Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 267: Do you want to counterattack and go back?

Faced with Leng Chengquan's contemptuous eyes, Chen Fei could only show embarrassment and no longer dared to say a word.

Chairman Zhong immediately came out and said, "Chen Fei Squadron Captain is right. This time, the East Ghost King performed these small actions before exchanging hostages. One purpose should be to demonstrate, and the other purpose is to seek revenge."

Leng Chengquan suddenly said loudly: "Since the East Ghost King is so ignorant of good and bad, he can invade our defense points, can't we not invade their territory? I think since he wants to make these little moves before handing over the hostages, Then we should also use the human way to treat the human body."

President Zhong wrinkles: "Commissioner Leng, you don't mean to say, let us also invade the outer territory of the East Ghost King, right?"

Leng Chengquan said proudly: "Yes, since the Eastern Ghost King dared to fight over, then we will fight back."

Chairman Zhong said with some worry: "We can indeed occupy some of his small territories. However, if the East Ghost King is angered, and the East Ghost King attacks us, then the strength of our West City Defense Line Station is simply unable to compete with the East Ghost King. Contending.

Besides, we are now going to hand over hostages to him, and the initiative is also with the East Ghost King. One of our vice-chairmen was captured by the East Ghost King.

If we also invade the territory of the Eastern Ghost King, will there be any accidents in the vice-chairman who is arrested? "

Although, Chairman Zhong said his worries.

However, Leng Chengquan still resolutely said: "Those who make big things do not stick to the trivial. The East Ghost King has made it clear that sooner or later he will annex the Xicheng District Defense Line. Why must we bear it?

The matter has developed to where it is today. The Alliance Headquarters has put the encirclement and suppression of the Eastern Ghost King on the agenda, and sooner or later they will come to encircle and suppress the Eastern Ghost King. "

"Really? Has the Alliance Headquarters made a decision?" President Zhong heard Leng Chengquan's words, his face also showed excitement, "When will the Alliance Headquarters send enough power to support us in the West? An urban defense line station."

Leng Chengquan did not answer Chairman Zhong, but turned to look at the special envoy of the Great Elder.

The Special Envoy of the Grand Elder said: "In fact, we are already the vanguard of the encirclement and suppression of the East Ghost King. We brought more than 5,000 ghost guards to come. However, we did not come to the Xicheng District defense line station, but stood nearby in place, mainly because we wanted to First find out the situation and don't want to stimulate the Eastern Ghost King for the time being.

Leng Chengquan immediately answered: "However, since the East Ghost King is so ignorant of good and evil, then why can't we give him some color to see, and let him not underestimate our Ghost Defender Alliance."

"But." President Zhong was still uneasy. "If there are 5,000 ghost guards, I am afraid that it is not a lot for the East Ghost King. There are tens of thousands of evil spirits in the leader of the East Ghost King."

Leng Chengquan said, "We are just the first troops. The headquarters of the Ghost Guardian Alliance will send a large troop to encircle and suppress the Eastern Ghost King. Don't worry about that."

汜减B xwx. co汜. President Zhong said again: "I am still a little worried. We still have a very important person in the hands of the East Ghost King. If we do this, then our vice president in the hands of the East Ghost King may not survive. Up."

Leng Chengquan said strongly: "Didn't I already say that? Those who make big things don't stick to the trivial. When the big troops come to encircle and suppress the Eastern Ghost King, will they not lose a single soldier? What is the loss of a vice chairman now? ?"

President Zhong bowed his head in thought. He felt that Leng Chengquan was too young and energetic.

Therefore, Chairman Zhong turned his head to look at the squadron leaders in the defense line station of Xicheng District on his side, and asked: "What do you think? The East Ghost King has invaded our territory, should we also show the East Ghost King a little bit of color? Look?"

A squadron leader said: "We have long wanted to show the East Ghost King a little bit of color, but we just endured it."

There was also a squadron leader who said: "But our Vice President Du Lin is in the hands of the East Ghost King. Doesn't he ignore his life?"

There is also the squadron leader said: "If we master that degree, it shouldn't be possible for the Eastern Ghost King to kill Vice Chairman Du Lin.

After all, this exchange of hostages was named by the East Ghost King to exchange for Captain Leng Squadron, which shows how much the East Ghost King attaches importance to Captain Leng Squadron.

Compared to Vice Chairman Du Lin, the East Ghost King would like to get the Captain of the Cold Squadron even more.

Therefore, if it was not too exciting, the Eastern Ghost King would not have killed Vice President Du Lin. "

The captains of each squadron spoke out their opinions.

And Leng Chengyu sat there properly, without saying a word.

President Zhong turned his head to look at Leng Chengyu, and asked, "Captain Leng Zhong, what do you think? For the Eastern Ghost King, we will call back. What do you think of this matter?"

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. Leng Chengyu said: "The mind of the East Ghost King is difficult to guess, and I can't make a decision. I just want to be able to get close to the East Ghost King smoothly in three days.

As for the others, I don’t care. If you say to fight back, I will follow you back. If you say not to fight back, I will endure with you. "

President Zhong has not made a decision yet. At this time, Leng Chengquan said domineeringly: "I have also listened to the opinions of your squadron leaders in Xicheng District. Many people support the fight back. Then President Zhong Is it time to make a decision?"

Seeing the clock, the chairman is still hesitant, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com Leng Chengquan became a little angry: "We outside commissioners are all anxious for you, but you are hesitant.

If this is the case, then I will let the 5000 ghost defenders we brought to capture the territory of the East Ghost King and kill the East Ghost King. You can sit here and watch the show at the Xicheng District Defense Line. "

After listening to Leng Chengquan's words, Chairman Zhong was a little confused: "I didn't mean that, I just said that this decision should be made cautiously.

Since you said that, let's vote with a show of hands. I respect the commissioners sent by the headquarters of the Alliance of Ghosts. Therefore, your four commissioners can vote with us. Your four commissioners and me, the president. The weight is considered to be two people, the other squadron leaders are considered to be one person, and the minority obeys the majority. "

"In that case, let's vote. Those who agree to call back will raise their hands, and those who don't agree to call back don't have to raise their hands." Leng Chengquan said impatiently.

Chairman Zhong scanned all the squadron captains and said: "If you have any opinions, follow your opinions. If you need to raise your hand, raise your hand, and if you don't, don't raise your hand.

I won't force it, I just don't think I can make this determination, so don't have any psychological burdens. "

Everyone finally started to vote by show of hands.

President Zhong did not raise his hand.

And Leng Chengquan raised his hand first.

Not only that, but the other three commissioners also raised their hands.

Many other squadron leaders also raised their hands.

Mi He Mi. Leng Cheng didn't care, he didn't raise his hand.

Because looking at this situation, whether he raises his hand or not, this result cannot be changed.

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