Inside the castle of the Einzberen family, the breath was frozen and scorching.

The owner and assistant of the castle pointed a gun at the intruder.

The intruders seized important hostages and confronted each other.

"Yesterday, you could have set fire to the hotel before you blew it up to get some people to escape."

The intruder, Soul, is holding Alice Phil by the neck and using this as a threat.

"Today, you can abandon the kidnapped child of Caster in order to win."

Contradictions, Emiya Kiritsugu saves people, but also kills.

arrogant, the power to kill people and save people is in the hands of the human being of Emiya Kiritsu.

"Do you really think you can control someone else's fate?"

"Put my wife down!"

Emiya Kiritsugu threatened Sur and said loudly.

It doesn't matter how the magician in front of him bypassed the barrier of the Einzberren family, how he suddenly appeared behind Ellie's back and kidnapped her, what he wanted to think about was how to rescue the hostages.

The man in front of him is not ruthless, but he must be ruthless when making decisions.

I have tried the warmth of the gentle township and embraced the joy of family.

"Yes." Sur took Alice Phil's waist with one hand, dragged her up, and then said to the woman next to Emiya Kiritsugu.

"Woman over there, you can come and take this young lady away and escape, my target is just this man."

After receiving the instructions of Emiya Kiritsugu, Maiya prepares to take Erie away and retreat.

"This guy must have some other backhand."

The unknown terrified Emiya Kiritsugu.

Too little is known about Sur.

It was clear that the information showed that Sur only had a record of using gem magic, but yesterday's reaction from the Spell did not match the reaction of the Heroic Spirit, the escape from the collapsed hotel building, and the ability to come to this room just now.

The unknown is the most terrifying.

Alice Phil offered her most faithful blessings, hoping that her husband would win, and was reluctantly taken away by Maiya.

The unknown, too, is for Sur.

As a magician killer, what hole cards can Kiritsugu Emiya get this title?

The two men confronted each other, and Sur spread his wings like a young eagle to face the viper.

"Mercury, slash!" The rushing mercury suddenly erupted from behind Emiya Kiritsugu and converged into a blade.

"Storm, break!" The green gem thrown from Sur's hand instantly unleashed a storm that pressed Emiya Kiritsugu's body and slammed into the mercury blade.

If it's an average opponent, let's solve it now.

The storm damaged the furniture in the conference hall and rolled up smoke.


Sur's eyes saw it, and the killing move that the average magician would have dodged was dodged.

"Does it act on the body's inherent barriers?"

At a glance, you can see the essence of Emiya Kiritsugu's magic.

Two tear gas gases were thrown out of the smoke, and Emiya Kiritsugu fled.

It's not that I'm slow, it's that he's fast.

Sur covered his nose, closed his eyes, and cast a magic spell.

This time, it was a small whirlwind hovering behind Sur, and the difference in air pressure prevented the surrounding tear gas from getting close to Sur and was swept into the whirlwind.

Breathing quickens, so does the heartbeat, and, the frequency of blinking...

It's not the type that strengthens the body, but it's that your time is sped up.

Sur manipulated the mercury ball to burst into a needle, and the tracking effect that came with this magic dress was still very useful.

But...... It's better not to rely too much on magic than to do so.

There will come a time when magic won't work, and what will magicians do at that time?


fighting in small places is too disadvantageous.

Bullets fired from a firearm can bounce off and injure yourself.

Grenades on trouser belts also do not work.

Just as Emiya Kiritsugu was thinking about countermeasures, he discovered a probe formed by mercury.

"Detective technique?"

The methods used by magicians in general to detect are roughly similar.

A technique that detects the magic of an enemy.

Or probe the enemy's vital signs, such as breathing, heartbeat, etc.

The former is often used for enchantments, and the latter is the one used by Thor.

What is the message of mercury, which is used for tracking?

There is no sight, no hearing, and I can track it even though I have not been in contact with it, and the sense of touch is also excluded.

No, it's not touching yourself, it's feeling the temperature, the body temperature on your body.

Thinking of this, Emiya Kiritsugu unleashed his own magic.

"Inherent Time Controls Triple Stagnation."

As long as you lower your heartbeat and body temperature and disguise yourself as your surroundings, then you can hide from that dress.

The principle of the introduction of the Emiya family's magic was cut off by the Crimson King.

The author thinks it's too watery, and the number of words is too much, so he thinks that handsome and intelligent readers can understand it.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and the comer was cautious, and the semicircular mercury shielded the body, revealing only the unimportant part of the red shoe.

The distance is only about 1.5 meters.

The sound of submachine guns rang out.

The close gunfire of Emiya Kiritsugu suppressed the man behind the mercury.

But he also knew that it would not pose a threat to the intruders.


Emiya Kiritsugu's own modified love gun.

Only one bullet can be loaded, but the rate of fire is more than 2.5 times that of the other one, and the destructive power is 7 times that of the other.


The body gushing with blood fell down.

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