Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 112: The invisible ghost is gone

   As soon as the leader of the lake village came out of the water, Leng Chengyu's action made the invisible ghost angry.

The invisible ghost stared at the leader who only dared half of his body to emerge from the water, and coldly snorted: "You have long been able to endure. I can't think of your water ghost leader in a small lake, and dare to unite with the ghost defenders of the ghost defenders alliance to deal with me! "

The leader of Huzhong Village popped his entire body out of the water, with his hands on his hips, flushed, and angrily said at the invisible ghost: "What? Are you scared? Tell you, I'm not that threatening, let me give you every day Send 10 villagers, do you think you raised the villagers in my lake?

   I wanted to get rid of you a long time ago, and now I finally found a helper, my shadow claw, plus his knife, to deal with the injured you, do you think you still have a way to survive? "

   "Jie Jie Jie..."

   The invisible ghost suddenly let out a crippling laugh, and his severed hand that stirred the water on the lake and the severed hand that grabbed the blue giant suddenly disappeared, and soon returned to his body.

After    cut off his hand and took it back, the invisible ghost suddenly disappeared without any warning.

"Where did he go?"

   Leng Chengyu clenched the Guan Gong knife in his hand, and watched vigilantly at the place where the invisible ghost disappeared.

   Leng Chengyu didn't know whether the invisible ghost escaped because he was afraid that he would unite with the leader of Huzhong Village, or he wanted to take the opportunity to sneak attacks and defeat them all.

   And Leng Chengyu looked at the place where the invisible ghost disappeared. He looked very carefully, but he couldn't see the trace of the invisible ghost's actions after it disappeared.

   Logically speaking, even if the invisible ghost is invisible, if the invisible ghost goes to other places, it will bring a little wind and a little trace will be exposed.

   However, Leng Chengyu didn't see it at all.

   The place where the invisible ghost disappeared was very quiet. There were many leaves on the ground, but there was no trace of the invisible ghost stepping on it.

   Still, the invisible ghost is still there? He just became invisible and didn't go anywhere else?

   In order to verify the thoughts in his mind, Leng Chengyu walked over quickly, raised the Guan Gong knife, and slashed a few times where the invisible ghost disappeared.

   However, Leng Chengyu's Guan Gong knife didn't cut anything.

   There are two reasons why Leng Chengyu's Guan Gong knife didn't cut anything. One is that the invisible ghost is no longer where it was, and the other is that the invisible ghost avoided Leng Chengyu's Guan Gong knife.

   However, Leng Chengyu didn't notice the wind that the invisible ghost was evading, let alone the wind, even if Leng Chengyu felt that the invisible ghost was evading, there was no trace of it.

   Obviously, after the invisible ghost became invisible, it should have floated to other places, because there were no traces of leaves being stepped on.

   So, where did the invisible ghost go?

   Leng Chengyu looked back at the leader of the lake village standing on the lake, worried: "The invisible ghost has disappeared. I don't know where it went. What should we do now?"

   Leng Chengyu is really nervous now, he couldn't help asking the leader of Huzhong Village for advice.

   Because the invisible ghost disappeared after being invisible, Leng Chengyu felt very worried.

  If the invisible ghost escaped, it would be okay. If it did not escape, but hided, suddenly came out to attack, or possessed Leng Chengyu's body.

   Then, Leng Chengyu had nothing to do, he could only wait to die.

   The leader standing on the lake, glanced at Leng Chengyu, and slowly said, "Or, you should go to the back of the rockery to take a look. That's where he hid and healed his injuries."

   Leng Chengyu frowned.

   It's already this time, and the leader still behaves so calmly.

   However, Leng Chengyu still followed the leader's words and quickly ran behind the rockery.

   Leng Chengyu saw that there was a hole behind the rockery. The entrance of the hole was so small that only one person could go in. The inside of the hole was dark and nothing could be seen.

  The situation in the cave is unknown, and Leng Chengyu did not dare to get in.

   Leng Chengyu directly raised the Guan Gong knife and slashed towards the rockery.

   Leng Chengyu wants to split this hole in the rockery to expose the hole.

   After slicing several times, the rockery finally collapsed, and the hole inside was also exposed.

   The entrance to the hole where only one person could enter, was chopped by Leng Chengyu so that three or four people could enter.

   The top of the cave was originally covered by rockery rocks, but Leng Chengyu split all the rocks on it.

   The whole hole is not like a hole anymore, only a few collapsed stones that are not taller than the knee surround the edge.

   Bright light shines into the hole that is no longer covered by stones.

   Leng Chengyu looked in and saw nothing inside except for the leaves and the traces of the invisible ghost sitting inside.

   Leng Chengyu stepped in, while waving Guan Gong's knife, hacking inside.

   hacked it all over without dead ends.

   But, nothing was cut, the invisible ghost was not there at all.

   Leng Chengyu had to look back at the leader who was still standing on the lake and shouted, "He is not here."

Although the leader is not a trustworthy person, Leng Chengyu still expressed his scruples to him: "I am not afraid that he will run away, I am afraid that he will suddenly come out to attack, what should we do now? There is no good way?"

   And the leader at this time is still very calm, UU reading www.uukanshu. com, he smiled slightly and said, "If he didn't run away, then the possibility of his sneak attack is indeed very high, but he is not a water ghost, he dare not come to the lake to fight with me.

   Therefore, I think he is most likely to attack you. You have to be careful, the most important thing you have to be careful of is behind you. "

   As if to fulfill the leader's words, Leng Chengyu suddenly felt the wind behind him.

   Leng Chengyu didn't care about the three seven twenty one, and swung Guan Gong's knife and slashed behind him.

   But nothing was hacked.

   Leng Chengyu continued to make up a few more knives, but still didn't chop anything.

   didn't know if it happened to be the wind, or the invisible ghost really suddenly appeared behind Leng Chengyu, and then left suddenly.

   Leng Chengyu was very nervous, he looked back at the leader who was still standing calmly on the lake, as if watching a play, and asked: "Do you know the weakness of the invisible ghost?"

The chief    still said faintly: "His biggest weakness is that he has been injured. If the two of us unite, your sword and my shadow claws, he should not be able to fight.

   So I think it's better for you to come to the lake and defend him with me. It's best to back-to-back, one-man defense, so that you won't be afraid of him attacking. "

   "Go to the lake?"

   Leng Chengyu looked at the leader standing on the lake with eyebrows.

   This leader is not trustworthy, let alone give him his back!

   This leader may also take advantage of Leng Chengyu's attention and suddenly eat Leng Chengyu, or breathe Leng Chengyu's yang energy.

  When he was in Murai in the lake, the shadow claw wanted to reach out and squeeze Leng Chengyu to death. Had it not been for Leng Chengyu's public sword, he would have died at that time.


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