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Not long after Leng Chengyu returned to the defense line station in Nancheng District, Hongliu City, he was notified to go to the conference hall for a meeting.

When I came to the conference hall, I found that it was overcrowded and there was a lot of discussion.

It's all about the killing of the South Ghost King.

Now that this meeting is held, two elders from the ten elders of the Presbyterian Council of the Alliance of Ghosts came here to present awards to the heroes who killed the Southern Ghost King.

Leng Chengyu raised his eyebrows, and the hero who killed the Southern Ghost King was not me.

After walking into the conference hall, I found that it was already full of seats.

At the same time, Leng Chengyu saw the seventh elder sitting on the chair, and an old man with gray hair and beard sitting with the seventh elder.

Next is Chairman Song Haoran.

Then there was Song Yi and Song Fei.

Plus a few vice-chairmen of the defense line station in Nancheng District, Hongliu City.

And Fang Zhirou sat next to the Seventh Elder.

Leng Chengyu took a look and thought, since it was the awards meeting for me, should there be my place on the rostrum?

Leng Chengyu wanted to go on the podium to ask Fang Zhirou.

Leng Chengyu walked up, but the ghost guard who maintained order at the headquarters of the Union of Ghost Guardians unexpectedly blocked Leng Chengyu's path and prevented Leng Chengyu from going to the rostrum.

Of course, other ghost defenders who came here for the meeting were also stopped by these ghost defenders who maintained order.

Anyway, other ghost guards can only sit underneath.

Leng Chengyu said: "I want to find Commissioner Fang at the headquarters of the Ghost Guardian Alliance."

The orderly ghost defender who stopped Leng Chengyu said blankly: "No, wait until the meeting is over and look for it. She is not free now."

At this moment, Song Yi just looked over here and saw Leng Chengyu, he actually stood up and walked towards Leng Chengyu with a smile.

Then he said to the ghost defender who maintained the order: "Let him come in, he is also a good man who killed the Southern Ghost King."

Hearing what Song Yi said, the ghost defender who maintained the order let him go.

Song Yi said to Leng Chengyu with a smile on his face: "Come with me, and sit on the rostrum with me. People with merit can sit on the rostrum."

Leng Chengyu followed Song Yi to the rostrum.

And Fang Zhirou was talking to the Seventh Elder at the moment, she didn't know what she was discussing, and didn't notice the arrival of Leng Chengyu.

After Leng Chengyu came to the rostrum, he glanced at the top of the rostrum, there was no space left, and asked Song Yi, "Where shall I sit?"

Song Yi assigned a staff member and said, "Go get a chair."

When the staff brought the chair, Leng Chengyu glanced, and found that the place next to Fang Zhirou was a lot vacant, so he could put down a chair.

Therefore, he said to the staff: "Why don't you take the chair over there."

At this time, Song Yi smiled and said, "No way over there. The position has been fixed. No more people can be added. Just sit behind us."

After that, Song Yi even asked the staff to place Leng Chengyu's position in the corner behind the rostrum.

After placing the chair, Song Yi still smiled and said, "Just sit there."

"I sit there. I am the biggest hero who killed the Southern Dead Ghost King. You told me to sit here, but you are sitting in front of the rostrum. What is the reason?"

Song Yi sneered and said, "Whether you are the biggest hero in killing the Southern Ghost King is not up to you. You have to hold a meeting to decide."

At this time, after the Seventh Elder had finished talking with Fang Zhirou, he immediately said into the microphone: "Time is urgent, everyone should be here, so the meeting will begin now.

The main reason for this meeting today is that the South Ghost King has been accidentally killed. "

Hearing these words, the ghost guards who came to the meeting below were in an uproar.

"The Southern Ghost King was really killed. It's not a rumor. This is incredible. Who has such a big energy to kill the Southern Ghost King? Is it the elder of the Presbyterian Church?"

The Seventh Elder continued to speak: "I came here today with the Five Elders of the Presbyterian Church of the Headquarters of the Union of Ghost Defenders, just to commend the meritorious minister who killed the Southern Ghost King.

There were a total of four heroes who killed the Southern Ghost King, and they occupied three in the defense line station in Nancheng District, Hongliu City. "

"What? There are three ghost guards who participated in the plan to kill the southern ghost king at the defense line station in Nancheng District, Hongliu City?"

"Are you going to kill the Southern Ghost King with the Great Elder? Or with the leader of the Guildmaster Alliance headquarters?"

The ghost guard who came to the meeting started talking excitedly again.

At this time, the five elders mentioned by the seventh elders also stood up, took the microphone, and said, "I'll announce, who has done a great job in killing the Southern Ghost King.

They are Captain Song Yi from the Defense Line Station in Nancheng District, Hongliu City, Assistant Song Fei, Commissioner Fang Zhirou from the Headquarters of the Guardian Alliance, and a squadron leader from the Defense Line Station in Nancheng District, Hongliu City. What is the name? ? "

The Seventh Elder took over and said: "His name is Leng Chengyu, and, in killing the Southern Ghost King this time, the one who played the main role and made the greatest contribution is..."

The seventh elder was missing Leng Chengyu’s name, but the fifth elder said: “Since the names of the four meritorious personnel have already been recited, due to time constraints, shouldn’t it be time to immediately arrange the encirclement and march into the territory of the Southern Ghost King? NS?"

At this time, Song Haoran also stood up and said, "Yes, it shouldn't be too late. Now that the Southern Ghost King has just died, there is chaos in the Southern Ghost King's territory. It is the best time to enter the Southern Ghost King's territory."

The seventh elder just wanted to say something, he heard Song Haoran and the fifth elder say so, and felt it made sense, so he didn't say anything.

The following is the specific arrangement for allocating the remaining forces of the southern ghost king and marching into the territory of the southern ghost king.

The remnant forces of the encirclement and suppression of the southern ghost king were divided into many brigades.

On the side of the Guizhe League branch of Torrent City, after all the districts were disrupted, they were arranged with the Guizhe at the Guizhe Gan Alliance headquarters, and their abilities complement each other. This distribution is more reasonable.

Finally, Leng Chengyu was arranged to be in a brigade with the Seventh Elders.

In this brigade, there are many elders from the headquarters of the Ghost Guardian Alliance brought by the Seven Elders, as well as many powerful ghost guardians, as well as many high-level ghost guardians from the defense line station of Nancheng District, Hongliu City, where Leng Chengyu is located.

They assigned tasks according to the map~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to encircle and suppress several difficult big bosses of the Southern Ghost King.

And Leng Chengyu was among the difficult big bosses who encircled and suppressed the Southern Ghost King, because he had obtained the systematic mahogany sword.

Therefore, it is very smooth, even the most powerful big boss, Leng Chengyu can be killed with a single sword.

Therefore, their brigade not only completes the task quickly, but also loses very little.

The remnant forces of the encirclement and suppression of the southern ghost king lasted for ten gens before it ended.

After that, we will reward the meritorious officials, and build a new city in the territory of the Southern Ghost King.

At this time, Leng Chengyu's credit was not buried, but once again caused a sensation in the presbytery of the Guildmaster League headquarters.

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