Start the Source of Fire and Create a Mechanical Army

Start the source of fire and build a mechanical army Chapter 241

Sitting in the cave in Bai Ye, watching the rain that was getting heavier and heavier, he remembered the post that the prophet predicted—so, it really was a scam, right? ! .

287: Rescue!

Rainforest disasters will bring floods, plagues, a large number of viruses, etc. At the same time, plants will grow wildly, and plants with various characteristics will bring people a lot of trouble.

In short, of all disasters, there is no good.

Bai Ye sighed, opened the forum, and then saw the forum talking about Shanhaicheng being struck by a thunderbolt.

This is not an ordinary lightning ability, but the power of nature that belongs to this world.

The posts were all scolding Shanhaicheng, saying that Shanhaicheng had done something wrong, and that was the reason for the condemnation.

The topic is ignorant, as if it still existed in ancient times.

Bai Ye glanced at it and exited without interest.

Just when he was about to close the forum, the private message of his account kept beating.

Obviously, someone has been sending him messages all the time.

Bai Ye opened the private message and saw that the other party's name was two words - greedy wolf.

white night:"?"

He remembered that Greedy Wolf was an organization, so he was officially contacted by the Greedy Wolf Guild?

An ordinary adventurer: [? What, is something wrong? 】

Greedy Wolf: [Bai Ye, are you not outside Shanhai City? 】

"..." Being called out of identity, Bai Ye frowned slightly: [Who are you? 】

Greedy Wolf: [Greedy Wolf, leader of the Greedy Wolf organization. 】

Greedy Wolf: [You don't want to save your little girlfriend Michelle Ye? 】

Thinking about ye Xuan's hot temper and habit of hitting him at every turn, Bai Ye was shocked, how could he dare to play with such a tigress?

Isn't this the second shopkeeper who went to Jingyanggang without returning? He said righteously: [Don't talk nonsense, we are serious classmates! 】

Greedy Wolf: [I'm not here to discuss with you what the relationship is between the two of you, I just ask, do you want to save her? 】

When Bai Ye saw this, he felt the urgency in the words on the other side, what was the greedy wolf anxious for? Could it be that the other party also had friends and relatives trapped in Shanhai City, or the greedy wolf himself wanted to save Ye Xuan?

He replied: [Reluctantly think about it, what's wrong. 】

Greedy Wolf looked at the message from the other side, his mouth twitched, what kind of man is this? Anyone who is interested in Ye Xuan, shouldn't they express their desire to save Ye Xuan at this time?

Why is it upside down here in the night?

Reluctantly, he can really say it.

But now she doesn't have a better partner. Bai Ye is backed by a mysterious organization and has the deepest involvement with Michelle Ye. She has no friendly intentions towards the official and other organizations, so it can be said that she is a very suitable candidate.

She took a deep breath and continued typing: [I have a way to take you into Shanhai City, but there is martial law in Shanhai City, do you have someone who can use it? About six hundred will do. 】

Coupled with the people in her organization, it will be no problem to have a tie with the troops currently stationed in Shanhaicheng.

She has to be fast. The official cities in several other places have already sent troops to come here to help, and she has to settle this matter before they come.

Six hundred people...

Bai Ye calculated that there were about two or three hundred people in the Wild Blood Tribe, which was not enough, but if the monsters produced in the amusement park were added, the number would be enough.

He thought about it for a while, and sent a message: [Can half people and half monsters work? 】

Greedy Wolf: [? 】

Greedy Wolf: [What do you mean? 】

An ordinary adventurer: [That's what you think, there are only two or three hundred people in my hands, but there are enough monsters, and their fighting power is stronger than people, do you want it? 】

Greedy Wolf was silent for a moment, then gritted his teeth and replied: [Yes! 】

Greedy Wolf does not believe that so many powerful beings can be cultivated, and a mysterious organization that cultivates a pure rookie to the fourth rank in just two months, there will be not many people in hand.

But since Bai Ye's calculations are so clear, it may be that what Bai Ye said is not the characters in the mysterious organization, but the subordinates he has accumulated in a short period of time.

Disappointment is inevitable, but compared to disappointment, her main purpose has been achieved - let Bai Ye join the plan.

As long as Bai Ye joins in, the above will definitely have some scruples. After all, listening to the old man's tone, the above is already guessing whether Bai Ye is the son of the boss of the mysterious organization.

And the mysterious organization is so inclined to cultivate Bai Ye, it will definitely not let Bai Ye sacrifice to save a little one, and the organization is bound to take action.

Bai Ye's own strength, the fear above her, and the strength of the mysterious organization, she was able to kill three birds with one stone in this move.

If the old man found out, he would probably say that she has as many hearts as a hornet's nest.

Greedy Wolf threw the phone aside and took a puff of cigarette.

"Knock knock knock-"

There was a dull knock on the door, and then it was gently opened, "Boss." Huang Sheng walked into the door and closed the door with his backhand. He said, "It has been arranged."

Greedy Wolf: "What did they say?"

Huang Sheng: "There were a few who were unwilling to take the lead. I said it was your intention, and they were silent."

Greedy Wolf rubbed his fingers together and extinguished the cigarette butt, "Pay attention, no matter whether anyone wants to go, the news should be blocked first, so that we will not be made dumplings as soon as we enter."

"Boss, have you forgotten what I do?" Huang Sheng smiled, "Don't worry, no one in the trade union can compare to me. Don't worry, I won't let anyone ruin our good deeds. son!"


Greedy Wolf was speechless for a moment: "We're here to save people, don't say it's the same as going to fight home 237 robbery."

"Good boss!"

Greedy Wolf: "..."


A box of air-conditioned medicine was taken away by a tube. After drinking the antidote, the Patriarch of the Wild Blood Tribe clearly felt that the symptoms of discomfort on his body had disappeared, and the blue and black on his hands were gone.

He tried it, and the whole person turned into a black fog, scarlet eyes appeared in the black fog, and in the next moment, he became a human again.

"Benevolent!" The patriarch walked over quickly, "Thank you benefactor for saving us."

"Well, no thanks." Bai Ye just settled the time and place with Greedy Wolf and ended the conversation. He looked at the patriarch of the Wild Blood Tribe, "I want you to do me a favor, and the Lingshi will be the reward."

"Where is the reward, you saved our entire clan, and we are willing to do it for you!" The patriarch said: "Sir, we have collected dozens of treasure chests during this time, but they were all put away by the woman. If you have her space bag, you can take a look, there is a treasure chest we prepared for you."

"I see." Bai Ye actually let the hand of Baiyin look for it after killing the woman, but he didn't find the space bag, but Xiaoji found the destroyed data on the other party's mobile phone, and the other party had already met Bai Ye. Before, I hung all my property in the trading hall.

288: God-level curse!

Soul Guild.

Compared with the more charming names, the nature of this guild is very scary, even if their comprehensive force value is completely inferior to that of a high-level guild, but because of the particularity of their guild, they are still rated as a high-level guild.

In this guild, everyone's occupation and future direction are related to puppets and souls.

The range of puppets is very wide, dead and alive, humanoid inhuman, sane or insane, and there are more categories of souls.

The extraordinary things of a puppet master are difficult to find, so this profession is entirely dependent on luck. The puppet master killed by Bai Ye is a genius who has been cultivated in this guild for two years and has accumulated resources.

It doesn't matter to Soul Reaching Guild to die alone, but the dead person is a genius cultivated by a lot of resources, which makes them very angry.

In the room isolated from the fog, a light was dimly lit. Following the witch's singing, a well-worn ghost appeared in the room.

She still maintained the appearance of her body being pierced when she died. The man in dark purple said in a low voice, "Tell me, who killed you."

The ghost swayed, staring blankly ahead, without any movement.

"She was hit so hard that she lost her mind." The witch frowned and pressed her long white fingers to extinguish the flickering candle, but the next second, her hand was blackened and sharp by a nail, and the back of her hand was rough. hand was caught.

The witch lowered her eyelids to hide the disgust in her eyes, and said softly, "President?"

The man looked indifferently at the torn ghost. It was obvious that the other party was his favorite woman before his death, but he didn't hesitate at all when he said, "Open her soul, I want to see what happened before she died."

The witch's eyes widened slightly and her hands trembled. The next second she calmed down and said, "Okay, President."

To say it sounds good is to open the soul, but in fact it is to search for the soul.

Once the damaged soul is searched, it will definitely disappear completely!

She doesn't feel sad for this woman, she only feels cold for herself.

Soul torn and soft, the last scene she saw before her death floated in mid-air.

Overwhelming emerald green vines and blood, not far away is a broken giant puppet puppet, and the head of a mechanical life appears on the screen.

That mechanical being is too big. In such a big picture, its head and upper body alone take up a full third of the picture.

In the lower right corner, where the vines overlap, there is a faint line of people, but it cannot be seen clearly, which seems to be a visual error.

The head of the Soul Soul Guild frowned, "Why did she suddenly run to provoke the mechanical beings?"

"..." The witch lowered her head and dared not speak.

The president glanced at her, "Speak!"

"She, she had a dream two days ago, and then said that what she had dreamed was a prophecy dream, and she was going to solve her future enemy..." The witch disdainful of this statement. Although the puppet master can also touch the soul, but The soul is completely different from prophecy. Only if the occupation involves prophecy, can we have prophecy dreams.

It is impossible for a puppet master to make a prophetic dream.

But now is not the time to say this, she lowered her head, "Before she left, she took away the people in the guild who had been working for her, and sent a message to a few of us, saying that if she died, she would definitely To avenge her... that's right!"

The witch raised her head sharply, "She said that if she were to die, things would definitely hang in the trading hall, let us remember to get them."

The president of the guild hummed and nodded, "She's still sensible."

He had given her a lot of good things, and he would be very unhappy if they were all taken by the person who killed her.

He entered the trading hall and searched, but couldn't find it, but he was not in a hurry.

Soon, the trading options jumped out.

The candidates who can be traded are basically high-level leaders.

He paid a miracle coin and bought all the assets of the other party.

After getting it, he opened it and looked at it. He was shocked by dozens of treasure chests.

A dozen silver, a dozen gold, and two platinum treasure chests, these treasure chests alone can support many people in their organization!

Didn't she want him to pay for something? When did you get so many treasure chests?

The witch was a little greedy by the side, she would not have mentioned it if she had known, she secretly traded, she said: "These may have been obtained from that mechanical being."

The president nodded and was about to open it to take a look, when a contract item suddenly appeared in front of him.

Broken god-level curse.

The above is his name, and the content of the contract is that no matter who gets these assets, he must avenge her, otherwise the backlash of the god-level curse can directly kill anyone in the soul-pulling guild, including the president.

"This... slut!" The guild president looked gloomy.

The witch couldn't see the contract, but she could feel that the president was very unhappy, so she shrank her neck and acted like a quail.


"."Owner! ! ! "Susu was wearing a protective suit, and hugged Bai Ye with a flying pounce, "I have finished the tools for mass production of mechanical ants!" "

"Really? It's amazing." Bai Ye lowered his head and kissed Susu's mouth, then said, "Can you produce mechanical ants now?"

"No, because Susu hasn't set up the self-healing property, this is a bit troublesome and difficult to get." Susu pouted, after all, it is a combination of biology and machinery, this is completely breakthrough, how is it possible It's not difficult to get, but the master is not interested in these, so she will not say good He.

"If you find it difficult, take a rest, don't worry." Bai Ye stroked her hair, and then said, "Can the weapons thrown in your room be used by monsters?"

"Ah? The monsters don't match, I can't use it." Su Su scratched his head with a single finger, "Is the master going to use it for those monsters in the amusement park?"

"Yes." Bai Ye said: "I want to go to Shanhai City the day after tomorrow, but I don't have enough people (like Zhao) at hand. I plan to let those monsters stare at me."

"Is that so..." Susu touched her chin and clapped her hands: "Then I'll change the parameters of those weapons, but before that, I have to go to the amusement park to collect big data on monsters...Master, they will attack me?"

"No." Bai Ye said, "I've been watching you and won't let them bully you."

Susu was instantly happy, kissed Bai Ye, and took the machine to collect the data of the monsters to make reference values ​​for later revisions.

On the third day, when all the wild blood tribes were far away and the monsters were getting ready to go, Susu gave Bai Ye a surprise.

"Master, this is a magnetic field jammer that I made after working overtime. Every creature actually has a magnetic field. This is what I use.... So this thing can deceive the vast majority of existences and make them see monsters as human beings. It should be easier for the master to hide in this way?".

289: Bad boy!

Bai Ye had thought about the concealment of monsters before, and he also pulled out the witch crystal that was unpacked from the warehouse before, which can make people see fantasy, but it is not safe.

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