"Starting to get a system of helping ghosts for fun (!

Zhong Dakui looked at Leng Chengyu with a smile on his face and said, "It's not bad, it's really a talent."

Then, he turned his head and praised Hong Qingsheng: "You will find talent very well, you are right to choose him, you have done a good job, and you will continue to work hard in the future."

The other squadron captains looked envious, and at the same time all had to praise Leng Chengyu with a smile on his face.

"Although he is a newcomer, he is indeed very capable."

"We agreed with him to join the plan."

"Captain Hong was right to choose him to join the plan."

When Leng Chengyu heard them say this, he was dumbfounded.

What are they talking about? What plan to join?

Hong Qingsheng also saw Leng Chengyu's doubts, and he explained to Leng Chengyu with a smile on his face.

"You must be very surprised that after receiving the call, Chairman Zhong came over and wanted to see you in particular? That's because the call just now was from the person in charge who was going to check whether your mission was really completed. He said you did kill. The evil spirit who destroyed the cemetery has successfully completed this mission."

"It turned out to be so."

Leng Chengyu finally understood.

It turns out that the authenticity of his mission has been confirmed, and the attitude of these high-level officials will change.

However, even if the task is completed, there is no need to come here with such a big fanfare, just to see if he really completes the task, right?

Seeing Leng Chengyu still having doubts on his face, Hong Qingsheng continued to explain: "You have completed this mission, it proves that you have the ability to join President Zhong's big plan."

"Big plan? What big plan?"

Leng Chengyu asked in confusion.

At this time, President Zhong actually came forward and patted Leng Chengyu on the shoulder and said: "You will know when you come to the meeting place when the meeting is in the afternoon, and I will let Captain Hong Zhong personally inform you at that time."

Then Chairman Zhong couldn’t help but praised Leng Chengyu: “You’re very good. You just joined the Xicheng District Defense Line Station and immediately completed two tricky tasks. Just like Captain Hong Zhong said, you are indeed qualified. Join my big plan.

This plan of mine is very important, so I came out to meet you in person. Only in this way can I feel relieved. Now that I see you, I am finally relieved. "

President Zhong went on to care again: "You just completed such a difficult task as the ghost incident in the cemetery. You didn't suffer any injuries, right?"

At this time, the captain of the first squadron, Chen Fei, came out immediately and said: "Yes, Chairman Zhong asked if you were injured. If you are seriously injured, although you are eligible to participate in the big plan, you do not necessarily need to participate. Being eligible is one thing, being able to participate is another thing, but you can be an alternate."

"What alternate? Are you jealous of our second squadron's ability to recruit such outstanding talents?"

Hong Qingsheng was dissatisfied with Chen Fei's words.

Then, Hong Qingsheng looked at Leng Chengyu again and asked, "Are you injured? You must answer truthfully. I don't necessarily want you to participate in the plan. Just know that you have this ability. There is still a long way to go."

Chairman Zhong also said: "Yes, are you injured? If you recover from a minor injury in one or two days, you can still participate in this program. If you are seriously injured and need to recuperate for more than half a month, then you will be a standby. Right."

Seeing that the eyes of Chairman Zhong, Hong Qingsheng, Chen Fei, and other squadron leaders focused on him, Leng Chengyu truthfully replied: "Although this mission is very thrilling, fortunately, I am not injured."

"No injuries at all?"

Hong Qingsheng and Zhong Dakui asked in surprise at the same time.

The other squadron leaders also cast questioning glances at Leng Chengyu.

Leng Chengyu said, "There is indeed no injury at all."

However, Chen Fei didn't believe it and said, "I'll know if I've been injured or not. I just brought a doctor."

President Zhong looked at Chen Fei suspiciously: "Have you brought the doctor? Are you so considerate?"

Hong Qingsheng said contemptuously: "Why is he considerate? He is afraid that there will be one more outstanding talent in our team."

Chen Fei asked his doctor to come over immediately to check on Leng Chengyu.

Leng Chengyu lay on the stretcher brought by the doctor and examined the doctor.

After a simple physical examination, the doctor said: "No injuries were detected, but is it true that he was not injured? I will be able to confirm it after I go back to filming."

"Then go back to the station to make a film, and then let him rest first. After watching the film in the afternoon, decide not to let him participate in this big plan."

As President Zhong said, he turned and left.

The other squadron leaders also left with Chairman Zhong.

Hong Qingsheng asked Leng Chengyu with a serious face again: "You said you were not injured, did you lie to us?"

Leng Chengyu said affirmatively: "I'm really not injured."

"That's good." Hong Qingsheng breathed a sigh of relief, "After you go back to film, go back to your residence and rest. I will notify you when the result is out in the afternoon."

Zhong Dakui, Hong Qingsheng and the other squadron leaders got in their own car and went back, while Leng Chengyu and the others got in the car and followed behind.

A long line of cars drove into the gate of the defense line in this way.

And Wu Siwei, who drove behind the team, said with a look of envy: "Unexpectedly, there are so many squadron captains in front of the chairman to clear the way for us, the line is so big!"

Ximen Yiyi, who was sitting in the back seat of Wu Siwei’s car with Leng Chengyu, said: "What's the matter? Leng Chengyu is so good, don’t say that the president opens the way for him, even if the leader of the Union of Ghosts comes to him. You can't open the way too much!"

Then, Ximen Yiyi smiled at Leng Chengyu again and asked, "Is that right, Leng Chengyu?"

Leng Chengyu yawned and said, "It doesn't matter if I can't open the road. Now I just want to go to bed and go to bed immediately after filming. I didn't sleep all night last night and I was almost tired."

The current Leng Chengyu is indeed very sleepy. After all, his soul had been out of the body for so long last night and he had not been able to sleep.

However, Leng Chengyu is still very strange.

Chairman Zhong, and Hong Qingsheng, what plan do you want him to participate in? Seeing President Zhong's cautious look, and seeing Hong Qingsheng's look so expectant, I'm afraid this plan is not only important, but it will also bring great honor.

However, Leng Chengyu didn't care about these, what he cared about was whether he could earn more to help ghosts for pleasure.

Leng Chengyu quickly returned to the defense line station. After filming at the special hospital in the station ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he returned to his own residence to sleep.

In the dimness, I don't know how long I slept, but I heard a knock on the door.

Leng Chengyu had to get up to open the door. He didn't know this time, who was still interrupting him to sleep, he got the permission of President Zhong to rest for the whole morning.

When Leng Chengyu opened the door, he found that the housekeeper Hong Baichuan was standing outside the door.

Leng Chengyu looked at Hong Baichuan blankly.

This Hong Baichuan hasn't bothered me for almost a month, and now he suddenly came back. Is it because he still wants to find a chance to poison me?

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