Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 336: Surprise of the Great Elder

"I remember your strength is the strongest of your red-clothed ghost guards at level 7. How come you have such a great ability and have completed the task of suppressing the Eastern Ghost King?"

The great elder looked at the seventh elder in surprise, with an unbelievable expression.

He had never been so gaffe before, because he knew the strength of the Eastern Ghost King, the Seventh Elder couldn't handle it at all.

The Seventh Elder happily said: "Although I am indeed the strongest here, there is a squadron leader in Xicheng District of Fuyang City who has special abilities. His special abilities are better than those sent from the headquarters of the League of Ghosts. The strongest elder is even stronger.

In the whole process of encircling the East Ghost King this time, it can be said that he contributed a lot. Without him, we would not be able to wipe out the power of the East Ghost King so easily. "

"East Ghost King was wiped out by you?" The Great Elder showed a surprised face again.

The Seventh Elder said: "If it weren't for the East Ghost King to escape quickly, we would definitely be able to kill him. With the help of a mirror, he escaped to the Middle Ghost King's territory, and we couldn't track it at all."

The big elder wrinkled his brows: "Escape to the territory of the King of Ghosts?"

Sacrifice is like sacrifice. The Seventh Elder said: "We didn't expect it at that time. We were invisible in the smoke and dust during the battle. When the smoke and dust dissipated, the East Ghost King had already got into the mirror, and we could no longer track it."

"It doesn't matter." The elder recovered his face and said, "Although the East Ghost King has escaped, his territory has been occupied by us. In the future, as long as the remaining evil spirits are eliminated, we can then build our city in the East Ghost King's territory. ."

The Seventh Elder said: "This time the encirclement and suppression of the East Ghost King, and the occupation of the East Ghost King's territory, is really a great credit. The East Ghost King's territory is probably larger than the area of ​​the two cities.

At that time, it will be more than enough to build two cities on it. And this also makes our Union of Ghost Defenders add new power, and it also gives ordinary people more room for survival. "

The elder also sighed and said: "Yes! Being able to occupy the territory of the Eastern Ghost King this time can be described as a creative victory in the struggle against the evil spirits. We should all reward those who have contributed to the process of encircling and suppressing the Eastern Ghost King. "

The Seventh Elder also said: "I am also going to come back and open a summary, discuss with the headquarters of the Union of Ghosts on how to reward the ghosts who have made great contributions in the process of encircling the East Ghost King."

The elder suddenly asked: "By the way, you just said that there is a squadron leader in the Xicheng District Defense Line of Fuyang City, who has special abilities. During this process of encircling the East Ghost King, he has contributed the most. Can you tell me more specifically? ?"

Seeing that the elders were so impatient, the seventh elders did not refuse, and publicly told all the deeds of Leng Chengyu in the process of encircling the East Ghost King.

The vanguard nearby, when the Seventh Elder said, also testified next to them, and they all sighed, Leng Chengyu can be said to have saved many of their lives.

As for the former Narita Squadron Captain, he was not killed in the canyon. He now has to nod and admit that Leng Chengyu is the person who contributed the most in the war surrounding the East Ghost King, and he has also saved many times. His fate.

Seeing so many members of the Vanguard team praised Leng Chengyu, the elder became even more curious.

He immediately said to the seventh elder: "Can you let me see that squadron leader right now?"

The seventh elder immediately asked Leng Chengyu to come forward to meet with the elder.

After seeing Leng Chengyu, the elder couldn't help but sigh: "Is he already a squadron leader at such a young age? And he has done the most in the task of encircling the East Ghost King, it's incredible!"

The Great Elder had just heard that the Seventh Elder mentioned the power of Leng Chengyu’s knife many times, so he curiously said to Leng Chengyu: "Can you show me your knife?"

Leng Chengyu took out his Guan Gong knife from the storage space and handed it to the elder.

When the Grand Elder took it, he suddenly felt his hands sink. He immediately summoned his ghost to help him catch the Guan Gong knife, so that he would not fall because of the instability of the Guan Gong knife.

He couldn't help but admire Leng Chengyu's tremendous strength.

After the elder took the knife, he also felt the surging energy in the knife surge.

He asked his ghost to input the power of the ghost into the Guan Gong knife to control the energy in the knife.

Who knows, the ghost of the great elder was panting and pale because he wanted to control the energy of the knife.

Even if the ghost of the great elder input the power of the ghost, it still can't run the energy in Guan Gong's knife.

The elder had to return the knife to Leng Chengyu, and said, "It seems that only you can use this knife."

Leng Chengyu smiled and said inwardly, of course, this knife was awarded to me by the system, how could you possibly use it?

The seventh elder smiled beside him and said, "I also tried to control the energy of this knife, but I couldn't control it."

The great elder stepped forward and patted Leng Chengyu on the shoulder and said, "It seems that this is really your unique ability!"

After chatting for a while outside the front gate of the Xicheng District Defense Line resident, the Seventh Elder and Chairman Zhong led the Great Elder and the ghost guards he brought into the Xicheng District Defense Line resident.

Because now the East Ghost King has been annihilated, and the great elder just came here, so there is no need to apply to the Headquarters of the Union of Ghosts about how to reward, and now it is possible to have a meeting to discuss merits and rewards.

Finally, if the remnants of the East Ghost King are eliminated and the city is established in the East Ghost King's territory, there will be separate meetings to discuss merits and rewards.

And during this meeting, the Seventh Elder once again proposed to the Great Elder that Leng Chengyu should go to the headquarters of the Yuguizhe League for further training.

Decrease bxwx.C*o汜. The senior elder smiled immediately and said: "His credit is so great, of course it is possible. There is no need to review at all, you can go directly, and you can go as a squadron leader or as a special talent.

Not only that, with his current ability, after he arrives in Hongliu City, he can not only study, but also continue to serve as a squadron leader. "

Hearing the words of the great elder, all the ghost guards present were very surprised.

Because they all know that it is already very good to be able to get the opportunity to study at the headquarters of the Yuguizhe League, and when they go to study, they just give others a hand, and there is no opportunity at all.

After the process is over, and after the ability is improved, he can enter the headquarters of the Union of Ghosts and serve as the elder of the Presbyterian Church.

Mi He Mi. However, now that Leng Chengyu is gone, he can even serve as squadron leader.

Everyone felt very shocked.

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