Leng Chengyu took a closer look at the houses in this village again. The red bricks and green tiles seemed to be nothing unusual at first glance, but when I looked closely, they found that the red bricks were bright and the green tiles were strange.

   Leng Chengyu patted his head and suddenly remembered.

   These houses look like those paper houses that were burned to the dead during the sacrifices in previous lives.

   Thinking of this, Leng Chengyu suddenly felt cold all over, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that this place was extremely strange.

   However, Leng Chengyu also began to slowly learn to adapt.

   After all, this is a world of terrifying resurrection, and this village in the lake is a village where ghosts live.

   It's strange that a human being here doesn't feel weird.

   In order to earn the value of helping ghosts, in order to be able to get rid of invisible ghosts, in order to be able to deal with chronic poisons on the body, in order to survive better in this world.

   Leng Chengyu must learn to adapt to this world.

   Leng Chengyu has done a good job before.

   Thinking of making money to help ghosts as a pleasure, Leng Chengyu walked to the door of a house.

   He wants to go up and knock on the door to see if the ghosts living inside need help.

  Before meeting the leader of the water ghost, I can earn a fortune to help the ghost, and I have more support in my heart.

   Leng Chengyu just walked to the door of a house.

   Suddenly, the sound of the system in his mind rang.

   "Ding! The system has detected that within one meter in front of the host, a ghost needs help..."

   Within one meter ahead?

   Hearing this system prompt, Leng Chengyu couldn't help his pupils shrink.

   Within one meter ahead, isn’t that right inside the gate?

   In other words, there is a ghost peeping at Leng Chengyu inside the gate.

   Leng Chengyu raised his hand to knock on the door, his palms were sweaty.

   His hand stopped there, worrying whether the ghost would harm him.

   But, in order to earn a helping hand for fun, even if he was afraid, Leng Chengyu knocked on the door.


   In this quiet lake village, Leng Chengyu’s knock on the door was unusually loud, and it seemed that the knock on the door could spread throughout the village.

   "Is there anyone inside? Can you open the door? I'm lost."

   Leng Chengyu asked loudly into the gate.

   At this time, a man's voice came from inside the door: "No one."

   Leng Chengyu wondered: "Aren't you just a human?"

   Another voice came from inside the door: "I am not a human being, I am a ghost, you are in the wrong place."

   Leng Chengyu was taken aback.

   He seems to be right. Indeed, this is a village where ghosts live.

   Leng Chengyu asked the wrong thing just now, he should not ask if there is anyone, but if there is a ghost.

   However, how did Leng Chengyu feel that this sentence was so abrupt, so he couldn't ask it.

Leng Chengyu took a breath and continued: "Whether you are a man or a ghost, can you open the door and come out and show me the way? I just came in here, and the ghost that led me is gone. I'm lost. Up."

  Who knows, the ghost inside didn't want to open the door at all, and even Leng Chengyu could hear it, and the voice of the ghost inside started to be scared.

   "You go quickly, don't bother me, you knock on my door here, you are harming me."

   "How could I harm you?" Leng Chengyu asked in confusion.

   "Our leader does not allow us to contact outsiders, you go quickly, don't come to harm me."

   After finishing speaking, the ghost inside deliberately walked out of footsteps and moved away from the door.

  Unable to earn this ghost's help for the ghost, Leng Chengyu had to walk towards the door of another house.

   Just about to knock on the door, the system voice in Leng Chengyu's mind rang again.

   "Ding! The system has detected that within one meter in front of the host, a ghost needs help..."

   Leng Chengyu raised his hand to knock on the door and stopped there again.

  What's the matter with the ghosts here? Why do you love peeping behind the door?

   But in order to earn a helping hand for fun, Leng Chengyu temporarily ignored the doubts in his heart, and finally knocked on the door with his raised hand.


   The knock on the door rang again in this quiet lake village.

   Like a ripple splashing on the calm water, it quickly spread to the entire village.

   "Don't knock, you go, don't bother us."

   Inside the gate was a short and anxious voice from a woman.

   Before Leng Chengyu had spoken, the woman inside had already spoken, and when she walked into the house, there was deliberately loud footsteps when she left.

   It seems that it is not only for Leng Chengyu, but also for other people, or what the **** is it.

   Leng Chengyu no matter how unresponsive at this time, he also realized a problem.

   That is, the ghosts living in the lake village are afraid.

  What are they afraid of?

   Leng Chengyu's first thought was that they were afraid of the blue giant and the leader they said.

   And is this leader the leader of the water ghost?

   When Leng Chengyu was thinking about the blue giant, the blue giant suddenly appeared in front of him, and Leng Chengyu jumped.

"When did you come back?"

   The blue giant did not answer Leng Chengyu’s question, but said: "I have already reported to the leader, you can go with me now."

   Leng Chengyu followed the blue giant and quickly came to a tall and majestic house.

   The door of this house is very big, just like that of a yamen, different from the door of ordinary residents.

   And the words "Chief Leader's Mansion" are written on the gate.

   But here is so deserted~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is no ghost standing guard by the door. Although the door is open, when Leng Chengyu looked inside, he didn't see a ghost.

   is very wide inside.

   But there is no ghost inside.

   "That's it, you can go in first." said the blue giant.

   Leng Chengyu came here to solve the boss of the water ghost, and this boss is most likely the boss of the water ghost.

   So, no matter what, Leng Chengyu will go in for a while with the leader.

   Leng Chengyu stepped into it.

   When Leng Chengyu walked inside, he found that the blue giant had also entered through the gate.

   The blue giant is very big and very tall. To walk in through the gate, the blue giant must get in like a cat or a dog.

   Why doesn't the blue giant fly in from the sky? Is it the rule of the leader? The blue giant is also afraid of the leader?

   Leng Chengyu was puzzled.

   After entering inside, the blue giant led the way again.

   And this time there is no gate on the road I have traveled, but I walked forward from a very wide promenade.

   This chieftain's mansion is really big. After walking a long distance in the promenade and turning a few turns, the blue giant stopped and said, "Here is the place."

   Leng Chengyu and the blue giant came to a very spacious courtyard.

   Leng Chengyu looked around, and found that there was a large and long stone table in the courtyard with several stone benches around it.

   Leng Chengyu felt that the leader should be here to meet him.

   So, Leng Chengyu walked directly to the stone table.

  Who knows, the blue giant pointed to a dry well in the courtyard and said, "Where are you going."


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