Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 314: Leng Chengyu's initiative

Chapter 315 Leng Chengyu's Initiative

The vine evil spirit leader's huge vine arm swept through the large net made by the vine, and many ghost guards and ghosts were injured.

Seeing this situation, the dignity on the face of the seventh elder increased a little.

When he saw this huge arm sweeping over, he also gathered ghosts above level six and bombarded it, trying to stop it.

But it can't be stopped at all.

If you were swept by this vine evil spirit leader several times, I am afraid that it will bring more than two thousand ghost guards and ghosts, and they will lose more than one thousand.

Even if not all of them are killed, there will be many injured, and the injured will lose their combat effectiveness.

At that time, even if they can break out of this big net of vines and sweep into the palace of the East Ghost King, I am afraid they will not be able to compete with the East Ghost King.

You know, there are more than a thousand red-robed ghost-level evil spirit leaders guarding the East Ghost King's palace.

Now the Seventh Elder didn't know what to do, he tried hard to find the flaw in the leader of the vine evil spirit but couldn't find it.

His ghost is at the seventh level of the scarlet ghost, which can barely resist the attack of the leader of the vine evil spirit.

However, it could not be defeated, and it was obviously at a disadvantage.

The seventh elder couldn't help sighing: "Unexpectedly, after the vine evil spirit leader has concentrated all the vine evil spirits on his body, his strength has become so powerful!"

Fang Zhirou, who was not far away, said: "When we were inquiring about the news, we heard from some of the little bosses of the Eastern Ghost King that this vine evil spirit leader was very difficult to deal with, and his strength could grow to be equal to that of the Eastern Ghost King. I don’t believe it very much. I see it now, and I don’t believe it."

Elder Du Feng asked anxiously: "Then what should we do now?"

The seventh elders and other red-clothed ghost guardians above level 6 ghosts, they don't know what to do.

At this time, the Narita squadron captain ran out and said: "Since we are trapped in the big net woven by vines, can we go out as long as we break through the big net? After going out, we will find a way to deal with the evil vines. Spirit leader, isn't there more room for maneuver?"

As soon as Narita Squadron had finished speaking, the red-clothed Ghost Squadrons above the sixth level looked at the Narita Squadron Captain like a fool.

"What's wrong? Am I wrong?"

Elder Du Feng patiently explained: "You can try to attack and see, those big nets made of vines already possess the strength of the seventh-level peak of the red-robed ghosts, and they are one body with the vines. Yes, very tough, who of us can break through?"

As soon as the vine net spread down, forming a huge tent-like cover, their red-robed ghosts of level 6 and above had already tried to attack.

However, none of them can be broken.

It was like an attack on the body of the leader of the vine evil spirit, and it had no effect at all.

Even if many high-level ghosts attack together in the same place.

However, after attacking a slap-sized gap, the gap will soon heal, and before the second attack is sent, it has been restored to its original state.

The Narita squadron leader saw so many people looking at him like a fool, and after hearing Elder Du Feng's explanation, he was a little unconvinced.

"You can't break it. Why don't you let me try it. My ghost can perform ghost skills like a sharp knife."

Then, he let his ghost show off a sharp knife of evil spirits, and stabbed it fiercely at the edge of the big net of vines.

Just listen to a "bang" sound.

The sharp knife that the evil spirit turned into shattered instantly.

Not only that, but a force came back. The ghost of the stunned Narita Squadron Captain kept moving backwards, then fell to the ground, spat out a mouthful of black blood, and was obviously injured.

"How is this possible? How could it be so powerful?" Captain Narita at this time had to believe it.

At this time, the leader of the vine evil spirit raised his largest and very long vine arm again.

Obviously, he was going to use this vine arm to sweep a second time inside the large net woven by the vine.

If he is swept a second time, then there will be many ghosts and ghost defenders injured, and even death.

At this moment, Leng Chengyu, who had always been excluded, stood up and said, "Or, let me use my knife to chop it, and try to see if I can cut through the body of the evil spirit leader of the vines?"


Many ghost guards of the fifth and sixth ranks of the red-clothed guards against ghosts looked at Leng Chengyu with suspicion, including the seventh elders.

The Narita squadron captain said ironically: "Don’t think that your knife is omnipotent. With so many ghosts above the sixth level, and even the seventh-level ghosts of the seventh elders, the combined power cannot cut this vine. Can you cut the body of the leader of the vine evil spirit? Don't be too arrogant!"

Although the others did not speak, they also thought in their hearts that Leng Chengyu was indeed a bit arrogant, and I got it.

And Leng Chengyu still insisted: "Is it arrogant, don't you know if you try it? Anyway, isn't there anything you can do? Why don't you let me give it a try?"

At this time, first Chairman Zhong Dakui stood up to speak for Leng Chengyu.

He walked up to the Seventh Elder and said, "Why don't you let him have a try. He often performs miracles in my Xicheng District of Fuyang City, maybe he can also do miracles this time."

The Seventh Elder hesitated.

At this time, Fang Zhirou also said: "I have had several contacts with Captain Leng Squadron, and he can indeed perform miracles every time. It is better to let him slash and try. If you can't think of other ways, you should not use it. how long.

Everyone can use their own ghost skills when he cuts the body of the vine evil spirit leader with a, and how to attack is still the same as before. Anyway, he will not affect it. we. "

Even Leng Chengquan stood up and said: "Seventh Elder, why don't you let him try, he has also created several miracles in front of me."

And Elder Du Feng also stood up and said: "He has also created a few miracles in front of me. Since he has no conflict with our other plans, we can indeed let him try.

Seeing that Fang Zhirou and others had said so, the seventh elder said to the ghosts above the sixth level of the red-robed ghosts in front of him: "You all get out of the way, let him go forward and have a try. There are five of you. The ghost guards above level all let your ghosts gather together, and gather most of their power together.

Everyone was guarding against the vine arm of the vine evil spirit leader, and at the same time they used ghost techniques to attack the same place on the edge of the vine net. I don't believe that this big net cannot be broken. "

As a result, almost two-thirds of the ghosts above level 5, including the ghosts of the seventh elders, gathered together, ready to launch a stronger attack to break through the vine net.

(End of this chapter)

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