Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 251: : Entering the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, the first killer in the Bodhidharma Academy

"The depth of the Dharma of this son is amazing!"

"I might as well."

"If this person was born in Buddhism, he should be a Buddha!"

In Leiyin Temple, a few Buddhist sages whispered and talked a lot, obviously they were surprised by the few Buddhist words of the madman of Chu.

They have studied Buddhism for many years, and when they talked about Buddhism, few people in the world can compare them. However, the few words of the crazy people in Chu gave them a sense of enlightenment, and they saw the sky through the clouds.

Such Buddhist attainments are far better than them.


After discussing the Dharma with Master Huixin, he opened the Buddhist scripture pavilion for his convenience, and let him in to visit at will.

After the madman Chu entered, he flipped through the Buddhist techniques without saying anything. As for the Buddhist scriptures, he didn't read it.

When the young monk who brought him in saw him, his brows frowned.

You must know that Buddhism practice is very special. If you don't understand the meaning of Buddhism, it is very difficult to achieve anything.

It is a big taboo for a Madman like Chu to watch the exercises in Leiyin Temple without looking at the Buddhist scriptures.

"Friend Chu Dao..."

The young monk just wanted to remind.

Then he saw a faint Buddha light permeating the Madman Chu's body, gathering on the palm of his palm, exuding a color like gold and iron.

"This is the Prajna Vajra palm of Leiyin Temple?!"


The young monk gasped.

He didn't expect Madman Chu to master this cultivation method just after watching it for a while, what kind of cultivation speed is this? !

"Master, do you have anything to say?"

Madman Chu looked at the young monk curiously.

The young monk suffocated what he wanted to remind the madman of Chu, and said: "It's nothing, just that, the classics in the Tibetan scripture pavilion can be watched at will by the Taoists of Chu, and I will leave first."

"Master walk slowly."

The young monk bowed and left.

He shook his head secretly.

The practice of Buddhist dharma of fellow Chu Daoist is so profound that even the abbot and others are ashamed of themselves, and there is no need to read Buddhist scriptures.

After the young monk left, the Madman Chu went through the Buddhist scriptures pavilion to browse through the various Buddhist practices, which were blessed by the attributes of being incapable of selflessness. He learned these Buddhist practices fast and unbelievably fast.

"Prajna Vajra Palm..."

"No phase of robbery..."

"The Great Sunshine Magic Knife..."

Buddhism practices were quickly digested by the madman of Chu.

I saw a mysterious Taoist rhyme flowing around him, more Buddha light permeated, and the whole person looked extremely sacred.

At the same time, his integration of ten thousand faculties quickly absorbed the rhyme of these Buddhist techniques, and it became more and more perfect.


Leiyin Temple, inside the Bodhidharma Temple.

Bodhidharma is the place where the monks gather in Leiyin Temple. These monks are the monks who are best at fighting. The first place in Bodhidharma is the most terrifying existence under the saints in Leiyin Temple.

In the lobby, an old monk wearing a gray commoner stood in front of everyone, and everyone did not dare to breathe.

This old monk is the first master of the incumbent Dharma Academy!

"You said, my Leiyin Temple's Tibetan Scripture Pavilion was unconditionally open to an outsider. This decision was made by the abbot?"

Killing heart said lightly.

"Yes." A monk said lightly beside him.

"Huh, what the **** is Huixin? The Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is where my Leiyin Temple lies. How can it be possible for an outsider to enter at will."

Killing snorted coldly, showing no respect for the abbot.

A monk walked through the story.

"Chu Madman? Dharma?!"

"He madman of Chu knows the Dharma? Even so, the decision to open the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to an outsider is too absurd."

After killing the heart, he got up and walked outside the house.

"First seat, what are you going to do?"

"Go and pull the Madman Chu out of the Buddhist scripture pavilion."

Upon hearing this, the monks were in an uproar.

"No, the first seat."

"The Madman Chu is the head of Xuan Tianzong, and he is also a distinguished guest of Leiyin Temple. You go get him out, what is this?"

Everyone quickly stopped.

"Get out!"

But seeing the killing heart stared coldly, a terrifying murderous aura suddenly burst out of his body. A group of monks were frightened by him and did not dare to step forward. They could only watch the killing heart leave and head for the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

"Quickly, go and notify the abbot."

A monk said quickly.

At this time, the killing heart had arrived at the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, with a violent murderous aura surging through his body, and the whole person was like a killing god.

In front of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, Lan Yu frowned slightly.

She was waiting for Madman Chu here, but she didn't expect the murderous heart to come suddenly, and it seemed that those who came were not good.

She saw such a murderous monk for the first time.

"Mad Chu is here?"

Killing Xin said lightly, his voice as cold as a stone.

"Not bad."

"Let him come out for me."

"When the son wants to come out, he will naturally come out. Before that, if the son doesn't come out, no one wants to go in."

Lan Yu said indifferently, his body was covered with a layer of armor.

She found that the person in front of her was hostile to Madman Chu.

This alone is enough to prepare her for battle.

"Oh, you are the rumored Young Emperor Lan Yu, the followers around Madman Chu, it seems that if you want to get him out, you have to pass your level first." Said Killing Xin, a layer of Buddha's light poured out of his body. .

The Buddha's light is vast and bright, but the murderous intent is awe-inspiring. The combination of the two gives people a very contradictory feeling.

But it is undeniable that the killing power is very strong, at least it has brought a lot of pressure to Lan Yu.

She took out the scepter of light, ready to fight anytime.

When the two of them were at war, a light of Buddha suddenly rose into the sky in the Buddhist scripture pavilion, transforming into golden buddha lotus in the void, and the rhyme of compassion filled the sky.

When I saw the killing heart, my heart was shocked, "This Daoyun is the saint method of my Leiyin Temple, Jinlian Town Thousand Demons!!"

At this moment, another Taoist rhyme spread out from the Buddha's light, turning into a Buddha shadow holding a lowering magic pestle with horizontal eyebrows and vertical eyes.

In addition, there is a Taoist rhyme surrounding the void, echoing with a burst of Sanskrit sounds, unconsciously calming down, and even the murderous intent of killing in front of this Sanskrit sounds has not consciously reduced a lot.

"Sage law, Vajra image!"

"Sage method, meditation curse!"

Murderously looking at the direction of the Tibetan Scripture I saw that there are countless Taoist rhymes manifested in the pavilion. In addition to the most famous sage method of Leiyin Temple, there are other Buddhist practices. !

The all over the sky made the killing heart stunned.

"How is it possible, what is going on?!"

Murderous looking at the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion in disbelief.

"This should be made by Daoist Chu." At this time, the voice of Huixin, the abbot of Leiyin Temple, sounded after Killing Heart.

Killing Xin turned around and looked around and said: "Impossible, how long has he just been in, how can he release this kind of Taoist rhyme."

"Nothing is impossible." Hui Xin shook her head. "In the past, the Daoist Chu spent a long time in the Ten Thousand Fa Sect to comprehend the eight thousand laws. This is well known in the world, and it is not uncommon for him to be able to comprehend the saint laws of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

"Yes, but this is too fast!"

Judging from the Dao rhyme released by the madman Chu, with a murderous tone and a complicated Dao, he hasn't had a deep understanding of the other party for half his life!

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