Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1003: :0 The King of Flame God and the Sky Cloud, neglecting their duties? The ancient star

Shortly after.

Madman Chu left the Ninth Continent.

He left the shadow of the sky and let the other party take the place.

After he left, the military master An Zhixun's eyes lit up, and he immediately took out a piece of jade slip and secretly contacted someone.

"My lord, Heavenly Sword has left the Ninth Continent."

"Oh, where did he go?"

"I don't know, he didn't say, but one of his entourages stayed behind. I'm afraid that the strength of this person is not simple."

"I know this better than you, that guy...huh."

A cold snort came from the other end of the jade slip.

Seems to be familiar with Sky Shadow.

"Well, now that Tianjian has left, then act according to the plan. This time I must let him taste his ruin."

The person on the other side of the jade slip gave a cold snort.

Just a few days after Madman Chu left the Ninth Continent.

A breath of horror suddenly enveloped here.

I saw dozens of figures leaping into the air in the distance, and everyone was shrouded in fairy radiance, without seeing the real face.

They came to the Ninth Continent and immediately began to destroy them.

A general could not resist.

"Heaven Sword, where is the Heaven Sword?"

An Zhixun said loudly, "Heaven Sword is not on the Ninth Continent!"

When this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar.

what? !

Heavenly Sword is not in the Ninth Continent?

Where did the other party go?

Are you neglecting your duty at this time? !

"Haha, what kind of Heavenly Sword, there is no sense of responsibility at all, your Ninth Continent has fallen, it is all to blame for the Heavenly Sword!"

"Yes, blame him."

There was a loud laugh from the intruder in the sky.

at this time.

A figure rose to the sky.

It was Tianying who made the shot.

But soon a flame of fire stopped him.

"Oh, this kind of breath, it's you."

Tianying looked at the existence in Xianhui, her eyes flashed, and the opponent was the God King Thousand Flames who had fought with him not long ago.

"The other people are..."

Tianying glanced over the other few people and found the breath of another **** king. He also had the impression that it was the person who appeared in the meeting of **** kings and was the ancient **** king of the Dao king family.

In the past, these people showed obvious hostility towards the Mad Man Chu.

Sky Shadow remembered everything.

Even if these people hide well now, they can't hide from him.

"While the Lord of the Demon is away, do you come here to make trouble, and then put the charge of negligence on the Lord of the Demon?"

Tianying saw these people's abacus at a glance.

There was a look of indifference in his eyes.

A dark magic blade in his hand was already firmly held in his hand.

"I do not know what you're talking about."

The Thousand Flame God King was shrouded in Xianhui and refused to admit it.


Tianying snorted coldly, and didn't say much, and killed him!

The power of the demon surged.

The fire light and black sword light shined out, destroying the world!

But on the other side, Motianyin led others to continue plundering the Ninth Continent, wherever they went, it was a mess.

"Haha, Heavenly Sword, I would like to see, after the fall of the Ninth Continent, what else will you general do!"

Skyscraper thought to himself darkly.

In order to find the madman Chu unhappy.

They did not hesitate to attack the Ninth Continent.

But just when the sky was overcast and overwhelming, a large shadow suddenly spread in the distance, and an extremely terrifying breath enveloped the entire Ninth Continent in an instant, which made people shudder.

"This, what is this?!"


Everyone looked at the huge stars coming into the sky not far away, and they couldn't help but wonder, but Tian Ying showed a smile.

"So that's it, the Demon Lord has already arranged everything."

Hearing his words, everyone was even more confused.

Is this star arranged by Heavenly Sword? ?

"How is this going?"

In the cloudy sky, the two thousand flame **** kings both felt an unprecedented danger from this ancient star.

The next moment.

I saw red dots floating among the stars.

Immediately afterwards, beams of light locked onto Motianyin and the others, lasing them, wherever they went, the void seemed to be pierced.

"No, run away!!"

The cloudy sky roared.


They are still a step slower.

I saw wherever the beam went, the monks were easily penetrated through their bodies without any resistance.

Even the king of God like Motianyin was blasted back several steps.

"This, what is this?!"

Mo Tian Yin looked at the ancient star, shocked.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his hand to urge Dao Ze in his body, and a domineering palm print blasted towards the ancient star of the disaster.

But this palm was blocked by the black fog surrounding the ancient star.

His power is actually not enough to destroy this ancient star? !

"I'll try!"

The Thousand Flame God King roared, and the road surged, turning into a golden fireball, smashing into the ancient star like a big sun.

The size of this big sun was similar to that of the ancient star of military disaster, and under the fierce bombardment, the void exploded directly.

But when the smoke and dust passed, everyone only saw that the ancient star of the disaster was still undamaged, still flying towards everyone.

Not only that.

On the surface of the ancient star, red lights flickered.

Like a pair of death eyes, staring at the Motianyin and the King of Thousand Flames, red lights shot out.

"Hurry up!"

Everyone's complexion changed drastically.

But the amount of red light is too much.

No matter how they hide, they can't hide.

After a while, the two great kings were actually traumatized.

"go away!"

Seeing that the situation had changed, King Thousand Flames immediately planned to leave.

The cloudy sky will stay soon.

The two quickly retreated.

Among the Ancient Stars of Bail Disaster, Bail Disaster looked at the two of them, silently mobilized the power of the Old Star of Disaster Disaster, and a more terrifying beam shot out.

And the power of this blow directly locks the Sky Cloud.

boom! !

Accompanied by a scream and loud noise.

The Tao in the Sky Yin body was blasted out on the spot and fell directly.

Seeing this scene, King Thousand Flames paled with fright, and his crazy urging force turned into a flash of fire and quickly left.

The people of the Ninth Continent looked at the ancient star of the military disaster, very frightened.

What the **** is this?

"The Heavenly Sword follower said Is this arranged by the Heavenly Sword?"

"Tsk, can the Heavenly Sword even manipulate this kind of thing? It's incredible, how did he do it?"

"The techniques of the Heavenly Sword are unpredictable. It seems that the Heavenly Sword in the Ninth Continent is truly solid."

In the crowd, An Zhixun's eyes showed a little panic.

How could Heavenly Sword have such a method?

Will he find out that I betrayed him?

what should I do?

Tian Ying noticed An Zhixun's face and snorted, but he didn't pay attention to the opponent either, and planned to wait for Madman Chu to return.


"Heh, does the Thousand Flame God King still have a cloudy sky? I didn't expect these two guys to get together in order to deal with me."


"There is also An Zhixun, the military division of the Ninth Continent, a horrible guy who will get along with whoever benefits..."

Madman Chu is not in the Ninth Continent.

But he knew everything there, and the appearance of the ancient star of military disaster was exactly his arrangement.

Before leaving, he summoned it to the void battlefield.

In addition, the betrayal of Army Master An Zhixun was not beyond his expectation.

He hates this kind of person.

You can keep it, and maybe it's still useful.

"Forget it, I'll deal with it slowly when I go back."

These were not too urgent matters. Soon, he came to the destination of this trip, the 13th Continent.

"President, you are finally here."

Feng Qiyu, a member of the Yuantian Society, came out to greet her.

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