Start the Source of Fire and Create a Mechanical Army

Start the source of fire and build a mechanical army Chapter 212

Half of his body was covered in blood, and his anger washed over his sanity. He jumped up, took out his mechanical cannon, and fired it at those monsters.


There was a loud bang, and the flames illuminated half of the sky.

From being caught off guard at the beginning, to the suppression of firepower behind, and soon, the monsters died again. This wave of offensive quickly eased.

But at the same time, a lot of their soldiers also died. Even if there is a wood-type spirit stone that can save a life, the amount of spirit stone everyone gets is limited, and they can't be lucky every time. down.

Father Ye came to send the information to the general and the spirit stone that was traded, and he witnessed this battle before he had time to leave.

Watching the soldiers clean up his brother's broken limbs, his eyes turned red, Ye Mu turned her head away, her voice was extremely uncomfortable, "What the hell is this boy doing! Does he want to die with us? ¨¨!"

They are facing monsters, but they are not monsters either.

These monsters are man-made, created by a man who has chosen the extremely remote boy profession.

When they were in the misty area, the opponent was very weak. Later, they slowly grew up by relying on others as dogs. After arriving in the densely foggy area, the opponent was beaten to death by the people in the Facebook organization, and then thrown into a monster full of monsters. In the cave... Later, the boy who can synthesize the army of various monsters appeared again.

Later, the boy began to capture various organizations in the dense fog area. The small organization was destroyed without even sending a call for help, while the large organization sent a call for help.

The official came to support, and then for some reason, the boy locked his eyes on the official.

Mother Ye's voice was extremely uncomfortable: "He wants revenge, shouldn't he go to Facebook?!"

"Pinch the persimmon softly." Zhou Admiral in military uniform came out of the mechanical house, his expression was bone-chillingly cold, "He can't beat the clown, of course he doesn't dare to go over. Scum slaughter is scum slaughter, even if he has such a powerful Strength can't change his bad roots."

"It can't go on like this forever." Father Ye said solemnly, "He can use all kinds of dead corpses to synthesize monsters, but our people grow up year by year, and we are dragging on like this..."

"I know." Admiral Zhou lit the cigarette in his mouth and narrowed his eyes, "so I will deal with him before that."

"You..." Father Ye looked at his former classmate who escaped and couldn't help but patted him on the shoulder, "Be careful, and tell me directly if necessary."

"There is a need now." Admiral Zhou said unceremoniously: "I remember that your daughter's little object is not from that organization. Try to see if you can customize a large number of weapons from that mysterious organization."

"I've seen the honeycomb bombs and various defenses made by their organization. They're awesome." Admiral Zhou flicked the cigarette between his fingers and shook off the ash on it, "Bi Shanhaicheng's rubbish provided it. much better."

Father Ye's serious face darkened, "Who said they were the target?! Just ordinary classmates, don't spread the word!"

"Yes, yes, then you ask your daughter to ask her ordinary classmates to see if she can customize a batch of weapons such as honeycomb bombs, as well as defensive equipment. It is best to have more defensive equipment." Admiral Zhou He exhaled a puff of smoke.

"As for where the expenses come from, I'll bother my sister-in-law to tell the bunch of things in Shanhaicheng."

"Okay." Mother Ye nodded and agreed, "Don't worry, I will definitely handle it for you."

After a few people talked, they went to do their own things.

And here, Ye Xuan received a notice from her father.

She didn't quite understand, "It's not enough to contact the mechanic master directly on the forum to customize it? Why do you have to go through Bai Ye? What if Bai Ye is not familiar with her?"

"." You help me ask. Father Ye's eyes were still a little red, and his voice was exhausted. "A lot of people died this time. Your Uncle Zhou is having a hard time. You should ask for your Uncle Zhou's face." "

In Ye Xuan's impression, Uncle Zhou was not in a good mood, but after hearing that Uncle Zhou was having a hard time, and seeing her father's tired and sad expression, she felt very uncomfortable, so she nodded, "Okay, I'll ask Bai Ye, try my best to Fight for you."

Mother Ye cared about Ye Xuan for a few words, and after hanging up the phone, the tiredness on Father Ye's face disappeared.

He pinched the bridge of his nose, "I don't know what she will do in the future if she is so easy to deceive."

"Who would have thought that you, being a real father, would still engage in bitter tricks?" Mother Ye patted him, and then said, "If it doesn't work here, we'll contact you on the forum. Even if we can't make batches at that time, there's only one point. It's ok, the rest can be bought by others."

Father Ye: "Okay, I know, don't worry."

(Get money Zhao) And here, Bai Ye was having breakfast when ye Xuan's phone interrupted the meal.

Bai Ye: "It's rare to find me so early, tell me, what's the matter?"

Ye Xuan was wearing a cute and furry pajamas, her eyes were a little red, "Bai Ye, you... do you know the mysterious mechanic master on the forum? It's the mechanic master who knew Bai Xiaosheng."


Bai Ye nodded, "I know, what's wrong?"

" uncle has encountered some very troublesome things. It's very dangerous and needs a batch of weapons." Michelle Ye paused, "Can I trouble you to ask the mechanic master if you can sell us a batch of weapons? With mechanical protective equipment?"

"A batch of weapons?" Bai Ye thought about it, Susu often made various mechanical weapons or protective gear to relax his mind, and those things are now filling a small room.

"Okay, let me ask her for you.".

229: Space and Time

"Okay." Ye Xuan nodded and said, "Excuse me."

"It's alright." Bai Ye glanced at her reddish eyes and said thoughtfully, "Why, there are serious problems over there?"

Ye Xuan shook her head, "It's not particularly serious. You can't go into the foggy area. Why do you ask this?"

"I'm very interested." Bai Ye touched his chin, "It's been more than half a month since I knew the official matter. The dense fog area has escaped from the crack of time and space. The monster tribe, why hasn't it been resolved for so long?"

And from the behavior of Father Ye and Ye Xuan, the official support in the dense fog area should be quite difficult.

But so far, there has not been a large-scale explosion of terrifying monsters in the dense fog area on the forum.

That is to say, either all the people in the dense fog area who knew about it kept silent, or the officials were currently fighting against monsters in a place far away from everyone.

These two, no matter which one is taken out alone, there is something wrong.

Michelle Ye shook her head, "If it's resolved, there's no need to collect these things anymore, right?"

She said, frowning subconsciously.

Bai Ye asked knowingly, "Is it convenient to talk about it?"

Michelle Ye regained her senses and shook her head, "I'll tell you if I can, but now 190 has to be kept secret."

"Okay, I get it." As soon as Bai Ye finished his words, Su Su rushed over from behind him. Across the back of the chair, his arms were wrapped around his neck and chest, and his black fluffy curly hair fell on Bai Ye's shoulders. " Master! Susu misses Master so much!"

"Yo, your little beauty is here again." Ye Xuan raised her eyebrows with a smile, then lowered her eyelids and said, "Okay, enjoy yourself, I won't bother you, but remember to ask the mechanic for me. Master, I owe you a favor."

"Come on, you don't even know how much you owe me." Bai Ye patted Susu's furry head, "Well, hang up first."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Xuan couldn't help but wiped her face.

Afterwards, both hands patted his cheeks, trying to make himself more awake, "Ye Xuan, don't forget that there are so many beauties around Bai Ye who are always here, don't think too much, don't make trouble for yourself! Now! Isn't it a good relationship?"

She stopped, and the duck sat on the bed, her hair falling beside her cheeks, and suddenly became silent.

Maybe it was because it was not long after the early morning, her mood was still affected by the night, so she was so sad.

Does Bai Ye have any other relationship with her besides classmates and bad friends? there is none left.

So why is she so sad?

Bai Ye was being coquettish by Su Sulai in her arms, and she had long forgotten ye Xuan's red eyes.

He grabbed the two hands that were jumping around him, and said quite amusingly, "What are you doing? Huh?"

"Hey, Susu misses the master." She went around the chair and put her face on Bai Ye's shoulder, "So the master sent a message to Susu just now, and Susu came right away!"

"Really? How do I feel that you are running so fast for research purposes?" Bai Ye raised his eyebrows and made a suspicious expression.

"Ah! The master bullies people!" Susu pouted, "How can Susu ask for materials in the future?"

The Xiaobai people who had been listening next to them couldn't help laughing. After getting along for so long, they also knew Susu's temperament, so they knew better that what the master said at the moment was right.

Su Su Nen blushed, "Yes, it's so funny... Everyone has their own favorite things. In Su Su, the master is the same as the research... No! The master is more important than the research! It is much, much more important!"

"Okay, I finally missed the point. I'm as important as research." Bai Ye spread his hands.

Su Su was even more embarrassed, this time even Su Tongtong, who had been enduring it, couldn't help but laugh.

A group of beauties of all colors were laughing, making the restaurant suddenly become radiant.

Only Yingying, a panda, looked around and ate hard.

Stupid two-legged beasts who don't value food, so don't blame (bicc) it for helping them eat them all!

A soft paw silently plucked Rem's food, and Rem let Yingying eat it with indulgence.

So, Yingying, who had succeeded once, became more and more arrogant and continued to pull...

Bai Ye took Yingying's back by the neck and pressed it back to her place from the table, "You've gained a lot of weight again, and you don't have enough to eat, and you rob someone else?"

With Yingying's protest, the breakfast came to an end.

After waiting for Susu to eat, Bai Ye asked her, "Susu, can you make some mass-produced weapons? Someone contacted me and said they wanted to buy your weapons and mechanical armor."

"However, now that I want to add automatic healing to the weapon, I have to do it myself." Su Su scratched his head, "Master, is it okay to have those in a room? Although the styles and functions are different, their attack Both sex and defense are very good!"

"Huh? You don't keep the ones in the room?" Bai Ye just checked it the day before yesterday. Some of the weapons in it have special characteristics, and there are even biological weapons in them. "I thought you would keep those. ."

"Those are those who practice hands, it's not that important, isn't it just taking up space to keep them?" Susu said as a matter of course: "I will always make more powerful mechanical weapons and equipment than the last time, so these outdated weapons will be There's no need to keep it. It was originally intended to be sold, and since the owner's friends want it, let's sell it all to them."

She hugged Bai Ye's arm and closed her eyes comfortably, "If those are not enough, Susu can work overtime to do some more. As long as she is not researching new weapons, Susu will do it very quickly."

"Well, it's hard work Susu." Bai Ye touched her head, "I'll ask them later."

"Susu is not hard, I will earn money to support the master in the future!" Susu opened her eyes with a serious look.

Bai Ye couldn't help laughing, "Then you have to work hard."

After all, he is a Tama clan now, and his assets are increasing by tens of millions every day. (1 unit of spirit stone = 10,000 miracle coins)

In a few more weeks like this, his assets will be horribly large.

Susu raised him?

It's better to stop dreaming, just lie down and enjoy the feeling of falling money from the sky.

"By the way, master, I made a small body for Xiaokong, and she is now serving as my assistant." Su Su suddenly remembered this and reported it to the master.

Bai Ye's hand paused, and he said with interest: "Huh? She is also busy in the laboratory? Then do you think she is talented in mechanics?"

"Well..." Susu thought for a while and shook her head, "She is not suitable for machinery, but she has a good understanding of space and time, and is currently trying to make a space bag by herself.".

230: Shuttle to the future!

Have a good understanding of time and space?

Xiaokong is a mechanical creature synthesized from the Void Stone. It is normal to have talent for space and talent for time, then it can be cultivated.

What if an existence that travels through time can be cultivated? !

Maybe after training, Xiaokong will be able to see the future for him, or go back to the past to see him~!

A little stronger, maybe it can take people to travel through time and space, back to the past or to the future.

Bai Ye couldn't help but said: "Since Xiaokong has talent for time and space, then you should cultivate her well, stare at her and don't let her relax, I will also pay attention to whether there is an extraordinary career that suits her... Susu, Xiaokong If I can grow up, it will help me a lot..."

"If it is helpful to the master, then I will definitely take a good look at Xiaokong!" Su Su assured with a serious face, "Don't worry, the master."

Xiao Kong, who was busy sorting out materials in the laboratory, suddenly stopped, and after three seconds, she snapped back to her senses.

what happened? Why did she suddenly feel a chill, as if something invisible but heavy was pressing down.

It should be an illusion. She is a mechanical life and not a human being. How can she feel this way? There must be a problem with the internal mechanical joints. Let Sister Susu help her check it later.

Susu ran away without staying by Bai Ye's side for a long time, because she had already thought about the training and plan for Xiaokong, she must be strong to make the master happy!

Bai Ye came to the door of the room, and as soon as he opened it, he saw a room full of mechanical objects.

He stood at the door and took a photo and sent it to Ye Xuan: [The mechanic master said that mass-produced weapons and mechanical armor will not have self-healing features. These are the master's private libraries. Although each of the items in it is used differently, each one has self-healing properties. How do you choose? Is it going to be mass produced or these? 】

Ye Xuan clicked on the picture and looked at it, and the whole person was shocked.

This picture is full of things in a room. The ground, the corners, the table, and the bed are all piled up with various weapons and mechanical objects. I can't understand the purpose, but most of them look very powerful. She is still here. Head saw the hive bomb her dad had mentioned.

Ye Xuan: [Let me ask my dad. 】

Bai Ye: [OK. 】

Ye Xuan forwarded the picture to her father, and then sent a screenshot of Bai Ye's question: [Dad, which one do you want? 】

Five stars: [There must be healing properties. You can ask Bai Ye if you can count the functions on the picture, which ones are used for attack, which ones can be protected, and how to use them. Your mother has gone to apply for funds and will be able to buy it soon. 】

Ye Xuan: [Ok, I understand. 】

She scratched her hair, and replied to Bai Ye with Miracle's mobile phone in her hand: [All of us have to have healing properties here. Do you have information on these mechanical items in Bai Ye? Can you count which ones are offensive, which ones are defensive, and also, does the master have any favorite prices? 】

Bai Ye felt troublesome when he saw these requirements, so he called Su Su directly.

"Master?" The phone was connected almost immediately, Susu was holding something in her hand, she tilted her head with a smile, "It's been a long time since we separated, did the master miss Susu?"

"Yes, yes." Bai Ye pointed the camera at the overflowing mechanical objects in the room, "Susu, can you mark their attributes? And how much do you want to sell each item for?"

"Ah, wait a moment, master." Susu stepped on her feet, the chair slid, and then stopped, her fingers quickly tapped on the virtual keyboard for a moment, and then said: "Master, okay, every mechanical item has There is a simple virtual screen to introduce myself. As for the price...they are the owner's friends, Susu doesn't know how to set it, it's better for the owner to set the price."

Susu thought for a while and decided to throw this problem to the master.

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