Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 295: : The points are crushed, and the 4 sea towers are included, which makes people not li

Chapter 295 The Points Crush

Madman Chu returned to the viewing platform and saw Murong Xuan sitting on the ground with a pale face, cold sweat on his forehead.

"What's wrong with him, is he hurt too badly?"

Madman Chu didn't even think about it, so he threw a spring breeze and raining technique directly, and Murong Xuan's injuries quickly recovered.

But he still sat on the ground softly.

"Head, he was scared."

Jun Yi said funnyly beside her.



After Murongxuan defeated Li Yin, after returning, he heard that the Madman Chu was betting against fifteen saints.

This scared him to death on the spot, and he couldn't imagine how much Xuan Tianzong would have to lose if he lost?

Didn't he become a sinner of Xuantianzong? !

Thinking of that situation, he couldn't even stand steady.

"Head, you really dare to bet, what should I do if I lose, my life is not worth so many spirit stones."

Murong Xuan said without tears.

"Then did you lose?"


"That's all right?" Madman Chu said lightly.

This trust made Murong Xuan feel heavy in his heart. He was almost crying, and wanted to rush to give Madman Chu a hug.

Madman Chu kicked him away, "I won a lot today. After I go back, I will pay for everything I want to eat and play."

"The head is mighty!"

Everyone was extremely excited.

"Head, look, how can I say that this gambling game was played for me, I won't make this point at all." Murong Xuan said with a shy face.


"Don't be the head, just a little bit."

Seeing the frolicking Xuantianzong people, the faces of the other people in the Taoist line were twitching, but they couldn't help them.

On the referee stand, the thirteen prefects were no longer in the mood to preside over the game, and the twelve referees replaced him and said: “Because only two contestants of Xuan Tianzong in Group D advance to the fourth round of the third link, Xuan Tianzong automatically Ten more points!"

"This is the end of all the competitions in the third session. Now let's announce the points of each orthodoxy. Please take a look."

After the twelve prefects had finished speaking, a light curtain appeared in the sky, listing the points earned by the various Taoist traditions in each link.

Among them, Xuan Tianzong took the first place with an absolute advantage of two hundred and thirty-five points, while the second-placed Overlord Saint Clan had one hundred and forty points, which was nearly 100 points away from Xuan Tianzong!

"Oh my God, Xuan Tianzong is too ridiculous."

"Yes, no one can stop Xuan Tianzong, right? The champion of this competition must be Xuan Tianzong."

"I think so."

"too strong."

"Xuantianzong is invincible!!"

The rest of the Dao Tong looked at this point gap, frowning, Xuan Tianzong has maintained an absolutely strong lead in all links since the game, especially in the second link, Lan Yu won one against one hundred. One hundred and fifty-six points.

Now, Xuantianzong's points far exceed other Taoist traditions. If the opponent is allowed to win this way, Xuantianzong's victory in this competition is almost a certainty.

Heavenly King Palace, Tyrant Saint Clan, Fengyun Mountain, the three leaders of the Orthodoxy, who ranked first in the other three groups, looked ugly.

It is also the first place in each group, but Xuan Tianzong's performance is many times stronger than theirs.

The members of Group D turned even darker, and the points of Xuan Tianzong were obtained by stepping on them.

"We can't win Xuan Tianzong anymore, even if Xuan Tianzong loses in the next link, their points can still crush us." Linghu Family Master said in a gloomy tone.

"Although we can't win, but if we exit in such an embarrassing manner, it would seem that we are too incompetent, and we have to let Xuantianzong be embarrassed for a while!" Patriarch Lei Yan stared at Xuantianzong's direction.

The rest of the Ding group has the same idea.

The third link is over.

Madman Chu took everyone away.

At night, it was a carnival.

Madman Chu, who won 4.5 billion high-grade spirit stones, didn't spare the spirit stones and went to the Four Seas restaurant.

"Boss, you restaurant, I have taken it."

Madman Chu came to the restaurant, and said to the restaurant owner.

Hearing what he said, as the largest restaurant in City One, the shopkeeper of Sihai Restaurant was taken aback.

Then he smiled faintly: "This fellow Taoist is joking. As the largest restaurant in City One, he wants to pack this place. It costs at least one million high-grade spirit stones a night, and there are many distinguished guests in our restaurant. If you are a fellow Taoist, others may be dissatisfied."

"Take it." Madman Chu threw out a Qiankun ring and said with a faint smile: "There are five million high-grade spirit stones, which is not enough to add. As for the others, I told them that Madman Chu has reserved the venue."

The shopkeeper took the Qiankun Ring and looked at the top-grade spirit stones full of dangdang and swallowed. With so many top-grade spirit stones, it was comparable to the two-month running water of Sihailou.

When I heard the name of Madman Chu, the shopkeeper was even more stunned. Oh my god, it was this grandpa!

"Chu Daoist, please, I will let the others leave. Tonight, Sihai Restaurant will serve you all." The shopkeeper gave a flattering smile and bowed his body to welcome Madman Chu and others into the restaurant.

The waiters in the restaurant also started chasing customers, and everyone who had eaten well was suddenly dissatisfied.

"Who, so big, dare to book a place?"

"The same is true for the Four Seas Restaurant. Last time there was a Sage Orthodox leader who wanted to book a place, so this time it will be done?"

"I haven't finished my meal yet."

Faced with the dissatisfaction of the people, a deacon stepped forward and said: "Please be safe, everyone, and we apologize. This consumption is all free, and you are welcome to visit Sihailou next time."

"Deacon Wang, who dares to cover the audience with such a big air?"

An aristocratic child in City One was dissatisfied.

He is considered a frequent visitor to Sihai Tower, and in so many years, he has not seen a few times that anyone can cover Sihai Tower.

"It's the head of Chu of Xuantianzong."

The deacon smiled faintly.


The wine glass in the hand of the family fell directly to the ground, "The head of Chu of Xuan Tianzong, is Chu Madman?!"


"It turned out to be him, then when I didn't ask anything, I would leave first." The family said with a smile.

When the others heard that Madman Chu had booked the venue, they immediately lost their temper.

"It turned out to be the head of Chu, Chu head is magnificent!"

"Yes, it's worthy of being the head. Since the head of Chu has such an interest, we don't want to disturb, so let's say goodbye."

No one dared to have an opinion when the madman of Chu booked the venue.

Even the top monk family in City One, after hearing the words Chu Kuangren, did not dare to have any presumption.

Slipped away...

Deacon Wang sent everyone out.

Outside the restaurant a few people walked towards us.

Deacon Wang walked up and said, "You guys, I'm sorry, today our restaurant was booked by the head of Chu, so we won't pick up customers."

"Which head of Chu is so pompous?"

These people are a few geniuses of Taoism.

They lost in the game today and were planning to come to Sihailou to relax their sorrows by drinking alcohol, but they did not expect to be booked out.

Lei Mingtian couldn't help but frown, very dissatisfied.

Beside, Fairy Piaoxue's heart moved, "The head of Chu, the head of Chu of Xuantianzong."


The hearts of several Tianjiao became more and more aggrieved. Not to mention this loss to others, now that they want to use alcohol to dissolve their sorrows, the restaurants are all covered by them.

Let people live? !

(End of this chapter)

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