking of Kendo, there is only you in the Pangu universe. I have a chance to break my wrist with the sword that day with the fairy king."

Yun Zhongyue said.

Ye Zhu's eyes became serious when he mentioned the Heavenly Sword.

"This person is indeed someone I have ever seen. Apart from Friends of Dao Chu, the most enchanting existence exists. Even if I am promoted to He Dao, I am afraid that I can't compete with him with much confidence. Only Friends of Chu Dao can do it."

"Well, the sky sword is really tricky. By the way, the star map you just used seems to be mysterious, I don't know what treasure it is?"

Yun Zhongyue asked curiously.

"That star map is the symbol of Xuantian Nine Stars, and it was issued by Xuantian Star Order." Ye Zhu smiled faintly.

"Xuantian Jiuxing...what kind of organization is this?"

"This was created by Fellow Daoist Chu..."

Ye Zhu said it briefly, but didn't reveal much.

Then they returned to a continent.

In a city.

This place is the defensive city of Pangu universe.

Yun Zhongyue is planning to find a place to recuperate.

At this moment, two figures came face to face in front of him.

The two are old and young.

The old man was dressed in a golden robe, and his body faintly revealed an ancient breath, while the young man was a young man dressed in white with extraordinary Taoist rhyme flowing on his body, which was very mysterious.

This person is the Fuxi heir of the Emperor's Sect.

"Oh, it's you, Gu Xi."

Ye Zhu's eyes flashed when he saw the descendant of Fuxi.

Gu Xi is the real name of the descendant of Fuxi.

Over the years, since losing to the Madman Chu, he has entered the void battlefield and has been tempering himself, hoping to reach Hedao as soon as possible.

Ye Zhu had met each other several times.

But every meeting is not so friendly.

"Heh, it turned out to be Ye Zhu."

The corner of Gu Xi's mouth was slightly raised, and his expression was indifferent.

"Why do you know each other?"

Yun Zhongyue curiously said.

"I've seen it a few times."

"Oh, I heard that Ye Zhu, you are working under the hands of Kuangren Chu recently, and you have established a Xuantian Jiuxing, so you are so subdued, are you really willing?" Gu Xi said lightly.

"Then I have to divide it, I feel it's okay to work with Daoist Chu," Ye Zhu said neither humble nor arrogant.

"Huh, stupid!"

At this time, the man in golden robes next to Gu Xi spoke and said coldly: "As an evildoer, what you should think about is how to surpass Madman Chu, instead of succumbing to him. You have lost your bravery in this way. Heart, you are no longer worthy to be a monk."

"Senior is..."

Ye Zhu wasn't angry, but asked instead.

"Kunlun Fairy Court, Immortal Emperor Qianxi!"

Emperor Qianxi said lightly.

There was a sense of sorrow in Ye Zhu's eyes.

No wonder he would say such a thing. It turned out to be from Xian Ting, but the Emperor of Xian Ting, he knew, had never heard of the other party.

And the ancient breath of the other party...

It seems to be an ancient Hedao.

Ye Zhu has also heard about the rumors of ancient Hedao.

"Everyone has their own ambitions, so I won't bother seniors."

Ye Zhu said and then he planned to leave.

Unexpectedly, Immortal Emperor Qianxi was reluctant, "You stand still, today I want you to be in front of everyone and tell you that you will quit Xuantian Jiuxing, otherwise, you don't want to leave here!"

"Don't you think you are too presumptuous?"

Ye Zhu's face changed slightly.

At this time, the rest of the monks were also attracted by the dispute here.

"Emperor Qianxi, you are too much."

Yun Zhongyue couldn't stand it anymore and drank coldly.

But Immortal Emperor Qianxi didn't take it seriously, "A Hedao that has been hit hard, what right do you have to point fingers at me?!"

He snorted coldly, and the aura of He Dao was vented out, and there was actually the aura of three Dao in his body!

The multiple auras of the Dao, shocked everyone living in the field.

"Xian Ting actually hides this kind of character!"

Everyone was a little surprised.

Yun Zhongyue's face sank, and the aura of harmony was also revealed. Although not as good as Emperor Qianxi, it was still holding on.

The two breaths contended, and the invisible Daowei crazily collided together.

But Yun Zhongyue was injured after all, and the cultivation of Emperor Qianxi was above him, and soon fell into a disadvantage.

"Get out!"

Emperor Qianxi waved his sleeves.

A domineering force rolled out.

In an instant, Yun Zhongyue blasted back dozens of feet.

Just now.

A figure appeared behind Yun Zhongyue and held him.

"Xian Ting is an ancient harmony, and Xian Ting has been expelled from the immortal world. Where did you dare to be so arrogant?!"


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