Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2001: : The disaster is the first to appear in the world, the greatest terror in the world

The ancient star of military disaster blocked the way strongly.

The King Sagong and others were in danger.

Several Wushuang warlords made a strong move, trying to break the blockade of the ancient star of military disaster, but found that the strength of this ancient star was really tyrannical.

Boundless resentment, surging.

The towers on the surface of the ancient star burst out red lasers, each with the ultimate power to kill Da Luo, and the ancient star can emit more than thousands of lasers at the same time.

The power that burst out at the same time is even more terrifying.

"This ancient star of military disaster is so strong!"

Colorful Tianlong, Tyrant God and others looked at each other.

Wushuang warrior will make a strong shot.

Colorful dragon spirit, domineering spirit, imperial spirit...

Three forces smashed out from three directions at the same time!

boom! ! Minus

The ancient star of the entire military disaster was shaken.

Cracks appeared in the army disaster formation.

But then, the resentment rolled over, and it was actually repaired.

"What is this ability?"

"Can you actually repair it on your own?"

Everyone was shocked.

at this time.

There was a chuckle from the ancient star of the disaster.

"In the face of the disaster, only death is your end."

Thousands of killings burst out again.

Wherever he went, the horrible howling sounded endlessly.

"Asshole, pretend to be a fool! A kind of show up for a fight!"

The tyrant was furious.

"Army disaster, it's time!"

An indifferent shout sounded.

I saw thousands of grievances soaring into the sky and condensed into a dark figure in mid-air. The figure was vague, but the treacherous and domineering aura revealed on the body made the hearts of everyone present.

Immediately afterwards.

Shadows appear!

A jet-black battle armor, with tricky magic light flowing on it.

A white hair flying, like a demon like crazy.

A pair of dark eyes, watching all sentient beings all over the world!

"Behind me, there is a sea of ​​blood and corpses!"

"At my feet, heaven and earth are hard to come by!"

"In front of me, God sighs the evil!"

"I am...for the disaster of soldiers!!"

With the domineering words echoing in the sky, the God of White Haired Soldiers and Disasters appeared in the world for the first time, with a terrifying aura that enveloped everyone present.

As everyone looked at the disaster in front of them, they took a breath of air-conditioning.

"Madman Chu!!"

The face of this person in front of him was seven to eight points similar to that of Madman Chu.

And at this moment, everyone finally really confirmed that this ancient star of the disaster disaster had a great relationship with Madman Chu.

Hearing what everyone called him, the brows of the soldiers frowned slightly, and with a wave of sleeves, violent grievances poured out, raging across the world.

Some monks exploded in front of this power.

"Are you deaf? My military disaster!!"

He feels a little disgusted that other people regard himself as a madman of Chu.

Although he was indeed a refining clone of Madman Chu, in fact, he also blended with the remaining grievances of the ancient star of the military disaster.

He counts as a brand new individual.

"Huh, whoever you are, the roadblocker, die!!"

Colorful Tianlong snorted coldly.

The power of Dao in the body surged wildly.

Upon seeing the disaster, his black grievance rolled over and he was eager to try.

"I want to try this form of strength."

The body of military disaster is the ancient star of military disaster.

But this ancient star was too large to transform into form, so he took a different approach and directly condensed endless grievances into form.

In other words.

He has no body, and now it's just a grievance.

A mass of substantive grievances.

"Long Xiao is gone!"

The colorful Tianlong roared, and a huge dragon shadow appeared behind him, and between his mouth, a group of colorful dragons roared out.

"Broken Disaster Broken Star Finger!"

The disaster is not retreating, and the sword is condensed, and it suddenly points out.

The majestic resentment condenses on the fingertips and gushes out.

Accompanied by a roar.

The dragon's breath was shattered abruptly.

"Dominant eternal!!"

The Tyrant gave a low roar, punched out, domineering burst out, like a continuous tide, crushing toward the disaster.

The emperor also followed suit.

The emperor's body supernatural powers. Sacrifice like sacrifice like

A huge decree lies in the void.

One after another, the runes smashed down toward the disaster like a meteor.

"Good job!"

In the face of the emperor and hegemony teaming up, the disaster raised his hands, and the grievances converged in his palm, turning into the power of wind and thunder.

"Army disaster, wind and thunder palm!"

Pushing with both hands, storm, thunder, and the power of the two daos mixed with the resentment of military disasters, like a flood, slapped crazily in the void.

The emperor's decree, the overlord's aura, broke in response.

And in the endless smoke.

Only a mad figure dressed in a pitch-black armor, staring at the world, with white hair flying, and an arrogant posture, shocked everyone present.

"It's him……"


The figure of the army disaster coincides with the figure of the Madman Chu.

Even if the military disaster does not admit it.

But his arrogant posture is almost the same as that of the Chu Madman!

"Dark Golden Guard, set up an array!"

at this time.

The Dark Golden Guard leader said loudly.

The remaining dark golden guards rushed out one after another, encircling the troops, and Zhou Tianfeng's fire formation was completed.

Hundreds of killings swept toward the disaster.

"At this time, Madman Chu can break, and so can I!"

With a wave of the army disaster, a handful of remnants appeared in his hands.

The remnant waved, resentment.

The killing all shattered in an instant and turned into nothingness.

"Ten Thousand Fronts of Soldier Disaster!"

The soldiers shook hands tightly in the remnant soldiers, sweeping the army with one move.

Thousands of grievances condensed into thousands of fronts, intertwined vertically and horizontally, wrapped in the meaning of boundless killing, and impacted the entire large array.

Accompanied by a series of blood mist exploded.

One by one Dark Golden Guard fell.

Even the leader of the Dark Golden Guard was shaken and withdrew.

Zhou Tianfeng burst into flames, and broke!

"Nine Kings!"

God King Sikong looked at Wu Mian and the others and said loudly.

Hearing his words, the nine kings understood.

But Luo Xue, Tian Xingcai and the others hesitated, do they really want to use the incarnation of the Great Dao to deal with the military disaster? What does he have to do with Heavenly Sword...

"No time to hesitate, do it!"

King Sagong roared again.

Luo Xue and the others showed firmness in their eyes.

This military disaster was not the Heavenly Sword, and now, if they didn't make a move, everyone in the Tianyuan Universe would have died here.

There can be their people, their comrades-in-arms.


The mark of the king on the nine kings is reflected.

The breath of the nine kings blended The incarnation of the Avenue has appeared again!

"This is the incarnation of Dao, let me know for a while."

Facing the incarnation of the mighty and terrifying road, the military disaster still persists.

boom! !

The incarnation of Dao banged down with a palm.

The remnants of the soldiers were cut out, and the grievances gathered into a torrent.

There was a crash.

Each shook back.

The King Sagong and the others were a little unbelievable.

This avenue incarnation is extremely powerful, and even unparalleled warriors such as Qicai Tianlong are not opponents. This disaster can actually contend with it!

"Come again!"

The fighting spirit of the military disaster has become more and more flaming.

Madman Chu can win this great incarnation, so can I! !

One move is better than the other when the disaster strikes!

It was actually the incarnation of the Dao, fighting against courtesy.

Seeing this, Qicai Tianlong and the others, their body was surging, their eyes locked on the battlefield, and suddenly, they shot!

Headed by Dragon Qi, the power of Tyrant God, Emperor Emperor, Titan God Monarch and others followed closely, blasting the disaster in one fell swoop.

Rao was a disaster, and was also blasted by this force, and his figure gradually became illusory, as if it might dissipate at any time.

"Good opportunity, kill him!"

The incarnation of Dao blasted out with one palm and wanted to kill the soldiers in one fell swoop.

But at this moment.

A sword light soared out, and the incarnation of the Dao Dao was blown out abruptly, turning into countless points of light and dissipating.

The Nine Kings lay on the ground, his face pale as paper. Mi He Mi

I saw not far away.

Dressed in white, stepped into the air.

The entire battlefield became deadly silent because of the arrival of this white robe.

Everyone’s faces were full of horror, as if the person in front of them was a nightmare, a demon, and the greatest horror in the world!

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