
Ye Cang did not refute.

Instead, he nodded slowly.

They are now at the headquarters of the military district in the city.

It's actually an office and administrative unit.

The real place of stationing of the military district was in the barracks on the outskirts.


For example, the barracks in the north are tank units.

After the zombie crisis in the barracks was lifted.

They rushed to the city as soon as possible, followed the instructions, and carried out the task.

And on the western outskirts there are military airfields.

Helicopters, fighters, bombers, etc. are readily available.

It's just that the lethality is too great, and it is a heavy weapon for a wide range of attacks.

While destroying zombies, it will bring countless casualties to survivors.

This makes rescue meaningless.

So it hasn't been used.

Only some helicopters are dispatched when support is needed.

And the missile troops stationed in the eastern mountains.

It can only be mobilized when the crisis is irreparable.


Although these teams are not moving.

But that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Deterrence with such real heavy weapons.

It is the foundation of the military's ability to maintain today's order with tough means.

It is also the reason why those forces that also have strong armed forces do not dare to make a second attempt.


"You all think we should communicate with each other first and strive for cooperation?"

Ye Cang asked.

Everyone nodded.

"Yes, cooperation with each other is obviously of great benefit to us."

"Without using long-range attack means, the opponent's strength is not weaker than ours, and if we can cooperate, it will greatly reduce our casualties."

"We can also use him to suppress other forces."


Listen to the answers of the crowd.

Ye Cang shifted his gaze to Sun Jing who was not far away.

This is a junior officer that he values the most.

Also his proud protégé.

After his retirement, Ye Cang was an adviser to the Infantry Military Academy.

I have taken Sun Jing's classes for several years.

He was very satisfied with this student.

And Sun Jing is also enough to fight.

In just a few years, he became the king of the whole army.


"Sun Jing, what do you think?"

Sun Jing stood up, saluted, and said, "General, my opinion, like everyone, is to cooperate with him. "

"However, I have had some contact with him and know more about him than everyone else."

Hearing this, everyone shifted their attention to Sun Jing.

Or looked at him in amazement or bewilderment.

Ye Cang also frowned slightly.

"You know him?"

Sun Dots head.

"While on a mission, my team was chased by the tide of corpses."

"He was the one who rescued us and gave me thirty machine guns."

"It can be said that the life of our company was given by him."

Ye Cang's eyes froze.

This guy is so ruthless when he destroys other people's bases, can he be so kind, and he is saving people and sending guns?


Ye Cang asked, "How do you evaluate this person?" "

Thinking of Lin Cheng, Sun Jing smiled bitterly.

How to evaluate?

I still owe this guy a request.

Maybe one day I'll run over to help him.

"In my opinion, Lin Cheng is ruthless, and if there is revenge, he will be revenge, but he will not be fine."

"The reason why he attacked Deng Wei was because Deng Wei attacked him first."

"Secondly, this man will never suffer."

"He saves people, not because of warm-heartedness, but because the people who are saved are valuable."

"He gave me a gun, not generously, but a deal with me, and he was only willing to send it if I agreed to his request."


Sun Jing made a summary.

"This person cannot be judged by good or bad, I can only say that this is a very realistic person."

"As long as we don't take the initiative to provoke him, he won't disadvantage us."

"As long as it is beneficial for him to cooperate with us, he will not refuse us."


After a moment of contemplation, Ye Cang said slowly.

"In that case... Sun Jing, then you can run for us and meet him." "

"Probe his tone and see if he has ideas for cooperation."

"If possible, invite him to meet me!"

Sun Jing thought for a moment and spoke, "General, I don't think it's time to meet yet. "


"Now the need for us to cooperate is not strong enough."

Sun Jing explained, "In other words, we can't bring enough benefits to Lin Cheng. "

"Lin Cheng has not helped us enough."

"So it doesn't make enough sense for us to work together now."

"Then when do you think it is most appropriate to cooperate with him?"

Sun Jing thought for a while: "On the military side, after the complete research report on the zombie virus comes out, it is the best time for us to cooperate." "



The efficiency of these researchers is much higher than on Dunwey's.

Just because Lin Cheng said a word.

Whoever dares to touch the fish will be sent out of the shelter.

Which team dares to slow down the research progress.

Which team can find another job.

Listen, how polite and vicious this is.

Kick me out together, and you guys eat meat and drink and drink to see me off, right?

Let's find another way and work with zombies, right?


Less than half a month.

The zombie breath simulation potion has already begun to be tested.

This is much faster than Peng Qingqing's previous team.

Peng Qingqing's team took nearly a month.

Only then did the mechanism of this simulated agent be discovered.

And now, it is already possible to experiment.

According to estimates, it won't be long before the zombie breath simulation potion can be officially put into production.


During this period, Lin Cheng was not idle.

In addition to training yourself day and night.

A large number of combat robots were also produced.

Now his battle robots have reached two thousand.

It can quite be said that it is a regimental structure.

Plus a couple of hundred armored vehicles.

Lin Cheng's ideal Doomsday Legion has begun to take shape!

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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