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Chapter 157 He only needs to be respectful to this king

Qingyun Guards House.

After Xu Qianqiu left, Qingyun Guards was worried for several days, but it wasn't because Xu Qianqiu left.

He knew that the other party was just going out to get acquainted with Shiwandashan and would be back in a few days. What he was worried about was the sword guard.

The other party plotted against him and took advantage of him. He believed that it would not be long before the trial of the Adjudication Division would come and his guarded position would be revoked.

Thinking of this, he gnashed his teeth in hatred towards Yu Dao Guard.

"Damn bastard."

Boom, boom...

At this time, a roar came from outside the guard's mansion.

Everyone was attracted by the sound and looked high into the sky. Then, everyone showed a horrified look.

In the sea of ​​clouds, a huge black ship was seen sailing forward with great momentum. Huge airflow surged out of its hull, and bursts of roars emitted from its interior, like the roar of an ancient beast.

"Ship, ship is flying in the sky!!"

"Oh my God, how can the ship fly in the sky? What on earth is going on?"


"Look, there seems to be something running inside the ship, gears? Is this some kind of mechanical technique?!"

"What mechanism technique can reach this level and actually allow such a big ship to fly into the sky..."

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them with great horror.

Immediately afterwards, everyone noticed soldiers wearing black armor standing on the deck of the huge black ship. The leader of them was a burly middle-aged man.

Yu Dao guarded, standing next to the opponent.

There was a hint of respect for the burly middle-aged man in his manner.

"It's him, Black Wing Guard!!"

Guard Qingyun looked at the visitor and couldn't help but frown slightly.

In the Adjudication Department, there are also three, six or nine levels of guards. For example, Qingyun Guard and Yu Dao Guard are guards at the same level, and the sizes of the guard houses are also similar.

The Black Wing Guard is a higher level guard than the two of them.

In the Judgment Department, he was one of the first echelon, and the area of ​​the town under his jurisdiction was more than ten times that of theirs.

In terms of status in Shiwandashan, it can be said that it is second only to a few kings.

"It is rumored that the Black Wing Guards obtained a huge mechanical ship called Mirage during an exploration of the secret realm. It can carry people into the air and travel thousands of miles in a day. When I saw it today, it was indeed extraordinary."

Guard Qingyun looked at the huge black ship and couldn't help but marvel.

The secret realm of Shiwanda Mountain is rich in all kinds of rare treasures, many of which even surpass the knowledge of this world.

For example, this mirage cannot be seen from the outside world.

Maybe there is only one like this in the world.

"The Black Wing Guard is here to visit. I'm sorry to hear you come from afar."

Guard Qingyun rose into the sky and stepped forward to say polite words.

But the Black Wing Guard did not accept his tactics and said calmly: "Qing Yun Guard, you should know the purpose of my coming here this time."

After speaking, he took out a golden token.

"Judgment Order!"

Guard Qingyun's expression changed.

"Yes, it is the ruling. You should understand what it means. More than half of the people in the Judgment Division believe that you have left your post without permission and are not worthy of continuing to hold the position of guard. Now do you want to abdicate on your own or force me to do so? Take action?" Black Wing Guard said calmly, his eyes indifferent.

Next to him, Guardsman Yu Dao was gloating about his misfortune, with a sneer on his lips.

Seeing his appearance, Qingyun was furious.

"Black Wing Guard, all this is the result of Imperial Blade Guard framing me behind the scenes..."

"You are talking nonsense. Qingyun is guarding you. Please step aside immediately. Stop messing around and losing your grace."

"Do you have the grace to scheme behind your back? You bastard!"


This time, it was the Black Wing Guard who spoke out.

A surge of celestial coercion erupted from him, even approaching the king, "Qingyun guards, before the ruling, do you dare to disobey?!"

Under the pressure, Guard Qingyun looked unwilling, "Can I ask who will be in charge of the guard house here."

"This place will be incorporated into the jurisdiction of Yu Dao Guard." Black Wing Guard said.

As for Yu Daozhen, he held his head high and held his chest out, looking like a winner.

"This is not allowed!"

Guard Qingyun immediately objected.

If it were anyone else, he wouldn't be so unwilling.

But it happened to be Yu Dao Guard, the villain who was scheming behind the scenes. Thinking that the Guard House would fall into the opponent's hands, his chest felt like it was blocked by a mountain, and he was so depressed that he couldn't breathe.

"You have no right to object. If you dare to be so presumptuous again, be careful with your life!"

The black wing guard held the ruling order in his hand, his eyes were cold, and there was a hint of impatience in his brows.

When Guard Qingyun saw this, he was so angry that he was shaking all over.

But what he is facing now is the Black Wing Guards, the Judgment Order, and the will of more than half of the Guards in the Judgment Department!

He couldn't resist.

Do you have to watch your townhouse being taken away like this? !

Beside him, Yue Shan, Wang Pingjing and other Qingyun Guardsmen also clenched their fists, but they were powerless.

"Oh, my king's man, I don't allow it, who dares to hurt his life?!"

A cold voice sounded slowly.

The sky is filled with clouds.

An auspicious beast came with its feet on the auspicious clouds, it was Dragon Colt Wu Zui, and the one sitting on such a beast was naturally Xu Qianqiu.

As soon as he came back, he heard that someone wanted Qingyun Guard's life.

The other party has surrendered to him. To a certain extent, like Wuming, Li Cunxiao and others, they are all his subordinates.

How could he just sit there and watch someone hurt his subordinates?

"King Wu is back."

"He's finally back. I don't know if he can turn the tide."

"I don't know, but it's said that he's a king-level warrior. His words have more or less weight."

The people of Qingyun Garrison looked at Xu Qianqiu with hope in their eyes.

The Black Wing Garrison and the Royal Sword Garrison looked at Xu Qianqiu and were equally surprised.

"King Wu, he is the King Wu."

"What he's sitting on is the divine beast. It's really extraordinary."

When Xu Qianqiu arrived, Black Wing Garrison was slightly stunned, but then, holding the Judgment Order, he thought that he now represented half of the Judgment Department, and he couldn't help but feel confident.

"King Wu, no wonder Qingyun Guardian dared to be so presumptuous, it turns out that you are backing him up. But King Wu, no matter how great your achievements are in the outside world, no matter how famous and prestigious you are, this is the Ten Thousand Mountains. You are only a newcomer here, and you are not qualified to make decisions about the Judgment Department." The Black Wing Guardian said coldly. After that, he looked at Qingyun Guardian again, "Qingyun Guardian, if you still have awe for the Judgment Department, you should step down immediately!" But he had just finished speaking. A huge pressure swept out like a god descending, covering the sky and the earth. The warriors on the entire mirage felt that their shoulders were pressed by a mountain, and their knees trembled uncontrollably. Some people even knelt down on the ground with a plop. "He only needs to be in awe of this king alone. As for the Judgment Department, how can it compare with this king, a force that can be overturned by raising his hand?" Xu Qianqiu's voice sounded slowly. With just one sentence, the faces of the Black Wing Guardian and the Royal Sword Guardian changed drastically. The guard of the sword could no longer hold back, and the pressure of the heavenly man burst out. The big sword behind him was unsheathed, and a majestic sword energy was formed, and he was about to cut towards Xu Qianqiu.

"Humph! Who allowed you to be so presumptuous to my master?"

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