Chapter 209

Leng Chengyu looked back and found that behind Zhao Zizhou, Wu Siwei, and Ximen Yiyi, a few masked men suddenly appeared.

Among these masked men, one of them stuck out a long tongue out of his belly and rolled it towards the girl ghost Liu Fang. Liu Fang couldn't resist it and was caught by the tongue.

And the other masked man also grew a long intestine from his body, and then rolled towards Zhao Zizhou's bullhead ghost.

Zhao Zizhou's bullhead ghosts couldn't break free.

In this way, Leng Chengyu's girl ghost Liu Fang and Zhao Zizhou's bullhead ghost were caught by these masked men.

In Leng Chengyu's stunned state, at this moment, behind the black mist that just dissipated, that is, behind the two ghosts of Wu Siwei and Ximen Yiyi who had just broken free from their intestines, they also appeared. Several masked men.

These masked men also gave birth to snake-like arms from their bodies, and tied the two ghosts of Simon Yiyi and Wu Siwei again.

"Who are you? What are you doing?" Leng Chengyu asked.

And these masked men did not say a word, and after binding Leng Chengyu and their 4 ghosts, they even bound Zhao Zizhou, Wu Siwei and Ximen Yiyi.

Since Leng Chengyu is far away from them, he has not yet been **** by them.

Leng Chengyu looked at these people, or things that were neither human nor ghost.

These masked people looked like humans, but some long arms, long tongues, and intestines came out of their bodies.

Looking at these people, Leng Chengyu suddenly thought of who they were.

Leng Chengyu asked in surprise: "Are you a folk guardian of ghosts? Which club do you belong to?"

At this moment, one of the masked men approached Leng Chengyu.

On the other hand, two skulls were born on his body. The necks of the skulls were very long, and they faced Leng Chengyu like that, trying to reach out to Leng Chengyu, biting Leng Chengyu with his teeth and teeth.

And this masked folk guardian of ghosts approached Leng Chengyu step by step so that the two skulls could bite Leng Chengyu.

As he walked towards Leng Chengyu, the masked man sneered and said, “It’s okay to tell you at this time. Anyway, you are about to become dead. At that time, your Ghost Guards Alliance must think that you are encircling and suppressing. He was swallowed by the starving ghost when he was hungry."

"Which club are you ghost guardians? Why are you here to harm us?" Leng Chengyu asked coldly, and the meteor hammer in his hand was gripped tighter.


The masked man sneered: "It's the blame for your popularity. Someone paid us to kill you.

Originally, I just wanted your life, but you brought a few more subordinates. In order not to reveal the secret, these few subordinates can only die with you. "

"Who gave the money that made you kill me? Could it be the stall owner of the Luohua Dream Club?" Leng Chengyu felt very incredible.

The stall owner of the Luohua Youmeng Club was clearly trying to frame him, but the frame failed in the end. Could it be that it would kill him like this? This is too exaggerated.

This kind of resentment hasn't reached the point of life and death, it's just that one of his severed hands has been confiscated.

At this time, the masked man suddenly took off his face towel, and his voice returned to that of a normal person: "Unexpectedly, you still remember me."

This masked man turned out to be the stall owner who wanted to frame Leng Chengyu in the ghost market, and was also one of the folk ghost guards in the Luohua Youmeng Club.

"You are so bold! You are looking for someone to kill me? Don't you guys in Luohua Dreaming Club be afraid that the Ghost Guardian League will find it?" Leng Chengyu said angrily.

"Moreover, there is also a starving ghost here. The folk warders of the Luohua Dream Club can’t fight against the starving ghosts here? You dare to tie us up like this. When the starving ghosts come out, you won’t follow suit. Are we dead?"

Hearing Leng Chengyu's words, the stall owner burst out laughing.

"Hahaha... tell you, there are no starving ghosts at all. They say there are starving ghosts here, but they are just used to deceive you from the Ghost Guards League. This is basically a test base for our Luohua Dream Club."

"Experimental base? What did you use to test?" Leng Chengyu was a little curious, "What can be tested here?"

"What to test? Haven't you already seen it? Those things in the black mist are our experimental products." The stall owner said with a smile.

"Those bat evil spirits and flying fish evil spirits were created by your club?" Leng Chengyu was very surprised.

"Yes, our club has successfully spliced ​​animal limbs into a complete evil spirit, but at present, it has not been able to use human limbs to splice into a complete evil spirit.

However, it will soon succeed.

At that time, we will be able to control more ghosts and even extract the ghosts from our body to return our complete body. "

The stall owner said proudly.

"Can you Luohua Dream Club have such a great ability to create ghosts?" Leng Chengyu was a little shocked.

"Of course, we Luohua Dream Club, but it is one of the largest non-government ghost guard groups in Fuyang, and it also has a very close cooperation with the ghost guard alliance.

In terms of technology and money, there is no problem, how can it not be made, it is just a matter of time. "

The stall owner is still very proud to speak.

"Then why are you going to the ghost weapon market to buy those residual limbs? Didn't you use them for experiments?" Leng Chengyu didn't understand.

The stall owner chuckled: "Those are all discarded items that have failed the experiment. They are worthless. They just have a little ghostly aura and can do a little movement. They don’t have much power at all. What we want to create is an attack The powerful ghost is at least the first level of the black evil spirit."

Leng Chengyu asked, "Does the Ghost Guardian Alliance know about this?"

At this time, the stall owner stopped answering Leng Chengyu, but continued to approach Leng Chengyu, and said coldly: "Do you really want to know if the Yuguizhe League knows? Then, wait until I kill you and turn you into a disability. If the limbs are gone, you can tell you about the Ghost Defender Alliance again."

When the stall owner spoke, he was approaching Leng Chengyu step by step, and he was very close to Leng Chengyu now.

The two heads that grew out of him can reach Leng Chengyu's body to bite Leng Chengyu.

Therefore, he immediately controlled his two heads to bite Leng Chengyu.

Who knows, at this time, Leng Chengyu hammered the two heads with a meteor hammer.

The stall owner saw that Leng Chengyu used a meteor hammer to hammer his two heads. He sneered, "Do you think your hammer is useful for my ghost? Tell you, my ghost is a black ghost. Seventh level, I'm afraid your hammer can't even tick my ghost."

(End of this chapter)

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