A good day must start with breakfast.

Lancer's craftsmanship is good, and the porridge and grilled fish on the table are top notch.

The morning news on the television reported that yesterday a gas explosion occurred on the outskirts of Fuyuki City, destroying trees within a radius of 500 meters.

The second piece of news is that the murderer who carried out the mad murder in Fuyuki City has been arrested for a long time, and dozens of lives, adults, children, men and women, have been arrested. When the police arrested him, it was even more disgusting to see his beautiful works, and in short, the residents of Fuyuki City could go out at night with peace of mind.

"When I was just going to the street to buy groceries, I met Rider, and today I was holding a banquet at the Einzberen family castle, is the master really not going?"

Lancer picked up the napkin and wiped Sur's mouth clean, making a deliberate remark.

"No, no."

Sur categorically refused again.

"It's not so much that I don't go, it's that I can't be taken by riders."

Sur gave the reason.

"Although an alliance has been formed, the initiative of the alliance must always be in our hands."

"We can attend a drinking party at the same time, but I can't be invited by riders, understand?"

That's the reason, although it is an alliance, it is still an enemy.

"I have a very important thing to do today."

After Lancer finished washing the dishes, Sur took Lancer out the door.

It's a very important thing.

"Well, it's okay."

Karna wears a red cloak that resembles a cape, underneath is a black suit with a gold tie.

The contrast between the black dress and the white hair, the anger of the gold tie.

If only Lancer weren't so dumb-eyed.

"Bought it." Surr took out the black card, and this dress was very satisfying to Sur.

And then all morning, it's all about shopping.

Delicious dessert and bought.

Nice clothes, bought.

Girls are born with shopping characteristics, when they meet the right one, they buy it, regardless of whether it is good or not, whether it is suitable or not.

Correspondingly, Lancer had more and more packages in his hand, but Sur still brought the car, even though he bought it not long ago.

Sur was in the passenger seat looking out the window, not knowing what to think.

Lancer is in the driver's seat, strictly following the traffic rules, giving way to pedestrians, keeping his hands on the steering wheel and not distracted elsewhere.

"Okay, let's stop here."

Sur stopped at a house.

"Give me the red package."

After taking his things, Sur rang the doorbell.

"It's coming, it's coming." The door was opened by a woman with black hair tied in a side ponytail.

"Excuse me, who are you?"

After all, it was a stranger, and the woman still asked vigilantly.

"We're from the Red Cross, but is it Renta's mother?"

"Yes, please come in."

Seeing the documents that Suer took out, Renta's mother still invited Suer and the others to come in.

"This is a condolence gift from the meeting." Sur handed the red package to Mother Renta.

Then hug the single mother in front of you.

"Mom, you have to be good alone."

It seems to have seen it, and my mother seems to have seen it.

His 5-year-old child smiled and talked to himself, telling himself to apologize to the grandmother next door, and he did it himself to break the grandmother's flower pot next door.

Lose your temper less and smoke less at work.

But I will never see my child again.

Because he had been killed three days earlier.

Tears can't help but flow.

The mother wept over the loss of her child.

"If you have time, go to the orphanage in Fuyuki City, there are many of the same children there."

Suer let go of his hand, patted Renta's mother on the back, and said comfortingly.

Mother Ren opened the package, and inside was winter clothes and an envelope.

Renta's mother opened the envelope, it was the certificate of the best hospital in Japan, which could treat her rheumatism, and 80% of the cost of the treatment had been paid, and the remaining 20% had to be paid by herself.

"Thank you, thank you."

Single mothers have new things to rely on, their only loved ones are gone, but there are still people who care about them.

"Let's go, next."

Clothing that doesn't fit you is for someone else.

Unwanted items are reserved for those who need them most right now.

People like Rentai's mother first give new support, necessary materials, to prove that someone cares about her, and the non-payment of medical expenses also gives a single mother respect, and she can support herself.

Dozens of children have been killed, and dozens of families have been broken in the tiny Far East.

Sur can't sew up the home, and the broken mirror will also have chips.

You can only do your best to keep others from noticing the shards, or to hide them.

Some are sponsoring the college entrance examination of the deceased child's sister.

Some are looking for a decent job for their unemployed father.

And so on and so forth.

This was Sur's last tenderness, and nothing more could be done.

The dead can't come back, but the living are still there.

It's not that the past is forgotten, it's just that the future is still there.

We can't stop seeing tomorrow's sunrise because of yesterday's heavy rain.

"Let's go, it's time to claim the reward."

At the last stop, the Fuyuki Church arrived.

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