Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 312: Can't let him increase

After listening to the words of the seventh elder, the other masters of ghost guard also agreed with the opinions of the seventh elder.

Fang Zhirou immediately reminded: "We have to kill him before the vine evil spirit leader's strength has been increased to the strongest. Otherwise, if his strength is increased to the strongest, it is very likely to be with the East. The Ghost King has a strength, but he cannot leave this Black Mist Forest. As long as he leaves the Black Mist Forest, his strength will decline."

After listening to Fang Zhirou's words, the masters of the ghost guards all became serious.

However, Leng Chengyu focused on the other side, and he curiously asked Fang Zhirou: "Then if we kill him when he has increased to the strength of the Eastern Ghost King, would his soul crystal be at the same level as the Eastern Ghost King? ?"

Fang Zhirou was stunned when she heard Leng Chengyu say this, but she still replied: "It should be about the same, maybe a little bit closer, because he passed through the black mist in the black mist forest, and other things in the black mist forest. The power of the vines and evil spirits is gathered together to form the power.

Therefore, it may not necessarily have the quality of the East Ghost King, but it should be similar. "

When the other ghost guards heard Leng Chengyu say this, they all cast curious eyes.

The former Narita squadron captain said in a weird manner: "There are such people, and they know that they care about his soul crystals."

After hearing what the Narita squadron leader said, some other ghost guards blamed Leng Chengyu.

"Yeah! How can you think of it this way, if you let him reach the strength of the Eastern Ghost King, then there is no one here who can kill him, not even the Seventh Elder.

Even if we all work together, we can't compete with him by relying on the advantages of the terrain.

At that time, we will be trapped here and even lose our lives.

This is a very serious question. How can we covet the quality of the soul crystal and let him increase his strength? "

The seventh elder also said immediately: "It is true that this vine evil spirit leader cannot grow any longer. We should hurry up to him, find his roots, and destroy his roots.

Then, we can kill him, and we shouldn't wait until his strength is strengthened, and then we will struggle against him. "

Chairman Zhong also agreed with the opinions of the Seventh Elders.

Although, he was confident that Leng Chengyu would often create miracles.

However, after all, if the power of the evil spirit leader of the vines is allowed to increase indefinitely, it is a very big risk. He cannot take the lives of everyone here as such a bet.

Therefore, President Zhong, like the Seventh Elder, and other ghost guards, felt that it would be better to kill the vine evil spirit leader before the strength has grown to the strongest.

It is best to be able to kill the leader of this vine evil spirit at one time with a ghost of the seventh elder's red-clothed spooky ghost with the strength of the seventh level.

This will minimize the risk. Sacrifice like sacrifice

Seeing the blame from so many people, Leng Chengyu had to smile awkwardly, and said, "I'm just asking, then everyone will work hard together to reach the evil spirits as soon as possible before the strength of the evil spirit leader continues to increase. In front of the spiritual leader Man, he found his roots and destroyed his roots. I will do my best to cooperate with everyone."

Everyone just keep going.

In the process of moving forward, everyone will be obstructed by many vines and evil spirits, so the progress is very slow.

However, the vine evil spirit leader absorbs the surrounding black mist very fast.

After all, this is the old nest of the vine evil spirit leader, his base, and he is very familiar with it.

He probably had this ultimate move a long time ago. Diminish

This is his hole card, how could he easily let the ghost defender in front of him destroy him?

Finally, when Leng Chengyu and the others were still twenty or thirty meters away from the place where the evil spirit leader was, the evil spirit leader had already absorbed all the black mist in the black mist forest.

The vines around the body of the vine evil spirit's head were all black and shiny, black shining, and faintly exuding a powerful aura.

Seeing that everyone's morale began to drop a little because of this, the Seventh Elder said: "My ghost has judged that after the vine evil spirit leader has absorbed all the black mist, he has reached the seventh level of the red ghost ghost.

However, my ghost can still defeat him, but if you want to kill him, you need your full cooperation. "

Elder Du Feng asked: "How to cooperate?"

The Seventh Elder said: "All the ghosts of the red-robed ghosts above level 6 follow my ghosts, follow my ghosts and fly forward quickly, and then everyone together initiates against the leader of the vine evil spirits. attack."

As a result, all the ghosts above the sixth level of the scarlet ghosts followed the ghosts of the seventh elders and flew to the place with the densest black mist in front.

In the black mist lingering, the vines on the head of the vine evil spirit were intertwined, very huge.

Now, the surrounding fog has disappeared, and everyone can see clearly.

The black mist lingering body with the head of the vine evil spirit entrenched on the ground, many vines are entangled, UU read www.uukānshu. com roughly estimated that the entire body of the vine evil spirit leader was at least the size of a few houses.

And the root of this vine evil spirit leader is his key, he must be hiding in the middle, or under the ground.

And if you want to destroy his roots and kill him, you must kill the intricate entanglement around his body, and the countless vine evil spirits that have been integrated with him.

This is simply as difficult as the sky.

Moreover, the vine evil spirit leader continued to gather the other vine evil spirits in the distance and wrap them around his body.

When more vine evil spirits entangled his body and merged with his body, his strength continued to rise.

"We have to hurry up!"

The Seventh Elder's face became more and more serious.

Because the strength of this vine evil spirit leader has not yet reached its peak.

If it reaches the peak, it might really be as powerful as the Eastern Ghost King, as Fang Zhirou said.

At that time, even the ghosts of the strongest Seventh Elders would not be able to fight.

The Seventh Elders and a large group of ghosts above the sixth level of the red-clothed ghosts had already flown seven or eight meters in front of the leader of the vine evil spirits. They immediately all performed ghost techniques and attacked the past.

However, part of their attack was blocked by the vine evil spirits that suddenly rushed over.

Although a part of it bombarded the huge body of the vine evil spirit leader, it only bruised one or two vine evil spirits on his surface.

It seemed as if it could only tickle the leader of the vine evil spirit.

The growth of the power of the vine evil spirit leader also did not have a stifling effect at all.

The situation is getting more and more serious. Mi He Mi

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