Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 65: Let the girl ghost come out

   "Quick answer! I count three seconds, and I can't answer within three seconds. Who is the fake one?"

   After Leng Chengyu finished asking the question, he immediately started a few seconds.



   Before he counted to three, one Guo Yifei replied: "Because I am too fat, and you are handsome, you despise me."

   And the other Guo Yunfei was there with a dazed expression, unable to answer at all.

"correct answer."

   Leng Chengyu said: "Now I know who is true and who is false."

   The other Guo Yifei who was stunned there was still stunned.

   At this time, Leng Chengyu had already thrown off his whip.

   "The fake Guo Yifei is a ghost, this ghost dare to come here to make trouble, or he will disappear as soon as possible, or he will give me a whip."

   "No, Brother Chengyu, you won't really hit me?"

   The bewildered Guo Yifei saw Leng Chengyu holding a whip to look at him, and said aggrieved: "I am the real one, your question is not right at all, I..."

   The bewildered Guo Yifei was about to say something, but Leng Chengyu stopped drinking and said, "Shut up! How dare you say I'm wrong, be bold, give me a whip!"

   Then, Leng Chengyu threw off the whip and drew it.

   However, it was not Guo Yifei who was stunned, but Guo Yifei who answered the fastest.

   Guo Yifei, who answered quickly, wanted to jump away, but he couldn't jump away, and was struck by Leng Chengyu.


   After a painful cry, he hurriedly shrank to the side.

   asked inexplicably at the same time: "Brother Chengyu, why are you hitting me? I answered the fastest, I was the real one."

   Leng Chengyu stared at this Guo Yifei and sneered.

"You can pretend to be Guo Yifei and learn his voice, but you don’t understand what happened between me and Guo Yifei. Last night, I obviously slept on the same bed with Guo Yifei, but you didn’t know. , You still say you are not a ghost?"

   Hearing Leng Chengyu's words, the other students all looked at the pretending Guo Yifei.

   "So he is the ghost."

   Leng Chengyu continued to raise the whip.

   "For the sake of you not hurting us, I will give you three seconds to make you disappear in front of our eyes. After three seconds, it has not disappeared. My long whip will not show mercy."

   The pretending Guo Yifei looked at the whip in Leng Chengyu’s hand in horror, and said, “I didn’t expect you to tell the difference so quickly. Okay, I disappeared, but your mission is not completed.

   And when the fake Guo Yifei spoke this time, he suddenly became a female voice.

   Everyone has heard that this fake Guo Yifei is a shadow ghost reflected in the wall.

   "Unexpectedly, he followed here!"

   And after the shadow ghost finished speaking, it turned into a ray of black energy and disappeared.

   After the shadow ghost disappeared, everyone began to wonder again.

   "He seemed to say that we did not complete the task?"

   "We have all walked out of the corridor and arrived in the cafeteria, how come we haven't completed the mission?"

   "Could it be that Fan Baiyi and the others didn't come to announce it, so it is not considered to have officially completed the task?"

   Leng Chengyu was also very confused.

   But, for a while, he didn't know where the problem was?

"What do you believe in the words of a ghost? We have all walked out of the hallway and came to the cafeteria. Don’t you think we have completed the task? What do you want to do? I’m hungry, so let’s finish the meal first. The canteen."

   The fat man Guo Yifei saw that the ghost who had transformed into him had been driven away, and his appetite came up again.

   The others are also hungry.

   "Then eat first."

   Actually, Leng Chengyu is also hungry.

   "Then sit down and eat together."

   Everyone is sitting together again.

   "It won't be 9 people this time, right?"

   The attentive student counted the heads.

After    counted, he said with joy: "Fortunately, there are only 8 and there are no ghosts."

   And Leng Chengyu looked at the bowl of beef noodles on his tray.

   This bowl of beef noodles was eaten by the girl ghost in the space where he was going to order his arm tattoo.

   When he was competing to stay in a luxury apartment, he promised a girl ghost to reward her with a bowl of beef noodles.

  I'm in the cafeteria now, and it's free again. Of course Leng Chengyu wants to order one.

   Leng Chengyu communicated with the ghost girl in the arm tattoo space.

   The girl ghost in the arm tattoo space was still sleeping, but when she heard the beef noodles, she immediately opened her eyes and asked, "I have beef noodles, can I eat it outside?"

   "Yes, but you have to sit at a table alone and don't scare my classmates." Leng Chengyu promised the girl ghosts to come out to eat.

   Leng Chengyu said to the students present: "My ghost likes beef noodles. I want to release her now. You have a mental preparation. Don't be scared by her."

   "Is that the very powerful girl ghost who got out of control?"

   "Are you going to let her out? She won't harm us?"

   some students asked in horror.

   Leng Chengyu said: "It doesn't matter, I have a baby who restrains her, she dare not fool around, and after she comes out, she will sit at a table alone."

Fat Guo Yifei said: "Brother Chengyu, don't worry, although your ghost is very powerful, we are also ghost guards who have awakened ghosts. Although she is powerful, we will not be afraid as long as she does not hurt us. Just let her out."

   Guo Yifei guessed that Leng Chengyu let the ghost come out to eat beef noodles in order to cultivate feelings with the ghost ~ to reduce the chance of losing control.

   In the school classroom before, when Leng Chengyu collected the girl's ghost, Fan Zhong also reminded Leng Chengyu to prevent the girl's ghost from losing control again.

   And now Leng Chengyu eats the girl ghost beef noodles, and cultivates feelings with the girl ghost, of course Guo Yifei has the first support.

   "Then I will release it."

   Leng Chengyu said.

   "Let it out, we are not afraid with you."

   Other students also nodded.

   I saw a black gas coming out of Leng Chengyu's arm tattoo, and then the black gas turned into a girl ghost floating in the air.

   Leng Chengyu handed the beef noodles to the girl ghost and said, "Go to the opposite table and eat."

   The girl ghost took the beef noodles and flew obediently to the opposite table to sit down. When she was about to eat beef noodles, she suddenly got angry.

   She shouted: "Who made this bowl of beef noodles for me?"

Then, the girl ghost turned her head angrily and looked around. After seeing the only staff member in the cafeteria, she immediately flew to the staff member with beef noodles, and asked angrily: "This beef noodles Did you cook it?"

   The staff is not at all afraid of the girl ghost flying in the air. He disdainfully said, "How about I cook it? Do you like it or not."

   "Jie Jie Jie..."

   The girl ghost laughed instead of being angry.

   "Do you think I can't see it? What you cooked for me is not beef noodles at all, there are just some small sticks in this bowl."

   Hearing what the girl ghost said, the other students looked over and felt very incomprehensible.

   "What's the matter? How can the good beef noodles be some small wood roots?"


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