Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 305: : Junyi Zhanjinnian, Echo Mine, don’t force me to demolish City 1

Chapter 305 Jun Yi fights Jinnian, echo mine, don't force me to demolish the first city

"It's not necessary to put such a big one in the arena, but what kind of Myriad Secret Realm, what the **** is this?"

The madman of Chu frowned slightly.

"Chu madman, it is very rare for Xuan Tianzong to get to this point, but today, we have to decide on this champion!"

The Lord of the Heavenly King said to the madman Chu.

Madman Chu glanced at him, "The patriarch of the Overlord Body Saint Clan said the same before, but his Young Master was nailed to the wall."

"Then wait and see."

The Palace Lord of the Heavenly King was not angry, and smiled faintly, as if he was holding the winning ticket, as if he had something to rely on.

"I think this final is a bit tricky." Madman Chu touched his chin, his eyes swept across the arrogances of the Heavenly Palace.

The eye of insight works.

These Tianjiao has not changed much, and the strength is still the same. Compared with Nangong Huang and others, Nangong Huang and others still have a big chance of winning.

Where did the palace lord come from that day?

Thinking of this, Madman Chu looked at the referee's bench.

"Couldn't it be buying the referee?!"

"No way, is this saint orthodoxy so shameless? And even if the referee is bought out, can they still turn black and white in full view?" Madman Chu thought to himself.

As he thought about it, the game had already begun.

The representative sent in the first battle of the Heavenly Palace is Jinnian.

"Head, let me go first."

Jun Yi smiled faintly. Regarding Jinnian's strength, she had seen it in previous games, and she was confident to beat the opponent.

Madman Chu compared the information of both parties.

On her own, Junyi's winning rate is over 80%. After thinking about it, she agreed, "Be careful about everything."

"it is good."

Jun Yi nodded, and then walked into the arena.

She and Jinnian looked at each other and walked into the aperture together.

When they reappeared, the two were already in a spacious underground cave, surrounded by dark candlelights swaying.

Jun Yi looked around and found that the stone wall of the cave contained some strange substance, like some kind of ore.

"Is this a certain mineral vein?"

Jun Yi thought to herself.

At this time, a palm of air whizzed from behind her.

A sword appeared in Jun Yi's hand, and she chopped out an aqua-blue sword aura with her backhand, disintegrating her palm, and taking advantage of the momentum, she retreated dozens of feet.

Opposite her, Jinnian in a red dress looked at her, surging Tao Yun flowing all over her body, raising her hand and hitting her with another palm.

"Is this the sage's six combined palms of the Heavenly King Palace?"

Jun Yi recognized this kind of hand and fought back with a sword.

The long sword was swung, and the water-blue sword light seemed to have turned into an endless wave. It was the saint Fa Hai Chao sword art.

She practiced water-based swordsmanship. This set of swordsmanship fits her very well, and the power she exerts is actually stronger than that of Nangong Huang.

The surging sword aura disintegrated his palm, Jinnian's expression suddenly changed, and he couldn't help being blasted onto the stone wall by the sword aura.

"What a powerful sword spirit."

Jinnian was shocked secretly.

"If you don't want to suffer, give up."

Jun Yi said lightly.

"Give up, how is it possible?"

Jinnian took out a guqin, "Let you see the power of the first qindao in my heavenly palace."

And the moment she took out the guqin, Jun Yi had already attacked it immediately, surrounded by sword energy, like a tsunami.

Jinnian's face changed, and his fingers flirted.

Zheng Zhengzheng's piano sound reverberated in the cave, the vastness and majestic like the arrival of the emperor, the whole cave was turbulent.

The violent sound of the piano shattered the sword energy around Jun Yi, and instantly blasted her back, and the hands holding the sword were trembling slightly.

"how is this possible?!"

Junyi couldn't believe it.

She had seen Jinnian's piano in the competition before, but the power of the opponent's piano was far from the current level.

How could it suddenly increase so much?

Not to mention Junyi, Jinnian couldn't believe it.

"How is this going?"

"Wait..." Jinnian suddenly discovered something, looked at the surrounding mountain walls, and said in surprise: "This is a mine, and the ore in it turned out to be Echo Stone."

Echo Stone, as the name suggests, is a kind of stone that can produce echo. One or two echo stones will not enhance the power of the piano sound.

But now this is a whole echo vein!

Jinnian's piano tone can get a huge increase here, and I am afraid that it will be easy for her to deal with a supreme supreme here.

"Ha, God helped me too!"

Jinnian thought that he was lucky, and the place of the competition actually fell here, excited and quickly moved the strings.

The sound of the piano reverberates crazily in this entire echo vein. With the blessing of this vein, it will last forever and increase its power!

Boom, boom!

Waves of piano sounds slammed into Jun Yi crazily like a tide. Even though Jun Yi tried her best to resist and urge her sword energy, she still couldn't see enough in front of this kind of blessed power.

Soon, Junyi was severely injured. She held the long sword firmly, urging her spiritual power to resist the sound of the piano, and forcibly moved her body to attack, but her consciousness had begun to blur under the interference of the sound of the piano.

Than the battlefield, the viewing platform.

A surging Taoist rhyme swept out with anger.

Madman Chu stared at the referee's bench, "I need an explanation, why are there echo veins in the game?"

Under the coercion of the Madman Chu, the thirteen prefects only felt that their calves were a little weak. He bit his head and said: "The Vientiane Secret Realm contains many scenes. The game is randomly selected from these scenes."

"Are you telling me that it was our bad luck and we got this echo vein at random in the game?"

Madman Chu said coldly.

"Head of Chu, please stay calm and not restless. You can't blame the referee on your own bad luck."

The Lord of the Heavenly King smiled faintly.

"Is it really luck? The Heavenly King Palace Master should know better than I am." Madman Chu suppressed his anger.

"Head, it's not good, Junyi can't hold it anymore."

Murong Xuan said solemnly.

Under the influence of Qin Yin, Jun Yi in the mine had already begun to bleed. But even so, she still supported her and did not fall, but everyone could see that she couldn't win.

"This time, we surrender!"

Madman Chu said coldly to the thirteen prefects.

It is impossible for him to catch Junyi's life for a game.

"Unless the person involved admits defeat in person or it is determined that she has lost consciousness and has no ability to resist, the game will end. Otherwise, even the head of Chu will not have the right to suspend the game before then."

The thirteen prefects said lightly, with a smile in his eyes.

He lost so many spirit stones from Madman Chu, he was naturally resentful towards the other party. At this time, seeing the other party slumped, his heart was secretly refreshed.


A sword aura swept across the thirteen prefecture's side, and the referee's bench was divided into two. The thirteen prefecture was frightened to the ground by the sudden sword aura, and a chill spread from his back. It quickly swept through his body, as if he had just walked before the gate of a ghost.

"Don't force me to demolish City One!"

Madman Chu's eyes were as cold as a sword, looking at the Thirteen Prefect Tao.

This time, the thirteen prefects didn't dare to say anything more, and quickly opened the aperture, sending Jinnian and Junyi back to the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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