"Starting to get a system of helping ghosts for fun (!


"Upstairs again."

"What's upstairs?"

"These seven-step ghosts won't be upstairs, will they?"

"Did Qibugui use mysterious power to control him to dissipate and write words on the ground to warn me?"

"However, it seems that the black shadow that can stretch the tongue does not want to hurt me, and it is also fighting against the mysterious power. In order not to hurt me, the mysterious power has turned my body to the point of exploding."

"what on earth is it?"

Looking at the words on the ground, many questions lingered in Leng Chengyu's mind.

"Is it really the seven-step ghost controlling the mysterious power? And those dark shadows don't want to be controlled by the mysterious power. After dissipating, write a word to provide clues to the seven-step ghost, and want me to help them?"

Leng Chengyu suddenly remembered the system's prompt again. The system suggested that the ghosts in this house had very big grudges and needed Leng Chengyu's help to avenge him.

"Are these shadows having enemies with Qibugui?"

"But, at the same time under the control of Qibugui, and Qibugui is waiting for me upstairs?"

No matter what, Leng Chengyu must go upstairs to take a look.

At this time, the "rustle" voice upstairs still continued.

Leng Chengyu wanted to find out what was going on with that "Shushasha" voice? He deliberately stepped very loudly when he went up the stairs.

"DaDaDa" walked up the stairs step by step, and at the same time, Guan Gong's knife dragged on the ground and made a "quack quack" sound.

Leng Chengyu just wanted to send a signal to tell Qibugui upstairs that he was not afraid of him.

And although Leng Chengyu made a very obvious noise, he could already be heard from above the building approaching step by step.

However, the "rusting" above the building was still unmoved, still keeping the same noise as before.

Leng Chengyu couldn't understand, if there was a seven-step ghost upstairs, why did he make this "rustle" sound on it?

Is it accumulating strength?

Waiting for him to go up, and then give him a fatal blow?

This has to be vigilant!

Leng Chengyu listened carefully and found that the rustling sound seemed to be made by sharp claws on the floor. Listening carefully, it made people feel a little bit sore.

Is it really accumulating strength?

But can scraping the floor with ghost claws accumulate power?

Is this the special method of Qibugui to accumulate power?

Leng Chengyu no longer let Guan Gong knife drag on the floor, and no longer let his feet make footsteps deliberately, but walked upstairs lightly.

Leng Chengyu wanted to see exactly what was going on upstairs.

I finally reached the second floor. The door on the second floor was open and the lights in the room were on.

However, just from the angle where Leng Chengyu had just walked up the stairs, when he looked inside the door, there was no ghost at all, and the "Shushasha" sound seemed to be coming from the center of the room.

Moreover, even now, the sound has not stopped, it is still ringing.

He didn't seem to know that Leng Chengyu had already reached the door.

Or he didn't care if Leng Chengyu walked to the door.

Leng Chengyu was about to look inside the door, but at this moment, a smell suddenly floated out of the house.

This odor may be due to the tightly closed windows and everything in the house, only the door next to the stairs is opened, which makes it very stuffy and very smelly.

It's like that when there is no wind in the sultry day, the dust is in the air before it rains, and then there is a bunch of stinky dung next to the unpleasant smell.

Leng Chengyu couldn't help coughing.

And Leng Chengyu's coughing shouldn't be made, as soon as it is made, it will be exposed that he has come to the door, and it will startle the Seven-Step Ghost in the house.

However, who knew that the rustling voice in the room was still ringing as before.

Although this rustling sound is not regular, Leng Chengyu must be the sound made by a ghost hand scraping on the floor, and the location of the sound has not changed. It is still in the center of the room and does not go to Leng Chengyu. Move here.

The seven-step ghost in this room is so calm!

Leng Chengyu couldn't help but sigh.

Could it be the strength of Qibugui that gave him such confidence?

However, the task introduction speculated that the strength of the seven-step ghost did not exceed the level of the black evil ghost, and the higher the level of the green-headed ghost, the highest ghost level of the seven-step ghost was only the ninth level of the black evil ghost.

Can the ninth level of the black evil spirit make him confident to this level?

In other words, by scraping the floor of Gu Sha, he can improve his strength to the level of a green-headed ghost in a short period of time.

However, it takes time for the scraping of the floor to accumulate strength, and the longer the scraping of the floor, the stronger the strength.

No wonder the seven-step ghost inside was unmoved by my arrival.

It seems that he has to stop him from scraping the floor.

Leng Chengyu held the Guan Gong knife in front of him and quickly rushed into the door to prevent Qibugui from suddenly attacking from behind the door in other ways.

However, what caught Leng Chengyu's eyes in the room was not a seven-step ghost, but a mostly decomposed corpse, who was lying on the ground and writing **** the floor with his hand from the decomposing corpse and bleeding out of black blood.

In the mission introduction, Leng Chengyu also knew the approximate appearance of Qibugui.

Qibugui's head is triangular and pointed, and the neck is slender, the body is also slender, and the limbs are also slender, just like a tall thin man.

However, the corpse in front of him was obviously not a seven-step ghost.

Could it be that the spirit of the seven-step ghost got into the corpse to control the corpse to write?

Leng Chengyu looked at those lines.

"We are controlled by him and have no intention of attacking you."

"He's at the door."

"He can't leave the house seven steps away."

These lines of words written with the blood of the corpse were dark red and dark red, and they looked very strange under the light.

Leng Chengyu still wants to continue writing when he sees the corpse. However, his hand seems to be controlled by the mysterious power and cannot be scraped to the floor, and even if it can be scraped to the floor, it will be very scratched. Messy, unable to write.

Is this mysterious power a seven-step ghost, and the corpse has an enmity with the seven-step ghost? And the system is asking me to help this corpse and the dark shadows before to avenge it.

It was found that the corpse was just writing there, and it was not malicious to himself.

Leng Chengyu couldn't help asking: "Who is he on the word?"

The corpse slammed its hands on the floor, trying to write a complete word on the floor, but it was unable to write it because of the control of the mysterious power.

Leng Chengyu changed his view and asked, "Is he a seven-step ghost?"

The corpse was on the ground again trying to write a word~www.wuxiaspot.com~ However, he could only draw a horizontal line on the ground.

At this time, the corpse was already trembling violently because of the mysterious power of fighting hard, and a thick black air was also emerging from the body.

Suddenly, I just heard a "boom" sound.

The corpse actually exploded.

After the explosion, the corpse also turned into black energy, sank on the ground, and finally formed a few words on the ground.

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