Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 244: Chen Fei's attitude

Chapter 245 Chen Fei's Attitudes

Chen Fei wondered, what exactly is this trump card? Could it be that Leng Chengyu can still produce a ghost of the same level as the scarlet ghost?

Under Chen Fei’s curious gaze, Leng Chengyu stood up and walked forward slowly and said, “You can let the ghosts of your ghost guards who attack the protective barrier aside. I take the card. Come out, I only need to be alone."

"Is it enough for you?" Chen Fei looked at Leng Chengyu's back suspiciously.

And Zhao Zizhou next to him immediately said: "Captain Chen, you should trust our Leng Squadron Captain. He said that one person is enough, and only one person is needed. He won't be joking at this time."

Chen Fei is still very puzzled: "But the one in front is a protective barrier at the level of a scarlet ghost. So many ghosts of the green-headed ghost level can't be attacked, how can he be alone..."

"Don't worry, you can just watch it." Zhao Zizhou still said confidently.

Chen Fei had no choice but to beckon to his subordinates who defended against ghosts and asked them to retreat the ghosts that were attacking the protective barrier.

However, these ghost guardians did not believe that Leng Chengyu alone could break the protective barrier without even summoning a ghost.

After they listened to Chen Fei's orders, they summoned their ghosts to a place only one or two meters away from the protective barrier.

At this time, Zhao Zizhou said again: "It's too close to the protective barrier, so it won't work. Waiting for a while will hurt your ghosts."

However, none of these ghost guards listened to Zhao Zizhou's words. They all turned to look at Chen Fei to see what Chen Fei meant.

Seeing Chen Fei didn't mean to care about Zhao Zizhou, these ghost guards didn't let their ghosts continue to retreat at all, but remained only one or two meters away from the protective barrier.

And Leng Chengyu quickly walked to the protective barrier and saw the ghosts next to the protective barrier. Although they stepped aside, they were too close to the protective barrier.

He said to these ghosts: "You should go back a little further."

However, these ghosts did not get their master's order, did not listen to Leng Chengyu's words at all, and still watched Leng Chengyu by the side.

Leng Chengyu shook his head helplessly and said, "I also do it for your own good. Forget it, since you love to be so close, stay so close."

Then, Leng Chengyu took out his Guan Gong knife from the storage space, and continued to say to these ghosts: "Make a room for me. I will use this knife to break through the protective barrier."

After these ghosts heard Leng Chengyu's words, the expressions on their faces were very sniff, and they all felt that Leng Chengyu's words were too exaggerated.

At the same time, I despise them too much.

With so many green-headed ghosts, they used ghost skills together. It can be said that they have already displayed all the answers, and they have not been able to break this protective barrier.

And Leng Chengyu wanted to break through with a golden sword?

What a joke!

Anyway, none of these ghosts believed in Leng Chengyu.

Even so, they still gave way to a few meters of space, allowing Leng Chengyu to stand in front of the protective barrier.

After all, they have all done their best to break this protective barrier, and now someone will replace them to break this protective barrier, of course they will give way.

However, they were still standing one or two meters away from the protective barrier, and they wanted to witness how Leng Chengyu broke the protective barrier with this golden knife.

And Chen Fei behind, as well as the ghost guards, didn't believe that Leng Chengyu's golden sword could break through the red ghost-level protective barrier.

Chen Fei sneered and said to Zhao Zizhou: "Your Leng Squadron Captain just used that knife to break the protective barrier?"

When Zhao Zizhou faced Chen Fei's sneer, he was very determined and exaggerated. In Chen Fei's eyes, it was very exaggerated anyway.

Zhao Zizhou even said: "The knife of our cold squadron leader can not only break through the protective barrier, but also break through the defense points, and even kill all the evil spirits in the defense points."

At this time, not only Chen Fei laughed again, but even the ghost guards beside Chen Fei also laughed.


Some people couldn't help but their stomach hurts while others were already bending over and rolling on the ground.

At the same time, Leng Chengyu's side had already raised Guan Gong's broad knife, and then circulated the energy ball in the dantian, poured it into Guan Gong's broad knife, accumulating the momentum of Guan Gong's broad knife.

Soon, there were waves of energy ripples on Guan Gong's broad knife, followed by a buzzing sound.

Chen Fei from behind also saw and heard it.

He finally didn't look down on the Guan Gong knife in Leng Chengyu's hand so much.

He nodded and said, "It seems that this knife still has two brushes."

The other ghost guards also followed Chen Fei and nodded.

Chen Fei also had a little confidence in Leng Chengyu at this time. He said to the other ghost guards: "I guess since this knife is his hole card, then he should be able to break through the protective barrier of the red ghost level.

At least one opening can be opened. When that happens, you will help him widen the opening in time, and then quickly rush into the defense point, hit the evil spirit inside by surprise, and attack the defense point. "




Those ghost guards nodded seriously.

However, Zhao Zizhou next to him lowered his head and said nothing.

Before, Zhao Zizhou was laughed at by Chen Fei and these ghost guards, but now he doesn't want to talk.

And Zhao Zizhou is slandering in his heart, do you think it can just destroy a hole? When the knife shows its true power, you will all drop your jaws.

Thanks to Chen Fei's order, these ghost guards are now waiting for Leng Chengyu's knife to slash towards the protective barrier under the red ghost-level evil spirit cloth.

After all, they had to seize the opportunity to assist Leng Chengyu, and when Leng Chengyu broke through the protective barrier, he immediately enlarged the opening, and then rushed in to catch the evil spirits in the defense point by surprise.

Chen Fei also watched nervously as the Guan Gong knife in Leng Chengyu's hand became stronger and stronger. UU reading

He also hoped that Leng Chengyu's knife could break through the protective barrier.

Finally, Leng Chengyu's Guan Gong knife slashed forward.

Just listen to the "boom".

Guan Gong's knife slashed on the protective barrier.

At this time, Chen Fei immediately ordered his ghost defenders: "Hurry up and let your ghosts be ready to assist and attack."

However, before he finished speaking, he saw that the protective barrier was broken and dissipated.

Moreover, the ghosts under his ghost guards were shocked and moved back many meters.

What shocked Chen Fei even more was that, after breaking the protective barrier, the power of the knife split by the sword continued to become even more magnificent and swept toward the azimuth point.

(End of this chapter)

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