"Well, if you want to go, go with them, but be careful."

Seeing that Leng Chengyu insisted on going, Fang Zhirou had no choice but to agree.

She also knew that Leng Chengyu would not be a person who had gone to death in vain, and that Leng Chengyu had taken the initiative to go there.

Seeing Fang Zhirou's agreement, the others said nothing.

Leng Chengyu, Elder Du Feng and another fifth-level elder, as well as the special envoy of the great elder, soon gathered together, and then let their respective ghosts fly to the west ten miles away area.

The closer you are to the area outside Xishili, the louder the fighting sounds.

From time to time, there were also the screams of ghosts, and even the screams of ghost guards, and more often the roar of the leader of the dragon head human body and evil spirits.

Finally came to the area outside the west ten miles, and there were already ghost guards coming out to receive them at the periphery of the area.

Because the battle situation inside is too urgent, and if the strength is not enough, you can't get close to the dragon's body and evil spirits at all.

The ghost guards received from the outside are the red ghost guards in the various areas that are responsible for reminding here first. Those who are less than the fifth level of the red ghost guard will not be able to enter.

And even if it is the fifth level of the red-robed ghost guard, when you enter, you can only let the ghost approach, and the ghost guard must stay away.

Among the ghost guards who were received outside, one was the person in charge. Seeing Leng Chengyu and the others flying over, they asked, "Which area do you come from?"

The special envoy of the Great Elder replied: "We are in the area ten miles away from the east."

This person in charge checked the information of the ghost guards in the area outside Dongshili, and found that there were only three ghost guards in the area outside the Dongshili area, and there were only three ghost guards above the fifth level, but now there are four.

He couldn't help frowning. B*X W X 汜

He looked at the four of Leng Chengyu and asked: "Who are you answering the call? Didn't you hear clearly when you received the call? The lowest strength we need to support here must be the five ghost guards in red. level.

However, I checked the situation of the ghost guards on your side, and found that there are only three red ghost guards above the fifth level in the area ten miles away from the east.

It’s not that I don’t believe you, and I am very grateful for your support. However, in order not to sacrifice in vain, I still dedicate to you. Is one of the four of you who has not reached the fifth level of the red ghost guard? It is not allowed to enter. "

Leng Chengyu had no choice but to step forward and say, "Although my strength has not reached the fifth level of the red-clothed ghost guard, my golden sword has the strength to slash the red-clothed ghost at the fifth level."

The receptionist immediately said solemnly: "It's impossible to use foreign objects, although the golden sword in your hand can fight the fifth level of the red ghost.

But, can your body resist the attack of the seventh-level dragon head human evil spirit leader of the scarlet ghost? If you can't resist, the aftermath of his attack will probably kill you.

This dragon head human evil spirit is too powerful, and our cannonballs containing red evil spirits can also kill the red ghost leaders above the sixth level of the red ghost. Sacrifice as 7huan.com Sacrifice as

However, when bombarding this dragon head human evil spirit, it was blocked by his protective barrier.

At the beginning, when our shells fell, the protective barrier built by this dragon head human evil spirit was much harder to break than the protective barriers in other areas.

If it weren't for the fact that the protective barrier room was too large and the protective ability weakened, our red shells would not be able to break it at all.

But now, the protective barrier formed by the dragon head human body evil spirits in front of him is much thicker than the protective barrier.

As a result, when our shells were dedicated to bombarding him, they couldn't hurt him at all.

Therefore, later had to change the plan, let the red-clothed ghost defender's fifth-level, sixth-level or even seventh-level powerful ghosts to unite, and at the same time launch an attack on the dragon head human evil spirits.

Only in this way was able to break his protective barrier, but it didn't take long to break before he recovered.

So it's very difficult.

Moreover, the power of this dragon head human evil spirit to counterattack is very great.

We united to attack the dragon head human evil spirits who have reached the fifth level, sixth level or even the seventh level of the scarlet ghost, and many of them have been injured.

Even some have had to go off the battlefield.

Later, I had to ask for help from various regions.

However, among the ghost guards you are here now, there are those who do not reach the fifth level, and they must not be able to participate in the battle.

Like me, I'm already the pinnacle of the fourth level of the Red Ghost Slayer, but I still have to do reception work here in the periphery. "

In order to persuade Leng Chengyu not to take risks and sacrifice in vain, this ghost guard receptionist said a lot with heartfelt words.

He is a master of ghosts transferred from other base cities, and he has never heard of the legend of Leng Chengyu.

However, even if he had heard of it, he probably wouldn't agree with Leng Chengyu entering the battlefield.

After all, when asking for help in other areas, the high-level here has clearly stipulated that it must be at least Level 5 of the Red Ghost Slayer in order to be eligible for support.

Elder Du Feng, as well as the Special Envoy of the Great Elder, also persuaded Leng Chengyu not to go in.

Then, Elder Du Feng, the Special Envoy of the Great Elder, and another elder who reached the fifth level of the scarlet ghost flew into the battlefield, while Leng Chengyu was stopped outside. .

Leng Chengyu frowned when he saw this situation.

He didn't know what to do, and he also knew that this receptionist was doing business routinely.

And the fighting sound from the battlefield became more and more intense, the screams became more and more, and at the same time, the roar became more and more angry.

Hearing this voice, the fighting scene seemed to move over here.

Moreover, it seems that the human ghost defenders have suffered more serious injuries, and more and more.

This made Leng Chengyu even more anxious.

He said to the receptionist: "You have never seen the strength of this knife of mine. With a single cut of my knife, all the evil spirits in a defensive point can be chopped to pieces, and even the red-robed ghost-level ones are severely injured. , Haven’t you heard of it?" Mi He Mi

Seeing that Leng Chengyu was so stubborn to go to death, the receptionist frowned and said, "I don't know if you are telling the truth, even if you can smash all the evil spirits in a defensive point with a single knife. , Even if you can chop the scarlet ghost into serious injuries.

However, dealing with the dragon head's personal evil spirit is another matter. He is the seventh level of the scarlet ghost, almost reaching the peak, almost the same strength as the Eastern Ghost King.

The most powerful leader of the East Ghost King, you are an ordinary person holding a knife, even if the knife has such strength, but can your body withstand the aftermath of the battle?

Let me tell you, many of the fifth-level ghost guards and ghosts in red clothes were injured because of the aftermath. "

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