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After killing the multi-armed evil spirit, Leng Chengyu returned to the defense line station in Nancheng District of Hongliu City without any stay.

At this moment, in the high-level conference hall of the defense line resident in Nancheng District, Hongliu City, all squadron leaders gathered here, and they were waiting for Chairman Song Haoran to come here for a meeting.

Before Song Haoran arrived, some of the squadron leaders began to talk.

"This meeting is not an emergency meeting. Why doesn't President Song wait for the new squadron leader? Even if he has just reached the fourth level of the Red Ghost Squadron, he has also reached the standard, and he is still the headquarters of the Ghost Squadron League. Those who are directly delegated must respect others."

A squadron leader immediately retorted: "Wait for him? I think he is waiting for nothing. I am afraid that he is now fighting fiercely with the multi-armed evil spirit. I don't know when the battle will be. Maybe we will fight for a few days and nights. Isn't today's meeting going to be held, do you have to wait for him?"

A certain other squadron leader also said: "Yes, this multi-armed evil spirit should not be underestimated. If I were against it, I am afraid that it would take three days and three nights to defeat him.

And this new squadron leader, although the level has reached the fourth level of the red-clothed ghost guard, but has only just reached the level. I am afraid that he is not proficient in the ability to adapt. If he wants to defeat this multi-armed evil spirit, I am afraid at least he has to Five days and five nights. "

At this moment, Song Haoran and Song Yi walked in.

As soon as Song Yi heard the other squadron leaders discussing Leng Chengyu, he immediately said disdainfully: "Five days and five nights? I am afraid that now he has been killed by a multi-armed evil spirit. Everyone should not wait for him, wait. He is also waiting for his body."

Song Haoran also said: "Let's have a meeting now, and stop talking about the new squadron leader. I don't want to open our meeting as a memorial service or a silent meeting."

Hearing Song Haoran's tone, everyone knew that Song Haoran had already determined that Leng Chengyu would die in this mission.

Many other squadron captains also agreed with Song Haoran's view. Unless Leng Chengyu is particularly lucky, or else with that strength, it would be a fantasy to escape from a battle with a multi-armed evil spirit.

And the number of people who think that Leng Chengyu can kill the multi-armed evil spirit is very small, and even if it can kill, I am afraid that he will have to pay the price of serious injury, and the time is not a day or two, I am afraid that it will take ten and a half months. .

This depends on how strong Leng Chengyu Ghost Ling's combat ability and endurance are.

After Song Haoran sat on the main seat, he said without expression: "Now let's start the meeting."

The other squadron leaders and Song Yi sat in their respective positions, preparing for a meeting.

At this time, Song Haoran's assistant suddenly ran in and said, "The new squadron leader has completed his mission and returned. He needs to go through the entry procedures with Chairman Song."


After hearing Assistant Song Haoran's words, the captains of each squadron were shocked.

"This time has not passed an hour, did he kill the multi-armed evil spirit?"

"How can this be?"

Song Yi was even more surprised and unbelievable. He coldly asked Song Haoran's assistant: "Are you talking nonsense?"

Song Haoran also stood up and said angrily: "Is he fooling us? Immediately send an investigation team to check the authenticity of the task completion."

The assistant asked: "Then how do I arrange for the squadron leader? Do you want him to come here for a meeting?"

Song Haoran said coldly: "What kind of meeting? I don't know if he can complete the mission. If he lied to us, I'm afraid I will sue the Ghost Guardian League headquarters. Not only the squadron leader, but also his qualifications for training will be cancelled. ."

Song Haoran really didn't believe that Leng Chengyu could kill the multi-armed evil spirit in an hour.

The journey back and forth alone took up an hour. Could it be that Leng Chengyu killed the multi-armed evil spirit in a flash when he went there? How can this be?

At the same level, three days and three nights in a fight may not be able to tell the victory or defeat, how can it be a spike.

And the methods of this multi-armed evil spirit are so weird.

This is why Song Haoran became angry after hearing the assistant's words.

Now, in Song Haoran's heart, he has already judged Leng Chengyu.

Leng Chengyu is a person who rejoices in his work, and also fakes credit.

I'm afraid that the credit for the opportunity to study at the headquarters of the Yuguizhe League is faked, and I don't know what method he used.

At this moment, Song Haoran had already made such a judgment on Leng Chengyu in his heart.

The other squadron leaders also felt very incredible that Leng Chengyu could complete the task within an hour.

If Leng Chengyu can really complete the task within an hour, then Leng Chengyu's actual combat ability is not stronger than all of their squadron captains present.

How can this be?

How could a ghost defender who had just been upgraded to the fourth level of a red ghost defender be stronger than their actual combat ability, which has become the squadron leader of the old fritters?

Everyone is now waiting for the investigation team to investigate the results.

Now everyone is not thinking about meeting.

Song Haoran also went out to smoke.

Song Yi directly followed the investigation team to investigate.

When Song Yi and the investigation team came to the lake where the multi-armed evil spirit was located, the investigator first took out the instrument to detect the life breath of the multi-armed evil spirit.

However, the life breath of the multi-armed evil spirit has not been detected.

In other words, it was already ninety-nine percent certain that Leng Chengyu had killed the multi-armed evil spirit.

After all, an evil spirit is territorial awareness, and he will not leave the territory casually.

If there is no aura of his life in his territory, and there is a ghost guard to perform the task, it is almost certain that the ghost guard has completed the task and killed the evil spirits in this territory.

Song Yi said unconvincedly: "It is impossible to determine whether he has killed the multi-armed evil spirit without finding the corpse, and when he went back to hand over the task, he did not come up with proof that he killed the multi-armed evil spirit. Physical evidence.

Therefore, I have reason to suspect that the multi-armed evil spirit just left this lake, not knowing where to go or what is in a hurry. "

When other investigating team members heard Song Yi say this, they carefully searched the lake.

Soon, someone from UU reading www.uukanshu.com found the remaining fragments of the body of the multi-armed evil spirit.

The investigator shouted loudly: "Come here and have a look, is this a fragment of the body of a multi-armed evil spirit?"

Other investigators immediately took out their instruments to check.

It was found that it was really a fragment of the body of the multi-armed evil spirit.

There was no life breath of the multi-armed evil spirit, and the fragments of the multi-armed evil spirit's body were found, and other investigators also found some other supporting evidence.

Investigators quickly confirmed that Leng Chengyu had killed the multi-armed evil spirit.

"How can this be?"

After Song Yi heard the irrefutable result, he was stunned.

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