Good guys, this crane system is really righteous.

In order to allow the host to live in the apocalypse, it is really only to let the host take advantage and not let the host suffer a little loss.

The more the host uses, the more it returns.

The more the host gives to others, the greater the chance of survival and the more it returns.

If the host gives it to someone else, the smaller the chance of survival, not only will it not be returned, but it will also have to be reversed.

Anyway, no matter how you consume, as long as you can improve your chances of survival, you can get it back.


After listening to the system's explanation, Lin Cheng relaxed his heart and began to wander around the shelter.

The shelter at this stage has an area of 200 square meters and has 3 floors.

Two of the floors are above ground and one is underground.

In other words, the usable area is actually 600 square meters.

The entire shelter is made of alloy steel with a thickness of 20 cm.

Each of the four walls has a window 2 meters wide and 1.5 meters high.

The windows are divided into two levels.

The outer layer is a sliding 20 cm thick alloy steel closed window.

The inner layer is special bulletproof glass.

When there is nothing dangerous, the outer window door can be slid aside and used glass for lighting.

When in danger, you can close the windows and doors and make them as strong as the shelter shell.

Inside the shelter.

Rooms with different functions such as living room, bedroom, study, kitchen, bathroom, gym and so on.

At the same time, there is also the overall furniture.

And they are also the highest configuration.

Lin Cheng even saw that in the study, there were several hard disks filled with 3A masterpieces.

Inside the basement, except for the gun production line, which takes up half of the space.

The other half, which is currently a multipurpose storage room.

The storage room has multiple compartments.

With different temperature control systems, these compartments can be set up as freezers, insulated rooms and various other storage rooms.

After turning around, Lin Cheng was very satisfied with this shelter.

Although many features are not activated.

But it can be said that this shelter already has the most perfect prototype of the doomsday refuge.


After looking around the shelter.

Only then did Lin Cheng leave the shelter and start to purchase in large quantities.

His plan was simple.

First, use the fastest speed to store a certain amount of supplies inside the shelter.

At the same time, temporary parking stations were created outside the shelter.

Buy large quantities of supplies and store them outside for a short period of time.

Wait until the area of the shelter is expanded.

Then move the supplies from the parking station to the shelter.

In this way, even if the end breaks out in advance tomorrow, and a large amount of materials has not yet had time to be delivered, there is a certain amount of inventory in Lin Cheng's shelter.

While purchasing materials, Lin Cheng also had to strengthen the entire industrial park as a whole.

First, he didn't want to see zombies dangling blindly at the door every day as soon as he woke up after the apocalypse broke out.

Second, he needed a place large enough to serve as the headquarters of his doomsday team.

He wants to build his own Doomsday Legion!

In his previous life, Lin Cheng saw it with his own eyes.

Some with their own armed forces.

What a luxury their life in the apocalypse is.

For them, the outbreak of the end is not a crisis, but an opportunity.

Before the end of the world, they still had some scruples.

After the apocalypse, order is completely broken, and they can use their armed forces to seize all the resources they see.

Food, supplies, means of production, women ...

Just like the lighthouse country on the other side, their history of development is plunder.

Plunder everything that makes them stronger.

Therefore, their lives in the end times are even much higher than before the end times.

In his previous life, Lin Cheng was very envious of this kind of life.

But as the target of the plunder, Lin Cheng hated them immensely.

And in this life, Lin Cheng's accumulation is not necessarily as much as theirs.

But prepare in advance.

After the end of the world, this doomsday army formed by Lin Cheng is definitely not to be underestimated.

He will also build his own paradise in the cruel end times!


After making a plan, Lin Cheng immediately went to purchase materials.

While preparing supplies.

He was also able to get the system back.

It's a double whammy.

As for the preparation of materials, Lin Cheng already had a plan in his heart.

In the previous life, on the second day after the outbreak of the apocalypse, almost all the infrastructure was completely paralyzed.

Water is also polluted.

Therefore, Lin Cheng needs to prepare a large amount of various types of food and fresh water.

At the same time, medical resources such as drugs and equipment, and energy such as oil and coal, he also needs to be ready.

These things are consumables and can be stored for a long time.


Lin Cheng chose a large supermarket located near the Third Ring Road.

This supermarket is huge.

In addition to retail.

He also does wholesale work in the nearby area.

Going to the supermarket, Lin Cheng directly found the key account manager.

"Hello sir, I am the manager of the bulk purchasing department, do you need to purchase in large quantities?"

"Hello, I need to purchase a large number of supplies, I don't know if you can meet my needs."

The supermarket manager's surname is Qin.

Hearing Lin Cheng's big breath, he thought that a big customer was coming this time.

It seems that there is something you want.

He hurriedly said: "Sir, don't worry, we are not only a supermarket, but also a regional agent for many products, so the stock is very large. "

"The major supermarkets near us basically pick up the goods from us, how much you want, just give a number, we promise to prepare it for you."

Lin Cheng nodded:

"Well, you help me write it down, don't miss it."

"10 kilograms of rice and flour, the same 200 bags."

"100 barrels of cooking oil, 10 boxes of various spices."

"100 boxes of noodles, 100 boxes of instant noodles of various flavors."

"500 boxes of large bottles of mineral water, 200 cases of various drinks."

"Give me 1 ton of beef, 2 tons of pork, and 10 whole sheep."

"100 chickens, ducks and geese."

Lin Cheng said as the manager noted them down one by one.

After remembering it, Manager Qin quickly calculated the final amount.

"Sir, your total consumption is 300492 yuan."

"We'll take the fraction out of you, it's a total of 300,000 yuan."

Dragon Boat reading discount! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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