Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 110: Watching the leader perform

   The leader raised his head and said, "You must be very curious. I let the blue giant lead you to see me, but instead of coming directly to the ancestral hall to see me, I pushed you into the well, right?"

   Leng Chengyu also raised his head, looking at the leader who had already sat up and spoke to him in an arrogant tone.

   However, Leng Chengyu just watched quietly without making any indication, although he was also very curious in his heart.

Seeing that Leng Chengyu did not respond, the leader frowned slightly, and continued: "That's because I want to test you. Only after you pass the test are you eligible to come here. Congratulations, you passed the test. ."

   Leng Chengyu listened to the leader's words, but still did not speak, just looking at the leader, as if watching an actor performing.

Under the light of a small candle, the leader’s face was slightly embarrassed. He asked and replied: "You must be very curious, why should I test you? That is because our Lake Village has encountered a big problem and needs your help. We solve it."

After speaking, the leader paused again and looked at Leng Chengyu. Seeing that Leng Chengyu still didn’t say a word, he had no choice but to say to himself: "You should really want to know what major problems our Huzhong Village has encountered. Right?"

  Although Leng Chengyu was also very strange in his heart, Leng Chengyu still looked at the leader with the mentality of watching a movie.

   Because of this leader, Leng Chengyu does not have a good impression.

   When he tested him in the well before, not only did he care about his life or death, but the little girl ghost in the well, because she could not contain him, was squeezed out of her soul.

   Such a cruel leader, Leng Chengyu would naturally not give a good face.

   Leng Chengyu only listened quietly because he was curious.

   Plus, Leng Chengyu came here to earn a helping hand.

   also wanted to solve the water ghost boss.

   And Leng Chengyu still doesn't know if this leader is the water ghost leader.

   Leng Chengyu even wondered whether the problem in the Lake Village was caused by the leader of the water ghost.

   So, after Leng Chengyu listened to the leader sitting in the coffin, he didn't get bored so much that he immediately turned around and left, but listened without saying a word.

   Leng Chengyu knew that the leader of the Huzhong Village wanted him, and he would definitely finish his sentence.

   And the leader of Huzhong Village saw that Leng Chengyu didn't give him any face, his face showed a trace of anger.

However, he continued: "Our lake village has suffered an unprecedented disaster. We have been invaded by an outsider. If this outsider is not destroyed, this outsider will destroy our lake village and take all of our lake village. All the ghosts are used as his belly lunch."

   After speaking, the leader turned his eyes to look at Leng Chengyu, he very much hoped that Leng Chengyu could ask questions curiously.

   However, Leng Chengyu still stood there quietly, holding the Guan Gong knife in his hand, and said nothing.

   The leader didn't want to speak alone, so he cast his eyes on the blue giant.

   The blue giant understood the leader's meaning, and he said to Leng Chengyu: "Our leader called you to help our Huzhong Village resist this foreign enemy."

   Leng Chengyu glanced back at the villagers in the lake village sitting on the ground behind him.

  The ghosts of the villagers in Huzhong Village, mostly silently lowered their heads, with a very sad expression.

Leng Chengyu looked at the villagers behind him, and at the same time, he waited for the ghost-helping system in his mind to sound a reminder to see if he wanted to help Huzhong Village resist this foreign enemy. After helping, could he be able to help the ghosts for pleasure. value.

   However, the system in my mind was very calm, and there was no sound.

   After Leng Chengyu couldn't wait for the sound of the system, he turned his head to look at the leader sitting in the coffin, and lazily said: "Why should I help you resist foreign enemies?"

   Leng Chengyu didn't even bother to ask what kind of foreign enemy it was.

   Leng Chengyu feels that the villagers here seem to be very afraid of the leader, and they all seem to be miserable.

   I am afraid that it is just the idea of ​​a person from the leader.

   If that is the case, Leng Chengyu is not willing to help the leader at all, besides, the leader may be the leader of the water ghost.

   And he came here to help the ghosts for pleasure, but to solve the water ghost boss.

   Does he still help this leader defend against foreign enemies?

   It's good if he doesn't unite with foreign enemies to deal with this leader.

Seeing that Leng Chengyu did not agree, the leader said: "The foreign enemy who has violated us is an evil spirit. I guess you must be a ghost guard of the Union of Guardians of Ghosts. Don't you want to live peacefully with spirits that are not threatening to humans? Now that the ghosts of Lake Village who are willing to live peacefully with mankind are in distress, shouldn't you, as the ghost defender of the Alliance of Ghost Defenders, help?"

"Since you are talking about the new regulations of the Alliance of Ghosts, let me put it plainly." Leng Chengyu said, "According to the investigation of the Alliance of Ghosts, most of the ghosts in this lake are indeed It is kind and can indeed live in peace with mankind.

   However, there is another evil spirit here, and that is the leader of the water ghost who caused many capsizing incidents. I wonder if you know where the water ghost leader is or you are the water ghost leader? "

   "Jie Jie Jie..."

At this time, the leader suddenly made a scalp-numbing laugh. He looked at Leng Chengyu coldly and said, "Do you think the villagers in Huzhong Village are pitiful? You see that they are strangely shaped, everyone is There are different kinds of pain, can't you pity them?"

   Then the leader suddenly changed his words: "Did you watch them die?"

  As soon as he finished speaking, the leader's face became hideous, and a group of dark shadows suddenly appeared in the ancestral hall, and the room became even darker.

   Even with the candlelight in it, it has become much dim than before.

   Then, a black shadow appeared on the roof of the ancestral hall.

   This group of black shadows stretched and lengthened, turning into a shadow claw, slowly extending towards the villagers sitting on the ground.

   soon came to a villager sitting near the ancestral hall.

   Suddenly, Shadow Claw wrapped around the villagers quickly, very fast.

  The shadow claws wrapped all the villagers, and the villagers disappeared, only to see the dark black shadow claws tightening like a cloth bag.

   Soon, there was a scream from the villagers in Shadowclaw.

   The shadow claws opened, and the villagers were already gone, turned into a wisp of white air, and were sucked into the shadow claws.

   After controlling the shadow claw to crush the villager, the leader looked at Leng Chengyu with a playful look and asked: "Do you agree to help me fight foreign enemies now?"

   Seeing that Leng Chengyu still did not speak, the shadow claws outside continued to grow larger, covering all the villagers.

   However, he kept a certain distance from Leng Chengyu. He should be afraid of the Guan Gong knife in Leng Chengyu's hands.


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