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Now is a critical juncture, and Leng Chengyu can't manage other people's incomprehension.

He walked quickly to the place where the body of the bull's head and evil spirit had broken just now. He wanted to find at least some broken pieces to see if the system reacted.

However, when he walked to the place where the body and evil spirits of the bull's head were scattered, there was no hair left on the body of the bull's head and evil spirits, not to mention the fragments of the corpse.

After turning around the place where the evil spirit of the bull's head was flying away, Leng Chengyu still couldn't find a little bit of the body of the evil spirit of the bull's head.

In fact, even the remaining breath has become thinner and can be ignored. It has almost been blown away by the wind, and it has almost completely dissipated in the air.

Not to mention the fragments of the body.

Nothing came down from the body of the bull head human evil spirit, and the system in Leng Chengyu's mind did not make any sound.

At this time, the Southern Ghost King, who was waiting in the air with his feet on the billowing black clouds, was a little impatient.

He shouted: "The ghost guard below, have you found my nephew's body?"

Leng Chengyu had no choice but to turn around and said, "Give me some more time, I will definitely be able to find it."

In fact, Leng Chengyu was not looking for the corpse fragments of the bull's head human evil spirit at all, but he wanted to get a systematic response after making this action.

However, the system has never responded, and he has no choice but to continue searching there, delaying time.

However, the South Ghost King did not delay Leng Chengyu at all.

He saw that Leng Chengyu had not found the corpse of the bull head human evil spirit, he immediately roared: "Since you can't find it, then you all go to die, suffer all the evil spirits gnaw your souls, suffer countless Tortured to death."

As soon as the Southern Ghost King's words fell, black smoke billowed from the palm of his giant mountain-like palm, and then thousands of ghosts came out.

These ghosts let out the cry of ghosts and cried out, and leaped towards Leng Chengyu and the others with open teeth and dancing claws.

Fang Zhirou immediately released her paper figures and her skeleton ghosts and flew into the air to resist these evil spirits.

Song Fei also watched the evil spirits flying down in fear, and then hurriedly released her hair ghosts to resist these evil spirits.

While Song Yi scolded Leng Chengyu, he also released his ghosts to resist the most evil spirits that flew at him.

And Liu Fang, too, formed a protective barrier in front of Leng Chengyu, and at the same time constantly raised her slap, slapped at the evil spirits that flew towards Leng Chengyu.

However, there were too many evil spirits, thousands of them suddenly emerged from the huge black palm, and then rushed towards Leng Chengyu and the others.

Although the level of these evil spirits is not very high, Leng Chengyu and their ghosts can barely resist for a while.

However, as the saying goes, too many ants can kill an elephant.

As the giant palm released more and more evil spirits, after a long time, Leng Chengyu and the ghosts, as well as the paper people, must not be able to resist these evil spirits. In the end, Leng Chengyu and the others must be eaten by these evil spirits. Eat soul, be tortured to death by pain.

When these evil spirits flew down, they kept making ghosts and howling sounds, which shocked Leng Chengyu and their heads.

Not to mention, if these evil spirits get into their heads and gnaw their souls to death, it will be an extremely painful torture.

Leng Chengyu saw that if this continued, the system would not be able to respond. There was no other way. He had to take out Guan Gong's knife, accumulate his sword power, and prepare to slash at these evil spirits.

When Nangui Wang saw that Leng Chengyu no longer looked for his nephew’s body, but wanted to take out Guan Gong’s knife to resist, he sneered: “Your knife is useless to my current giant palm. You can't cut my giant palm, and the evil spirits in my giant palm can't be let go. Just wait to be eaten by your soul and die in pain."

And when Leng Chengyu was accumulating his sword power, suddenly, the voice of the system in his mind rang.

"Congratulations to the host, although he failed to help the South Ghost King find the nephew's corpse, but the heart of helping ghosts is commendable. The system will reward the host with 100,000 ghosts as a happy value. At the same time, there will be new items in the system mall. Items produced."

Leng Chengyu couldn't help but feel a burst of joy when he heard it.

Although the system's response was late, it finally came.

Hundreds of thousands of ghosts are worthy of pleasure, this is still secondary, mainly new items in the system mall.

Leng Chengyu immediately checked the system mall in his mind and found that there was really one more product, which turned out to be a mahogany sword.

Take a look at the introduction of this mahogany sword.

"A sword stabbed, can transform into thousands of sword lights, and kill the enemy, the strongest can kill the evil spirits below the eighth level of the red ghost."

As soon as he saw this introduction, Leng Chengyu understood that it was specially prepared for killing the Southern Ghost King.

He saw that the value of helping ghosts needed to exchange the peach wood sword was 500,000.

However, this is nothing. Although the Peach Wood Sword requires a lot of help for the ghost, Leng Chaoyu also stored a lot of help for the ghost, and he can still get it out of five hundred thousand.

At this critical juncture of life, Leng Chengyu did not hesitate to exchange this mahogany sword with a half-million worth of assistance to ghosts.

Withdrawing the broad sword of Guan Gong, holding the peach wood sword in his hand, Leng Chengyu glanced at the South Ghost King standing in the air, smiled and said, "South Ghost King, I am willing to help you find your nephew's corpse, but you have released countless evil spirits, thinking To let them eat my soul, don’t you think it’s too cruel for you to do this?"

The South Ghost King sneered and said: "Cruel? My South Ghost King is known for being cruel. Any ghost defender who falls into my hands can never get a good death. If you can find my nephew's body, I It can also give you a good time.

But ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You are deceiving me now, delaying time, then, I will let my evil spirit eat you for a few hours, and then let you die, how painful it will be, you can experience it yourself. Hahaha……"

After saying this, the evil spirits released from the giant palm of the Southern Ghost King drifted towards Leng Chengyu more.

On Song Yi's side, while resisting the evil spirits who wanted to pounce on him, he mocked Leng Chengyu: "To make you talk and talk, I don't think you can die."


Leng Chengyu ignored Song Yi's irony, but he also laughed at the Southern Ghost King.

"Nangui King, today I am afraid it was not that I was bitten to death by your evil spirits, but that you were pierced to death by my mahogany sword and ten thousand swords."

At this time, the Southern Ghost King also saw that Leng Chengyu had a mahogany sword in his hand, and his eyebrows couldn't help but raised.

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