Start the Source of Fire and Create a Mechanical Army

Start the source of fire and build a mechanical army Chapter 318

Bai Ye: [Begin to produce the third type of mechanical arms, we may have to fight a tough battle in two days. 】

The name of the devil day, he has seen it on the forum.

Susu: [Good master! I must work hard to make the best weapon configuration for them! 】

She is so obedient and obedient. If she appears in front of Bai Ye at this moment, Bai Ye will definitely kiss her.


Bai Ye called Xiaobai over, "Go and tell the blacksmith, forge a sword for me, preferably with attribute bonuses, etc. As for the materials, you can buy them from the trading hall or pick them from the warehouse, look at alley."

"Yes, Master!" As soon as Xiaobai finished speaking, he saw Bai Ye turn around and go back to the training room, "Master! Don't you want to eat something?"

"Nutrition is enough."

Bai Ye held the door and looked back at Xiao Bai, "By the way, I got a very powerful special item before, it's a gun, look for it, it's called Revolver or something... 323..."

"Yes, master." Xiaobai quickly agreed.

Bai Ye looked around and activated the reminder system.

[A bunch of red-eyed rabbits are chasing an adventurer, who is holding a golden treasure chest in his arms. 】

[The Lost Aitlin Wooden House, this is the wooden house where the lost Atlinn fell, and there is a silver treasure chest in it. 】

[Wow, there is a platinum treasure chest here, although it has a fifth-order saber-toothed fish sleeping beside it, you can barely beat it. 】


"Take you as the fixed point, at five o'clock, eight o'clock, nine o'clock, twelve o'clock, send the mechanical ant soldier and the dark night assassin."

"Yes, master." Xiaobai immediately dispatched the mechanical ant soldier and the dark night assassin.

Bai Ye continued: "You head towards three o'clock and stop and call me when you see a wooden house."

He wanted to see this lost Aitlin Aitlin cabin. Usually, the locations with names or the treasure chest items are not easy. This time, he might be able to find a few miracle items in the cabin.

"Yes, Master."

Bai Ye entered the training room, and after an hour of training, the door was knocked.

"Master, here we are."

Bai Ye opened the door and went out, and saw the gold, silver and platinum treasure chests piled on the ground.

443: Giant! !

"They found it so soon?" Bai Ye touched it, the golden treasure chest was cold, and he opened it.

【Congratulations on opening the golden treasure chest and get the following rewards. 】

【Congratulations for getting Miracle Coin ×85554】

【Congratulations for obtaining the energy cannon design diagram usage times × 5】

【Congratulations on getting transsexual perfume】

【Congratulations on getting the skull of an ancient goblin】

【Congratulations on getting the Changming Ring】

【Congratulations on getting the cassock of the flower monk】

【Congratulations on getting rare metal ×3】

【Congratulations for getting... 】

Bai Ye hurriedly glanced at it, without looking carefully, he said, "They did a good job."

"Yes." Xiaobai decided to upgrade the energy storage for the few mechanical soldiers who went out this time. This is what every machine wants. After all, who wants to use up their own energy and lose it?

"Master, do you need a mechanical soldier to follow you?"

Seeing Bai Ye hurried away, she quickly asked loudly.

"Okay." Bai Ye has already gone out. The position of the mechanical house door is extremely high from the ground. Bai Ye looked at it and saw that he didn't use the mechanical levitation device. Instead, he pressed his body, jumped, and fell to the ground on one knee.

There are no safeguards.

"not bad."

Bai Ye stood up and stretched out his hands and feet in satisfaction. The choice of physical exercise was indeed right.

Here the grass is lush, the trees are huge, and the melodious birdsong can be heard. Not far from the front is a huge wooden house, and Bai Ye walked over with his feet raised.

Everything was peaceful until Bai Ye pushed open the big wooden door in front of him.

"Bai Ye, Bai Ye?!"

A hand slapped him on the shoulder hard, "Damn it! The police are here, hurry up and run! Why are you standing stupidly?!"

Bai Ye frowned and glanced at the person who patted him. It was a yellow-haired man with a wretched appearance, who was talking viciously at the moment.

"Forget it, I don't care about you! I'll go first!"

Running away.

Is this a fantasy?

Bai Ye urges the reminder system.

[The little world that the witch Atlin gave to uninvited guests, everything here is real, want to go out? Very simple, find the Atlin in this world. 】

white night?"

Doesn't it mean that this log house was lost by Attlin?

Since they were all lost, how could it be possible to find the owner of the log house, Aitlin?

The sound of heavy and hurried footsteps came, Bai Ye glanced around, and jumped gently to the half-open French window on the third floor, hiding most of his body as soon as he turned around.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that the police officers and armed police officers who ran over were wearing the exact same clothes as his official officials in the world.

Bai Ye couldn't help squinting his eyes. Was this Aitlin's creation based on her own memory, or did she read his memory?

If the former is fine, if the latter...

Bai Ye's eyes turned cold, and he continued to urge the prompt system to ask questions.

Bai Ye: How to find Atlin?

[Let her be curious about you, and she will come to you. But if you have to find her, go to the center block, find the Statue of God, destroy it, and you'll get a raging Atlin and get out of here as well. 】

Bai Ye heard the words, frowned slightly, and then heard the voices of husband and wife quarreling, those voices getting closer and closer, obviously they were coming to him.

He jumped out of the floor-to-ceiling window. The police had already left. They were in a hurry to track down Huangmao who had just escaped. Huangmao was driving when he ran. It's easy to track.

Bai Ye asked the location of the central block of the reminder system, and walked over there.

The more he walked, the more familiar he felt, and then he realized that the scenery on the street was not the environment near his home when he lived on earth before he crossed into this world?

Thinking of this, Bai Ye's face suddenly became more gloomy.

He walked faster and faster, and then heard a stern voice, "What are you doing?! Squat down with your head in your hands! Hurry up!!"

Bai Ye turned around and saw a policeman in armed police equipment. The corner of his mouth twitched. This face had given him three tickets, so he remembered it clearly.

Unexpectedly, he became an armed policeman here.

Although he was pulled here, Bai Ye's ability did not disappear, so he was not afraid of the gun in the opponent's hand at all.

I just took it out of my pocket and took out a brown, sesame-sized seed.

The seeds broke in his palm, sprouted, branched, blossomed—


All the people on this street fell.

Bai Ye continued to walk holding the flower that was lovingly flicking his finger, and all the way, all the people who fell down.

The system says this is a real world, so could these people be real?

These people he once knew... Maybe they were really brought over from another world?

Bai Ye was uncertain, so he chose to deal with it peacefully.

Going straight, he came to the center block, which is very peaceful. A few scattered people are feeding the snow-white pigeons, peaceful and happy.

Bai Ye came under the Statue of the Holy Goddess.

It was a statue of about three or four meters, with no clothes on his body, his hands covering his face, as if weeping.

Bai Ye looked at her, "." Atlin, either I destroy it, or you let me out, you choose one. "

No sound.

"I'll give you three seconds to think, one, two, three..."

Still no movement.

Bai Ye nodded, "Very good."

He raised his hand, and a hammer appeared in his hand - a weapon made by a blacksmith - the silver hammer was raised high, and then slammed down.

With a bang, the statue's feet shattered.

But the sculpture is not plaster, but blood.

white night:"?"


A cold voice sounded, and in the next second, the entire body of the sculpture was instantly cracked with lines.

Hearing a sound similar to glass being shattered, a blood giant appeared in front of Bai Ye.

That (ok Zhao) is a skinned, bloody man.

It roared in a voice that could not distinguish between male and female, "Aitlin... Aitlin! Aitlin!!!!"

The scream made the whole world start to shake, Bai Ye moved two steps left and right unsteadily, and then a figure rushed in front of him.

It was a blond woman with a slender figure, sitting on a broom and heading straight for the bloody giant.

"Etlin!!" The giant stretched out his giant hand directly to the blond woman, as if to grab her tightly, but it didn't.

The blond woman sat on the broom, like a slippery loach, chanting a mantra loudly, and waving her slender staff.

As the staff waved, golden runes appeared in mid-air, strangling towards the bloody giant.

"Well... it smells good." Bai Ye's nose moved, and at the moment when the golden rune appeared, he suddenly felt hungry.

444: Scared away! !

That hunger radiated from the bottom of his heart, so strong that he arched his back and his eyes started to turn red.

what happened? !

How could he be so hungry all of a sudden?

"Master, master, don't go over! Don't go over ah ah ah!!!"

The keel felt the terrifying energy suppression on the golden runes, and she kept shivering. She felt that those runes could easily kill her!

She finally survived, she didn't want to die like this!


Bai Ye was jolted by the noise of the keel and woke up.

He shook his head and touched his stomach subconsciously. He was very full, not hungry at all.


Salivating from his mouth, he looked at the golden runes, and his mind was all - eat them, eat them.

"Love it! Love it... Love it!! No!!!"

The bloody giant roared, trying to break free from the hold of the golden rune, but its struggle was like a mayfly shaking a tree to the golden rune.

A giant who could easily shake the world, his limbs would be melted by touching a little golden rune, just like ice cream touching a hot soldering iron, and it would turn into water in less than a second.

327 You can imagine how powerful these golden runes are.

But the weird thing is that Bai Ye didn't feel any danger. He only felt hungry. He wanted to eat those golden runes. He felt that after eating those runes, he... would change, but what?

"Don't be noisy."

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