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Chen Fei, who fell and chewed on the mud, ate the mud in his mouth, and heard the laughter of the squadron across from the mobile phone video, he was already very depressed, and now there was another burst of laughter, which made him even more so. Is annoyed.

He turned his dust-stained face and followed the reputation.

I found that the laughter came from the defensive point inside the protective barrier, and it turned out to be the evil spirit inside the defensive point laughing at him.

This made Chen Fei even more ashamed.

Originally, Chen Fei wanted to use a knife to break through the protective barrier, and even like Leng Chengyu's, the limbs of the evil spirits in the defensive point were shattered, and their souls were scattered.

Who knows, now not only can the protective barrier be cut down, but he is also shaken to the ground by the counter-shock force, and he is very embarrassed.

As a result, the evil spirits in the defense point couldn't help making fun of Chen Fei when they saw it.

At this moment, Chen Fei wanted to find a seam to get in.


A short laugh came again.

Only laughed, but this laughter was more ear-piercing than those before.

Because Chen Fei heard this laughter, it turned out to be from the ghosts of the ghost guards under him.

Chen Fei turned his head and looked over and found that the ghosts who had come to attack the protective barrier had retreated to the side. The expressions on their faces were all very wonderful, they were all expressions that wanted to laugh but did not dare to laugh.

And the sound of laughter came just now, that is, because a certain ghost couldn't hold it back, it made a sound.

Looking at these ghosts, Chen Fei wanted to get angry on the spot, but he couldn't get angry again.

People are trying to hold back their smiles. If you still get angry at them, what is your reason?

Could it be that why are you laughing at me?

However, they didn't laugh, they didn't laugh all the time.

This reason is simply not valid.

What reason can I find?

Could it be that your expression is discriminating against me?

This made Chen Fei even more unable to say.

Although it seems to have a little meaning, Chen Fei will be even more ugly if he speaks it out. In the future, in front of these ghosts and those who guard against ghosts, Chen Fei will have no prestige.

Thinking of the ghost guards who control these ghosts, Chen Fei couldn't help turning his head and looking back.

Chen Fei couldn't see it at all because it was too far behind.

In other words, I can't see exactly what the expression on the face of the ghost guard is.

However, Chen Fei can imagine that it must be like those ghosts not far away from him, wanting to laugh, but holding back his laugh.

However, Chen Fei still guessed wrong.

Because the ghost guards behind saw that Chen Fei raised the Guan Gong knife and slashed towards the protective barrier, not only did they fail to break the protective barrier, but they also fell into the mud by shaking their mouths.

They were very surprised at first. Later, seeing Chen Fei's embarrassed appearance, many of them couldn't help but laugh.

It's just a little far away, it doesn't reach Chen Fei's ears, and they don't dare to laugh too loudly.

Don’t say that the ghost guards behind are subordinates, even Chen Fei’s own ghost, flying in the air while holding his mobile phone and listening to the squadron leader’s laughter on the other side of the mobile phone, he couldn’t help but suffocate. Turn away.

The reason he turned away was because he was afraid of being seen by Chen Fei.

In short, Chen Fei is very embarrassed at this moment, even if he finds a seam to drill in, I am afraid that this embarrassment cannot be eliminated.

However, everyone else laughed, but Leng Chengyu didn't laugh because he was worried about the evil spirit inside the protective barrier.

If the evil spirit inside the protective barrier senses something is wrong and runs away, then he will not be able to slash through the protective barrier and kill all the evil spirits at the same time.

Although the defense point can be regained, if there is an evil spirit in the defense point escapes, let the evil spirit return to report the letter, I don't know how the Eastern Ghost King will react.

Therefore, Leng Chengyu did not laugh at Chen Fei's thoughts at all. He walked past Chen Fei who had fallen on the ground, and then picked up the Guan Gong knife.

Soon, Leng Chengyu came to the protective barrier, raised the Guan Gong knife, circulated the energy ball in the dantian, and poured it into the Guan Gong knife to accumulate the momentum of the Guan Gong knife.

After having enough sword power, immediately cut to the protective barrier.

Finally, under Leng Chengyu's caution, the evil spirits in the defensive point had not had time to wake up, they had been cut to death.

The remaining red-robed ghost-level evil spirit was also severely injured, and finally killed by Leng Chengyu's knife.

Unlike the previous defense points, Leng Chengyu did not continue to the next defense point after collecting the soul crystals of this scarlet ghost-level evil spirit.

After all, Leng Chengyu has been busy for an afternoon and has captured three defense points, and now the evening has arrived. To continue to regain other defense points, he can only wait for tomorrow.

As for Chen Fei, he could only return to the defensive line of Xicheng District.

In the early morning of the second day, Leng Chengyu went to help the other squadron captains who had taken the defensive points to regain the defensive points.

Using the same method, all the defensive points were quickly taken back.

Because from Leng Chengyu regaining his own defense points to helping other squadron captains regain all defense points, the time transition during this period took almost three days.

In these three days, even if Leng Chengyu had killed all the evil spirits, it was impossible to close all the news.

After occupying the defense point, the East Ghost King must send evil spirits to patrol the defense point regularly.

During the inspection, it was discovered that the defense point had been taken away, and all the evil spirits had disappeared, so the inspector went back and reported the Eastern Ghost King.

This time, the East Ghost King invaded and occupied the defensive point of the Xicheng defensive line station. has actually made enough preparations, he has sent out a red-robed ghost-level evil spirit at every defensive point.

You know, even if it is the East Ghost King, with such a vast area and such a powerful force, it can be called one of the five ghost kings in this world.

However, the evil spirits at the level of the scarlet ghost are very rare after all, and there are not many under the Eastern Ghost King.

There will be no more than 100 scarlet ghosts under the East Ghost King.

In the tentative attack to invade the defensive points of the Xicheng District's defensive line, the East Ghost King was full of confidence.

After all, he sent out a red-robed ghost-level evil spirit at each of his defense points, and how many red-robed ghost guards could there be in the Xicheng District's defense line to resist these red-robed ghosts.

Therefore, the East Ghost King felt that it was impossible for humans to recapture these defense points. He was planning when he would invade the defense line of the Xicheng District Defense Line Station.

Who knows, the inspector who sent the patrol came back and told the East Ghost King that all the defensive points were taken back by the human ghost guard, and there was no evil spirit, and all disappeared inexplicably.

This makes the East Ghost King very puzzled, who has such great ability.

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