Start the Source of Fire and Create a Mechanical Army

Start the source of fire and build a mechanical army Chapter 263

After I finished speaking, I lifted my feet and walked off the elevator. The lights here are bright, not like a laboratory, but more like a production workshop.

One by one, the beating pieces of fresh meat appeared on the roller 267 and were transported into a channel.

No monsters?

Bai Ye looked up at the top of his head, and a fish-like monster looked at him cordially with his limbs on the top of his head, covered in scales.

"Bang bang bang!!"

The three scales plunged into the place where Bai Ye had just stood, and the scales shone coldly under the light.

Bai Ye took a knife and slashed!

The long blade slipped on the scales of the monster, leaving no trace, only the power of thunder made the monster shiver, and then began to output high-speed to Bai Ye.

Bai Ye had to jump over the eaves and start to avoid the scale attack, and then he urged the reminder system to look at the monster.

[The mutant fish has armor-like scales. Attacking with poisonous scales is its attack mode, and the scales can re-grow within a second. I am extremely afraid of flames, especially flames with extremely high temperatures, because it was almost eaten by roasting...]

The scales can grow in a second, which is a buggy monster, but fortunately, it is afraid of fire.

Bai Ye used the fireball technique, which had been useless for a long time. The flames were superimposed layer by layer. The orange-red fireball turned blue and white, and the surrounding air was slightly distorted by the high temperature.

I don't know when the mutant fish's attack stopped.

333: The thing that saves the world!

"It's not moving! Hurry up and attack, big guy!"

Pei Qingqing, who had been motionless next to her, suddenly made a sound, and before she could finish her voice, the mutant fish that had been standing still suddenly rushed towards Bai Ye at a speed that could be called a sprint, and all the attacks were coming towards Bai Ye!

white night:"……"

He raised his hand and pushed out the two fireballs in his hand, and pushed them directly into the mouth of the mutant fish that sprinted over!

The mutant fish made a small sound, and then just like an ordinary fish that was caught ashore and couldn't live without water, it fell to the ground and frantically struggled and flapped its tail.

Afterwards, its body exuded a burst of protein aroma, just like grilled fish.

Bai Ye was holding a knife, not to mention a knife to Pei Qingqing.

He was sure that this woman was not at ease. First, she pretended to be dead when she first arrived here, and then when the mutant fish was frightened and stiffened by his fireball, she suddenly made a noise, condensing the hatred value on him.

If it weren't for the fact that the temperature of his fireball technique was too terrifying, and this mutant fish was really afraid of flames, he might have been tied into a sieve by scales now.

As for being bad for women?

Heh, he didn't show mercy to Ye Xuan in the game before, let alone this woman he didn't know at all.

"Are you crazy?!" Pei Qingqing avoided the sword qi, but the sword qi still carried the power of thunder. The voltage of the power of thunder was too high. When she was touched, her hair all exploded.

The answer to her was a condensed attack of thunder power!

"Fuck!" Pei Qingqing didn't expect that her skills in hooking up people would be so poor. Not only did she fail to hook up, but the target of her hookup obviously meant to kill her!

"Why on earth are you attacking me, you have to give me a reason?!" Pei Qingqing felt extremely innocent, she said while avoiding Bai Ye's attack with a strange footwork.

Bai Ye bullied him, and the sword in his hand fell vertically!

Pei Qingqing's pupils shrank, and then she did not hesitate to bring out a folding fan, which was her life-saving defense item!


Powerful energy fluctuations swept this floor, and even the huge transmission machinery that was transporting flesh and blood in an orderly manner was directly overturned.

"If you want to kill me, you have to give me a reason!" Pei Qingqing gritted her teeth, "If you don't like it, you don't like it, so why kill it all?!"

"You framed me, I still can't kill you?" Bai Ye raised his knife, and another knife, this time a crack appeared in the fan blocking Pei Qingqing's body.

Pei Qingqing was dumbfounded. Seeing that her life-saving existence was about to disappear, she subconsciously opened the portal, "When did I frame you! At most, I'm just seducing you! You have a sick mind! I, Pei Qingqing, remember you! You What's your name?! We're not finished!!!!"

Bai Ye's answer was to raise his hand with another knife.

The life-saving props were completely destroyed, and Pei Qingqing disappeared behind the door neatly.

Bai Ye looked at the vanishing door and frowned slightly.


No, seduction will send people to death?

I'm afraid this person has no way to find an excuse.

It's a pity that this defensive item is too powerful, which gave Pei Qingqing a space to escape, otherwise he would definitely kill her at once.

I'm irritable, and I'm afraid he will have another enemy later.

Bai Ye continued to get on the elevator and go down.

The eighth underground floor is a cultivation room. There are many monsters soaked in nutrients, some of which are human-like, and some are completely monster-shaped.

Bai Ye continued to the ninth floor underground.

"Pa Da" He stepped out of the elevator and stepped on the water.

Xiaokong's lights were turned on, allowing them to see what this floor looked like.

The rooms are all made of glass, and there are all kinds of toys in the room. This is not like a research institute, but more like a children's playground.

On this floor, there is a layer of shallow water on the ground.

There seemed to be no monsters, Bai Ye activated the prompt system and looked towards this floor.

[Wow, gregarious spirits attack monsters, I suggest you turn around and leave now, it's not something you can deal with next, and you can get away only by walking decisively. 】

Bai Ye paused for a moment, then returned to the elevator without hesitation, pressed the elevator door, and continued down.

On the next floor, the reminder system's advice to him is to protect himself and not to go in.

Obviously, the rest of the place is not his strength can match, even if there is a prompt system, it will not work.

He took the elevator all the way up, and when he was about to leave, he suddenly remembered that there was a fat man waiting for him, so he looked at the fat man halfway.

When he arrived, the fat man was curled up in the corner, eating self-heating hot pot.

When he saw Bai Ye coming in, his eyes lit up, and he ran over crying, "Boss! Boss, you don't know! A bunch of people came up just now to bully me! I said I was your little brother and they did too. I don't believe it woohoo-"

"Shut up." Bai Ye said.

Fatty: "Oh."

Bai Ye turned around and walked into the elevator, "Follow."

"Yes yes yes." Fatty quickly followed, originally planning to speak, but after seeing Bai Ye's frowning eyebrows, he wisely chose to be as quiet as a chicken.

After coming out of the research institute, Bai Ye asked Fatty, "." Okay, leave a contact information, and then you can leave. "

"Oh, ok, no problem!" Fatty Liu Luo didn't expect that he had signed the contract, and this person didn't need him to serve and protect him. He quickly agreed, exchanged contact information with Bai Ye, and then left.

When walking, one foot is light and one foot is heavy, and it feels like I am dreaming.

He wasn't exploited, he just came out so easily?

Bai Ye had no intention of taking Liu Luo with him at all, he just thought of calling someone over when he needed it in the future.

He stepped on the jet skateboard made by Susu and quickly advanced towards Xiaobai and the others, asking questions in his mind as he walked, and then activating the reminder system.

Bai Ye: How about the randomness of the revolver? Is it controllable?

[What beautiful things do you think about, of course, it is uncontrollable! This thing is all about luck. If luck is not good, if you want to hit this person, you can't say that the one you hit (wang Zhao) is the tree next to it, and the probability of hitting is one in ten million. Close your eyes and hit, if you can hit it, it's good. 】

white night:"……"

The 1 in 10 million hit rate is a bit too pitiful, and the key thing is that the cooldown period of this thing is as long as several months.

How's this going? Can't play here!

When Bai Ye walked halfway, he suddenly remembered a treasure chest with a personal name that he had obtained before. The diary in the treasure chest said... The thing that was researched to restrain the sealed monster group is in the glacier?

Activate the reminder system.

[Not here. hungry】

[There is a sleeping giant dragon here, the kind that can be second to you, hehehehe~]

【Um? The ice ghost team on the move, they have a silver treasure chest in their team. 】

[Oh, here, what you are looking for is here, keep going in this direction, you can see a village, what you want, there. ].

334: Near-God Items! !

After Bai Ye returned to the mechanical house, the mechanical ant soldiers had also returned, and he directly pointed Xiaobai in the direction.

"Go straight in this direction, stop when you see something like a village, and tell me."

"Yes, Master." Xiaobai gently patted the wind and snow on Bai Ye's body, "Tongtong has cooked a stomach-warming soup, Master, will you drink a couple of sips?"

"Okay." Bai Ye went to the training room to train after drinking the soup. He felt that he was still too weak, otherwise the prompt system would not prevent him from going down to other floors.

After training, he glanced at his attribute panel.

[Name: White Night. 】

[Race: Human. 】

[Power: 1105. 】

[Physical: 1201. 】

[Speed: 952. 】

[Spirit: 998. 】

[Life: 1011. 】

[Ability: Destruction Thunder, Life, Death, Dragon Humanization, Orc Language Proficiency, Fireball Technique, Demon Body Refinement, Eye of Slowness, Fusion...]

[Movements: Thunder Sword, Sword Drawing, Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect...]

[Realm: Fourth level (botanical scholar). 】

[Combat power: sixth-order primary. 】

His attribute speed is the lowest score, followed by mental power, and everything else is over a thousand. His attribute panel value is very high, and it is rare for a fifth-order 267 powerhouse.

And his combat power has directly reached the sixth rank.

This achievement is okay, but we must continue to work hard.

As soon as Bai Ye came out of the training room, he asked Xiao Bai, "What level is Hui Zhi now? Can you be my promotion potion?"

"Tier 3." Because Huizhi would take the initiative to tell them about the progress every day, Xiaobai knew this very well. She said, "Thanks to the pharmacist promotion formula you gave, Master, otherwise he would not have been promoted so fast."

"Well, hurry up." Bai Ye said, "I'll go out and have a look."

"Yes, master." Xiaobai followed Bai Ye and sent him out, "According to your request, I stopped after seeing the village and didn't go in. The village is one thousand and one hundred meters away from here, you need to bring Join the Mechanical Ant Soldier or Xiao Kong?"

"Let Xiaokong follow." Before Bai Ye left, he paused, turned and walked to his bedroom. He remembered that he had put the diary in the bedroom.

After finding the diary with Xiaobai's help, Bai Ye took Xiaokong out.

With the blessing of Susu's skateboard, Bai Ye saw the village that Xiaobai said within 30 minutes. (bicc)

The village was peculiar, the rest of the place was covered in snow and ice, but it looked warm like spring, and there was even green grass on the ground.

When Bai Ye arrived, I saw a child herding sheep, very leisurely.

When he crossed the connection line between the snow and the grass, the diary-like letter in his pocket suddenly became scorching hot, and then returned to cold.

Bai Ye came to this strange village in the midst of ice and snow, warm as spring.

Seeing him coming in, the sheep-herding boy who was originally dismissive of him opened his mouth and eyes wide like an alien, opened and closed his mouth for a moment, then turned around and ran away, shouting, "Someone is here! Somebody's here! Here we come!!! Patriarch! Mom and Dad! Uncle and Aunt!!! There are outsiders here!

"What a quarrel, little bastard, there will be someone." Someone stuck out his head impatiently and roared, "No one can come in, what are you shouting about?!"

"Come in!" the child screamed: "Come in, he's in! He's different from everyone else!!!"

After less than ten minutes, Bai Ye was surrounded by hundreds of people.

"Cough cough, this must be the one chosen by the ancestors." The old man with an old but ruddy complexion said happily: "The ancestors must have already told you, come with me, we have something for you."

Bai Ye followed behind him and raised his eyebrows slightly, "Just bring the things to me."

The old man nodded obediently, "Yes, yes, let's get it now."

After speaking, he took the others and left.

The child didn't leave, he stared blankly at Bai Ye, from head to toe, "You, you are the chosen one?"

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