"Thor is dead..."

In Asgard, the enchanted Odin learned about this, his face was extremely ugly, and his only one eye was burning with a majestic flame.

He was extremely angry and had the intention of killing Xu Qianqiu, "When the gods come, let me see how many gods can you resist alone?"

He summoned the gods and told them the news of Thor's death. Everyone was very surprised. You must know that Thor's strength is one of the best in the entire Asgard. Except for the God King Odin, few can suppress him. he.

But now even the other party died in the hands of Xu Qianqiu.

"Heimdall, how did Thor die?"

Loki asked.

Heimdall is the guardian of the Rainbow Bridge. In addition, he also has a very special power, that is, his eyes can observe what is happening anywhere in the world. The battle between Thor and Xu Qianqiu was also observed by him. And told it to God King Odin.

Hearing Loki's question, Heimdall was silent for a while, then took a deep breath and said, "Thor was killed by a bolt of lightning."

"Thunder and lightning? Are you kidding? Thor is the God of Thunder. How could he be killed by lightning?!" Loki's eyes widened.

Even if he is the god of lies, he will not tell such lies.

Thor was killed by lightning?

Is there any worse lie than this?


It was because this lie was so lame, and there was no need for Heimdall to tell such a lie, that Loki and the others were even more shocked.

But Heimdall's next words made the gods take a breath of cold air, and he said lightly: "Thor was killed with one move."

"One move...kill?!"

The powerful God of Thunder was killed instantly with one move.

Or use the thunder and lightning method that the other party is best at...

Everyone just thought it was extremely ridiculous.


The facts are just before everyone.

They had to accept it.

"Okay, let's not talk about it for now. Heimdall, how is the situation with the golden tree?" Odin asked calmly.

"Everything is normal. According to my observations, the earth's space structure has begun to become unstable. There are holes in the world barriers in other worlds. It won't be long before the gods who are sealed in other worlds will come."

Heimdall said.

"Okay, continue to observe. As for the gods of China, as I said before, don't conflict with him. Wait until the gods come to settle accounts with him."

"Yes, God King..."

When everyone left one by one, only Loki stayed. He looked at Odin and said: "Father God, I think it is better to rely on the power of the gods than to rely on ourselves. Perhaps now is the time to release the wolf."

Odin's eyes flashed and he hesitated.


The giant wolf Fenrir is one of the three most terrifying beings in Asgard. Even the God King Odin is afraid of its power.

According to rumors, Fenrir can bring about Ragnarok and destroy the world.

Therefore, God King Odin spent a huge price to imprison him.

"In addition to Fenrir, maybe we also need the power of Jormungandr and Hela..." Loki said.

Jörmungandr, the World Snake, is said to be the largest snake in the world and can circle the earth when connected head to tail.

And Hela is the goddess who controls death.

Like Fenrir, these two are Asgard's nightmares, beings feared by the gods. Loki's suggestion is very scary. If other gods heard it, they would probably reprimand him severely.

But Odin knows Xu Qianqiu's strength and knows that to deal with such a god, you cannot use extraordinary means, and sometimes you have to take certain risks.

"I will think about it……"

Odin thought about it and still hesitated.

He planned to borrow the power of the gods first.

When Loki saw this, he stopped trying to persuade him.

Time passes day by day, and the brilliance of the golden tree is still dazzling. Its roots penetrate deeply into the ground, constantly extracting the energy of the earth.

As time goes by, the earth is like a young man aging rapidly, and soon it becomes a dying old man.

Nowadays, when looking at the earth from space, the originally blue earth has turned gray-white. The oceans are filled with the carcasses of various fish, and on the earth, green plants have become rare.

The vegetation has withered, the rivers have dried up, and the land has become dead.

Those who have gained extraordinary power because of the golden tree are beginning to feel afraid. If the earth perishes, then even if they gain extraordinary power, what can they do? They will not die?

Thinking of this, some people began to react and wanted to destroy the golden tree.

But they all got their power from the golden tree, so how could they cause harm to the golden tree?

In front of the Golden Tree, their power was too weak.

Even if they tried their best and used all kinds of weapons and abilities, they could not damage the golden tree in the slightest.

Not only that, when the gods noticed that humans began to take up arms to resist, they immediately took action to stop them.

As soon as the gods took action, their defeat became even more severe.


Under the power of the gods, all countries were afraid and did not dare to resist.

We can only watch the earth dying, watching the life in our own land begin to disappear, and become a dead place.


There is another country that still lives without worries.

That is, China.

There are gods in China.

Now, it is the only pure land on earth.

Some people began to want to immigrate to China to avoid the disaster, but not long ago, China began to block its borders after receiving most of the overseas Chinese.

Nowadays, it is easy to leave China, but difficult to enter China.

Some overseas Chinese who were greedy for life abroad and failed to return in time began to regret, but it was all in vain.

"Hehe, what can China do? In this situation, even gods can't turn the tide. The earth is going to be destroyed."

"Yes, the end of the world has come."

"No one can stop it."

"Haha, let's die, let's destroy together."

"Fight with these gods!"

In the face of the end of the world, some people are sad, some are crazy, and some rise up to resist. All kinds of human nature are magnified to the extreme.

In the chaos, a golden door suddenly appeared above the earth today, attracting everyone's attention.

Everyone looked over.

I saw angels with wings on their backs falling from the sky.

The leading angel had six wings on his back, and his golden eyes seemed to burn with endless golden flames, full of majesty.

Some devout believers knelt on the ground when they saw these angels.

"That, that is the Seraphim Michael!"

"Great, the angels have come to save us!"

The angels came.

It seemed to bring a ray of hope to the end of the world, but the next scene completely extinguished the dawn of everyone!

Loki came to Michael and smiled faintly, "Welcome everyone in heaven to the earth. The earth is now in our pocket. My father invites the Lord of heaven to come and have a talk."

"I know, everyone in Asgard has done a good job."

Michael said faintly.

The two gods were communicating in a friendly manner, which meant that Michael and other angels were in the same group with the Asgard gods who caused the end of the earth!

"The gods are all thinking about occupying the earth and destroying mankind..."

"Everything is over."

In the villa far away in China, Xu Qianqiu glanced at the direction where the heaven opened and smiled faintly, "It's almost time."

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