Start the Source of Fire and Create a Mechanical Army

Start the source of fire and build a mechanical army Chapter 238

In the end, I didn't expect that when they were counting the treasure chests, they suddenly appeared in front of them. As soon as they appeared, they didn't wait for them to attack. The other party immediately kidnapped more than 20 women and children from the panic-blood tribe, so that they couldn't fall if they wanted to attack. hand.

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"It's just a nameless person." The leading young woman was unexpectedly beautiful. She was so coquettishly beautiful that she seemed to represent depravity. Such a person should be the existence in the leader's arms, but now, she It is that powerful and unparalleled existence!

As if exploring, she carefully looked at the faces of all the desolate blood tribes present, and then a sharp arc evoked the corner of her mouth, she said: "It's really a weak ant..."

But it is such a weak existence that chases and kills her in her dreams, making her panic all day long!

Soon, all the people from the Wild Blood Tribe arrived, and the woman sat on a chair with a calm expression, and said with the corners of her mouth hooked: "I ask one, you answer one, if you lie to me, then kill one of your people. Don't Thinking of attacking us midway, you are too weak to do it."

.. 0

The patriarch clung to the cane tightly in his hand, and he stared at the woman with bloodshot eyes, "Okay, you ask."

"Who is the person in charge behind you?" The woman said, "Answer cautiously, otherwise, if one is wrong, we will kill one here."

Her subordinates were beside her, grabbing a child from the barren blood tribe.

The patriarch's eyes flashed, he stared at the woman, "Don't you know? The whole official now knows that we are working for a mysterious organization, and they dare not touch us. If you take action, you are not afraid of being hunted down?"

The woman laughed out loud as if she had heard some kind of joke, "Mysterious organization?" She looked at her slender hand and said coldly, "It's just a bunch of rabble now, and it's easy to crush them to death."

She looked at the patriarch and continued to ask, "How did the entire tribe gain special abilities?"

The patriarch's eyes turned cold, and he said firmly: "I don't understand what you are talking about."

"There are other people in the world you live in." The woman smiled, "After we asked, we found out that you are ordinary people, weak and pitiful."

"But after coming to this world, you suddenly have the ability to atomize and assassinate. Do you think it's strange?" Dao.

281: Success! !

As the woman's voice fell, not only the patriarch's eyes turned cold. The gazes of the entire barren blood clan gathered here have changed.

This time, without the patriarch's order, they all silently turned into a fog, only a pair of scarlet eyes loomed in the fog, and they flew towards the group of outsiders!

And the woman didn't panic at all, she took out a weird looking gun and pointed it at these people, "Do you think I'll be stupid enough to bring people here without any preparation?"


"Master! I've figured out a method!" Susu ran out of the laboratory excitedly, and seven monsters followed behind her. These seven monsters were a combination of machinery and flesh, but they didn't seem to have any cruelty. It's like wearing the strongest armor.

It looks and feels stronger than before.

"Two-three-zero" "Have they all been remodeled?" Bai Ye looked at them one by one and found that Susu's transformation of each monster was different, not copy-paste.

It's only been one night, Susu's speed is a little too fast.

"Ah, yes, they've been remodeled." Only then did Su Su remember these monsters, she was nestled on Bai Ye's knees, with big clean eyes, "Master, I follow their attacks according to their attacks. The defensive characteristics have strengthened their weaknesses, and their strength is now about half stronger than before."

"Very good." Bai Ye said, "Thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard," Su Su rubbed Bai Ye's cheek, "By the way, master, I've figured out how to get the self-healing performance of the mechanical ant army!"

"And this is super easy! It's not troublesome at all, and it doesn't waste resources!" Su Su's face was flushed with excitement.

She rested her head on Bai Ye's shoulder, stared at Bai Ye's face, and began to explain her thoughts.

"When I remodeled them yesterday, I accidentally discovered a feature of their blood, which is strong healing ability." Susu said: "The monsters produced in these amusement parks are stronger than the monsters outside. More resistant to fighting, the reason is the characteristics of their blood components!"

Susu said: "I asked Sister Hinata and Sister Rem to come over. We studied together for a night and finally extracted that substance from their blood. That substance is very fond of the existence of fog, and they can slow down. The absorption fog! And the conversion rate after absorption is also terrible, it is equivalent to charging for five minutes and talking for a week!"

Bai Ye came to the spirit, "Is it really that powerful?"

"Of course, we repeated the experiment several times." Susu hugged Bai Ye's neck, "Although I still can't study the energy converter, I found that I don't need to die with the energy converter at all. Knock, with this new substance, master, your ant army is equivalent to a permanent battery life!!"

"Well, thank you Susu, I'm very happy." Bai Ye couldn't help but say after complimenting him: "So you haven't researched the energy converter yet? I thought Susu was omnipotent, and it's been researched long ago."

Susu Wenyan glared at Bai Ye beautifully, then buried herself in Bai Ye's arms and acted like a spoiled child, "Master bullies people! It's obviously the reason why Su Su's level is not enough, when the level is enough, Su Su will study it out in minutes. , Master, do you believe it or not?"

"Believe, believe." Bai Ye said helplessly, "Don't I know your ability yet?"

In some respects, Susu is really strong and terrifying.

There were a few monsters standing beside him. Bai Ye comforted him and put Susu down. He said, "Let's go, I'll see how you guys have been changed."

"Yes, King." The monsters said in unison.

Even if other beings in the mechanical house called Bai Ye the master many times, their name for Bai Ye did not change at all, the king is the king.

After coming to the arena, Bai Ye ran into those maids again this time. Once it can be said to be a coincidence, and twice, it is possible that they really worked like crazy when he couldn't see it.


"Master, why are you free today?"

"Is the master here to see our progress?"

"Master, I miss you so much! If you don't see each other in one day, it's like three autumns!"

Surrounded by so many beauties, Bai Ye is very happy. The premise is that these people can't speak. When they talk, it's like 300 ducks keep asking 10,000 whys. Listening to him, his brain is dizzy, and the whole person can't wait to lie down. flat.

Bai Ye raised his hand, "Stop, stop arguing."

The maids shut up immediately, they looked at Bai Ye pitifully...  

Bai Ye said: "Wu Xiaoman, you let the people under you come up, and I want to test their abilities."

Wu Xiaoman nodded, looked curiously at the seven powerful monsters behind Bai Ye, and then went down to bring out a few silver hands in the arena.

Bai Ye let a few monsters go down, and then said to Wu Xiaoman: "Let things out to attack them."

"Yes, master." Wu Xiaoman let out the other monsters.

At first, the monsters on Bai Ye's side didn't take the initiative to attack, and they didn't start to attack frantically until Bai Ye ordered it.

One punch a monster, while they are attacking, some of their mechanical parts become shields, and some have various attack tools, and they begin to help their masters attack their opponents autonomously.

The monsters produced in the amusement park are simply stronger than the monsters outside the same level, not to mention the mechanical parts that are firmly guarding them, so they didn't take any damage and ended the battle lightly.

The ground is full of monster corpses.

"Crack, snap, snap." Bai Ye applauded, stood up in a good mood and said, "Good job."

The device in the dueling field synchronously transmitted his voice, so that others could hear what he was saying.

"King! King! King!!!"

The seven monsters bowed down reverently in the direction of Bai Ye, as if they were heading towards Saint 2.2.

"Very good." Bai Ye really liked these monsters more and more.

He took them back to the amusement park, and then let the amusement park continue to produce monsters.

After he issued this order, the controller of the amusement park jammed, and then a hesitant speech jumped out.

[Master... The amusement park has insufficient energy and needs to be replenished, otherwise no new monsters will be created. ]


Bai Ye asked, "What energy? Ore or fog energy?"

[Mist energy, and fresh flesh and blood, as well as human greed and fear. ]

[These are the best nutrients for making monsters. ]

It is impossible for Bai Ye to let his own people be the nutrients of the amusement park. After thinking about it, it seems that there is only one way.

Re-release the amusement park and let other adventurers come through.

282: Another natural disaster!

Only by letting other adventurers enter the amusement park, the amusement park can obtain the fear and greed of human beings. As for the flesh and blood, it does not necessarily need a human body. Bai Ye has money now, so he bought a bunch of flesh and blood tissue for the amusement park.

He thought for a while and asked, "Before those people entered the amusement park just to grab your control. Are there any adventurers who didn't come for control?"

[Some masters. ] Amusement Park Road: [Some human adventurers are for control, some are for training themselves, some are for the legacy of some adventurers who died before, and some are for grudges, masters, human beings are a very complex creature. ]

As it said, different videos appeared on the controller screen in different categories, and the categories were the categories it just said.

Bai Ye glanced over and found that he was most interested in the kind of grievances and hatreds.

white night:"……"

The goddamn gossip nature of human beings.

But it's not bad. After 18, there are all kinds of exciting gossip.

And these gossips, in some cases, can even threaten the existence of people.

Bai Ye thought about it and thought about it. He recovered and said, "If I let you out and let you continue to be open to other adventurers, can you be taken back later?"

[The owner can take back the amusement park and place it wherever you want whenever he wants. ]

Bai Ye made a decision: "There are outsiders in the amusement park, can I put you away too?"

[Yes master. ]

In this way, the amusement park is like a fishing net. When the net is put down, adventurers will naturally come in and eat the bait. As for whether or not to catch this group of fish, it depends entirely on his own mood.

Bai Ye said: "Then can you go back to the foggy area by yourself?"

[I'm very sorry, the owner. The delivery and collection of the amusement park must be done by the owner. The amusement park does not have this autonomy. ]

"Okay, then I'll wait until I go back to the foggy area." Bai Ye went out after dealing with the amusement park. As for the semi-mechanization of other monsters in the amusement park, he plans to do it later, and now let Su Su concentrate on getting the machinery The mass production machine of the Ant Corps.

If this is done, he will soon have an ant army.

Bai Ye came out of the secret realm of his homeland, and after returning to Xiaobai's body, he saw what Xiaobai was recording. He leaned in to see that it was the income from spiritual stones and various sources of miracle coins during this period.

Bai Ye saw that the miracle coin was separated from the spirit stone, and there was still a long string of zero numbers behind it, and suddenly felt an unexpected peace of mind.

What is money? I'm sorry he didn't know, he never saw the money, it didn't matter.

He never thought that he would feel the same way as the big businessman on Earth. Really, if he went back to the past now, the two might become confidants!

But the world is fine too.

After Bai Ye took a look at the deposit, he sat on the sofa and browsed the forum to see if there was any new situation in Shanhaicheng.

Although the official has been saying that there is no problem, to be honest, compared to the discipline of the country on Earth where Bai Ye used to be, the discipline of the people in this world is not at all good.

And this official predecessor was from a rebel organization, so everyone on the forum didn't really believe what the official said was fine.

The topic of discussion remains high, and a new topic has also hit the hot list.

A new month of natural disasters is coming.

"The prophecy players predicted again, this time is a scorching natural disaster, so get all your summer supplies ready! 》

Fiery Calamity...

Bai Ye is not particularly afraid of cold, but he is extremely afraid of heat.

The previous fiery natural disaster was a disaster for him every time, but fortunately, it was only seven days, and he could still survive it.

As for the monsters attached to the blazing natural disaster, there are all kinds of flaming beasts and huge swarms of flaming insects. Compared with other natural disasters, the monsters brought by the blazing natural disaster are very few, but its impact on the environment is the worst of other natural disasters. Hard to do.

Rivers stopped flowing, forests burned, overheating caused quarry explosions and mountain collapses, as well as various diseases and infectious diseases caused by high temperatures.

The most difficult level of the blazing natural disaster is the environment.

Check it out at night.

The third floor: [Come on, it's a prophet again, I advise you to have a little conscience. Last time you told me about the ice disaster that the prophet predicted that it was a natural disaster of flames. I received a bunch of mechanical items and magic items for summer at a high price, but I turned around. It's a natural disaster :) I can go to you! 】

Landlord (fourth floor): [Didn't you just use the one you received last time? dog head jpg.】

Sixth Floor: [Let me say that it is better to wait honestly and wait for netizens to explode the pictures. What kind of natural disaster is it, you will know when you look at it. 】

Seventh floor: [I think there is nothing wrong with what the sixth floor said. It is better to kill a few more monsters if you have this skill. 】

Bai Ye exited the post and flipped through the forum, but there was no news from Shanhaicheng.

Originally, he wanted to stock up on some things to cool off, but after seeing these people crying in the building and complaining about being cheated, he dismissed the idea.

When he was about to close the forum to train, the people from the Wild Blood Tribe contacted him and made a direct call.

The Wild Blood Tribe is usually very respectful to him. He didn't say that these people also spontaneously collected treasure chests for him, which led to Bai Ye's immediate wealth, which made Bai Ye very fond of them, and they were afraid of disturbing Bai Ye, so 233 usually tried not to. Contact White Night.

This time I sent a video chat directly, it should be something urgent.

Bai Ye picked it up without hesitation. On the opposite side of the screen was a dimly lit sky and a landscape that was rapidly receding. The existence of the mobile phone was a black fog, and the face could not be seen clearly.

"Benefactor!" A pair of blood-red eyes appeared on the screen. It was the first time Bai Ye saw a barren blood tribe in this form. He was surprised, and then immediately asked, "What happened there?"

"A mad woman suddenly came to the door, grabbed our women and children, and asked who was behind us. None of us wanted to say, so she killed her!"

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