At the gate of the capital of King Liang, a head was hung high.

That was the head of King Liang!

All the people of Liang who saw this scene were extremely sad.

The news that King Liang had fallen and the capital was captured by Wu Dynasty also spread throughout the world in a very short time.

For a time, the whole world was boiling!

It has only been two months since King Liang sent people to assassinate Xu Qianqiu, and now King Liang has fallen.

In such a short time, such a large dynasty was captured by Wu Dynasty.

The impact on the world is really too great.

For a time, the other four dynasties were all panicked.

After all, King Liang asked them for help before, and they also sent troops to Wu Dynasty at the invitation of King Liang.

Now, Daliang exists in name only.

I believe it will not be long before it will become a vassal of Wu Dynasty. And Wu Dynasty, which has annexed Daliang, is bound to be even more powerful.

No one knows who Wu Dynasty will deal with next? !

"No, the Wu Dynasty is so powerful that if it is not contained, it will really let the other side unify the world."

"Daliang was annexed by the Wu Dynasty, but there are still countless monsters in Daliang and Dongyang Shenzhou. It will take some time to deal with them. The Wu Dynasty will not send troops again in the short term."

"But not in the short term, there is no guarantee that it will not happen in the future."

"If we do nothing now, we will inevitably follow the footsteps of Daliang."

The leaders of several major dynasties were all worried.

In the Daqian Palace.

The Qian King looked at the various intelligence collected about the Wu Dynasty, and his eyes gradually showed a thoughtful look.

"Bai Qi... This man killed 2.2 million prisoners of war with extremely cruel means. Perhaps, this point can be used to criticize the Wu Dynasty."

"But I, Daqian, cannot take action, at least I can't face the Wu Dynasty head-on now."

"Shiwan Dashan... Only the guards of Shiwan Dashan can come forward."

The Qian King seemed to think of something, wrote a secret letter overnight, and sent someone to Dayuan, Dazhou, and Dayu.

Not long after.

King Zhou and others all received the secret letter from King Qian.

"Oh, write a letter to the Judgment Department and ask them to help suppress Wu Dynasty?"

The Judgment Department is the highest authority of the human race, located in the Ten Thousand Mountains.

Its members are composed of the guards of the Ten Thousand Mountains.

They rarely interfere in matters outside the Ten Thousand Mountains, but this time, the Wu Dynasty made a big noise, and I am afraid that even the Judgment Department will not sit idly by.

If the four major dynasties jointly write a letter to impeach Wu Dynasty.

Perhaps they can suppress it.

In this way, even if it cannot form a fatal blow to Wu Dynasty, it can curb its arrogance.

Thinking of this, the lords of the four major dynasties immediately wrote a letter and sent people to the Ten Thousand Mountains.

And in the capital of Liang Wang.

After killing King Liang, this expedition to Daliang has come to an end.

Next, to completely control the territory of Daliang, it will take some time to slowly rectify.

In addition, the various demons in Daliang also need to be paid attention to.

Bai Qi handled a lot of things in Liang Wangdu. Although Liang Wang died, the civil and military officials were still alive, and Daliang could still operate.

"The next step is to go back and report to His Majesty the results of this expedition to Daliang, and then send someone to take over Daliang."

Bai Qi thought to himself.

Not long after.

Bai Qi led his troops back to Wu Dynasty.

However, before leaving, Bai Qi suggested that Wuming stay in Daliang first.

"Now, Daliang has suffered heavy losses after the war. These demons may take this opportunity to make trouble. This place now belongs to our Wu Dynasty. How can we let the demons do whatever they want? So please ask Mr. Wuming to stay here. I wonder if you are willing?" Bai Qi said lightly.

Wuming did not refuse, "Of course."

Then, the two said goodbye.

When Bai Qi led his troops to leave Liang Wangdu, Daliang's civil and military officials, and even countless people, all breathed a sigh of relief.

People butcher, Bai Qi.

This name has brought too much pain to Daliang.

Everyone hated him very much, but more of them were afraid of him.

Every day when he stayed in the capital, they were on pins and needles, fearing that he would massacre the city if they disagreed.

Now that he left, they suddenly felt that a big stone in their hearts was put down.

"Bai Qi, how could there be such a cruel person in this world? He is really a devil!"

"Why did such a devil come to this world? He should die."

Some people looked at Bai Qi's departing back, with hatred in their eyes, but also mixed with deep fear.

On the city wall.

Wuming looked at Bai Qi's departing back, and also heard some people's discussions about Bai Qi, and his eyes couldn't help but be a little complicated.

He recalled what Bai Qi said to him in the past.

For Xu Qianqiu, for Wu Dynasty, and for the unification of the world, he can bear the sins of the world, be entangled in killing, be cursed by millions of people, and have no regrets even if he dies!

Thinking of this, Wuming sighed lightly, and then bowed to Bai Qi from a distance.


Hundred Thousand Mountains.

In a huge valley, dozens of figures gathered.

Each of these dozen people exuded an extremely strong aura of heavenly beings.

These people were all human guardians in the Hundred Thousand Mountains. Each of them was a leader among the heavenly beings, and could not be compared with the heavenly beings in the outside world.

And the Qingyun Guardian was also among them.

"Everyone, you should all know about the joint letter signed by King Qian and others."

An old man with gray hair said slowly.

"King Wu... I didn't expect such an interesting person to appear in the outside world. I would like to meet him."

"To kill 2.2 million prisoners of war... This Bai Qi is so bold that he dared to do such a heinous thing."

"It's just a different standpoint. This man shocked the world for the Wu Dynasty and bore the great infamy. I admire him a little."

"Such a human butcher is more hateful than a demon. What's there to admire?"

Everyone talked about it.

The most talked about point was Bai Qi's killing of prisoners of war.

This matter was too shocking.

Although the human race had a lot of internal struggles and fought each other endlessly, it was the first time that such a large-scale killing of prisoners of war occurred.

"Everyone, what are you going to do?"

"The actions of the Wu Dynasty cannot be ignored. I think we should send someone to warn them."

"Yes, if the other party continues to fight like this, we will be finished first without the demons taking action."


Most of the garrison commanders present felt that it was necessary to shock the Wu Dynasty.

But at this time, Qingyun Zhenshou suddenly took out a booklet and said lightly: "Everyone, I think you should read this thing first."

"That is..."

Everyone took the booklet in Qingyun Zhenshou's hand and circulated it one by one. After reading it, everyone was shocked.

"This Yijin Jing can actually ignore the root bone qualifications and allow everyone to practice?!"

"What a good Yijin Jing!"

"Qingyun Zhenshou, where did you get this thing?"

Qingyun Zhenshou carefully explained the origin of Yijin Jing, and then continued: "As far as I know, King Wu is not only spreading Yijin Jing, but also building a martial arts school. He plans to use Yijin Jing as a foundation to train martial artists for the human race. I think that he conquered the world to better accomplish this."

"Everyone, the human race has been divided for too long. To resist foreign aggression, we must first stabilize the country. Don't you think it's time for the human race to unify?"

"King Wu, maybe he will be a suitable candidate."

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