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However, Song Yi hadn't escaped far, and billowing black smoke appeared in front of him, covering the sky and the sun, and the whole world was darkened by the spreading black smoke.

Song Yi had to take his ghost back to Leng Chengyu's side with them.

However, the billowing black smoke is approaching step by step.

A few miles above the billowing black smoke, stood an evil spirit with a bull's head.

The body of this bull-headed evil spirit is very huge, at least the size of a football field.

And beside him stood a group of very stern-looking bodies and huge bodies, a group of black-clothed evil spirits the size of a house.

The bull's eyes of the bull head human evil spirit standing on the black cloud were as wide as a light bulb, staring at the front, Leng Chengyu and the others.

Then a voice came.

This voice was very deterrent, and both Leng Chengyu and their eardrums were tingling.

"You killed my nephew?"

Fang Zhirou's face changed drastically after seeing this huge bull-headed human evil spirit.

She walked to Leng Chengyu's side and said softly, "No, this evil spirit is the Southern Ghost King, and his strength is even stronger than the Eastern Ghost King, at least in the middle of the eighth level of the Red Ghost."

"Southern Ghost King?" Leng Chengyu frowned, "How can you judge that he is the Southern Ghost King?"

Fang Zhirou said: "As far as I know from my investigation, the Southern Ghost King is huge, with two golden horns on his head. Moreover, he has a team of black guards following close to him, and it is always black when he appears.

In addition, his facial appearance is also in line with the image of the southern ghost king painted at the headquarters of the Soul Guardian Alliance. "

When Song Yi heard Fang Zhirou say this, his legs trembled with fright.

"Then what should we do? I heard that the Southern Ghost King is bloodthirsty, and he hates ghost guards, and he will undoubtedly kill him. He is not like the Eastern Ghost King, who can live in peace with humans."

Leng Chengyu carefully looked at the giant southern ghost king standing high in the air a few hundred meters away.

He looks very similar to the bull head human evil spirit that Leng Chengyu killed just now. The bull head human evil spirit should be the nephew mentioned by the Southern Ghost King. This Southern Ghost King must have sensed the death of his nephew. , Came to avenge his nephew.

Seeing Leng Chengyu and the others did not speak, the southern ghost king in the front was even more angry.

"If you don't speak, then you go to die and give my nephew a funeral!"

After speaking, the Southern Ghost King turned his head and ordered his team of black guards: "Go over and kill all the ghost guards and ghosts in front, and then check if there are any of my nephews left on them. The breath, the strongest breath, must be the murderer who killed my nephew. You keep his body, and I will take it back to the palace and curse him so that he will never be reincarnated."

The black-clad guards behind Nangui Wang surrounded Leng Huyu and the others aggressively.

In this team of black-clothed guards, the aura of each evil spirit has reached the sixth level or above of the red-clothed ghost.

Although Leng Chengyu's ghost Liu Fang has reached the sixth level of the red ghost, but he must not look enough to face so many black guards of the sixth level of the red ghost.

Leng Chengyu immediately raised Guan Gong's broadsword to accumulate momentum.

After the black guards walked over, they each performed their ghost skills.

The colorful ghost arts rolled in front of these black guards, and then quickly attacked Leng Chengyu and the others.

And Leng Chengyu and the others.

Leng Chengyu has accumulated and completed his sword momentum.

And Fang Zhirou, Song Fei, and Song Yi, of course, also summoned their ghosts and paper men to use ghost techniques to stop them.

Leng Chengyu immediately swung Guan Gong's knife forward.

The yellow light was shining, and the energy in Guan Gong's broad sword turned into a pair of exercises and came out of the sword.

Then, it quickly turned into a violent wind and huge wave of swordsmanship, rushing into those colorful ghost techniques.


The two forces collided together, producing the sound of the earth shaking and the mountain shaking.

Countless air waves rolled, covering the sky and the sun.

The line of sight is blocked.

And when the billowing air wave was rolling, the black guard on the side of the Southern Ghost King unexpectedly screamed.

When the air wave weakened and the black smoke dissipated, everyone saw that many of the guards of the Southern Ghost King had been seriously injured and fell to the ground, and the others had also received a lot of minor injuries.

Song Yi, Fang Zhirou and the others were all shocked.

They didn't expect that these black-clothed guards would be so weak. Under the combined attack of their ghost skills, they would be injured and fell to the ground.

"How is this possible?" Song Yi couldn't help exclaiming, "Our ghosts are of much lower level than theirs. How can they be bombarded and injured to the ground?"

And Fang Zhi and Ruan Song Fei quickly thought that it should be the power of Leng Chengyu's knife.

They all looked at Leng Chengyu in shock.

And Leng Chengyu was not shocked. Although his sword force knocked the black guard down, the Southern Ghost King still stood there aggressively.

That powerful momentum made Leng Chengyu feel very uneasy, so Leng Chengyu still did not relax his vigilance.

The Southern Ghost King frowned.

"Unexpectedly, you have such great strength. It seems that you must have killed my nephew. I will kill you personally and avenge my nephew."

Originally, the Southern Ghost King, who was disdainful of his own hands, began to condense the ghost art in front of him.

His ghost art is a huge billowing smoke containing thousands of claws.

Those sharp claws glowed sharply in the thick smoke, which looked terrifying.

These sharp claws are facing Leng Chengyu and the others as if they have eyes, ready to attack Leng Chengyu fiercely at any time.

On Leng Chengyu's side, everyone felt very powerless in front of the ghost art displayed by the Southern Ghost King.

Leng Chengyu also hurriedly raised Guan Gong's broad knife again, accumulating his sword momentum.

At the same time, Liu Fang also formed a protective barrier in front of Leng Chengyu.

The sword momentum quickly accumulated to completion.

At this time, the ghost art of the Southern Ghost King also condensed into shape, whizzing towards Leng Chengyu and the others.

When those sharp claws galloped towards Leng Chengyu and the others, UU read www. uukanshu.com gradually became bigger and sharper, and it made a very harsh whistling sound.

The attack hadn't arrived yet, the momentum had already suppressed Leng Chengyu and the others, the ghost techniques used by the paper men and the ghosts of the fifth and sixth level of the scarlet ghost.

Their ghost skills turned into tremors when the claws of the Southern Ghost King attacked, and there was a tendency to collapse.

This kind of ghost technique, let alone resist, I'm afraid it would be difficult to even display it.

When Leng Chengyu was accumulating his sword power, he also felt the energy in Guan Gong's broad sword, and some confusion appeared inexplicably.

However, fortunately, he controlled it, and the sword momentum quickly accumulated to completion.

Then, he also bombarded the claws of the Southern Ghost King.

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