Start the Source of Fire and Create a Mechanical Army

Start the fire source, build a mechanical army Chapter 409

So there are not so many bad things for the time being, it's just because I like it very much, so I feel that this is very important. No matter what is bad, it seems to be very good now.

So for the time being, there won't be anything that makes people think it's not very normal. These things alone can make Bai Ye feel that this battle is not an unprepared battle.

On the contrary, it will make people feel that this is a very real point! So for the time being, it seems that there won't be so many bad things, at least Bai Ye is very sure.

"Those who advanced in the fire of adventure, if the master succeeds, it will indeed be the first page in history!"

Xiao Kong looked at it and said to Bai Ye on his tablet, that in history, there is indeed no one who can advance by relying on the fire of adventure, not because there is no one, but because no one has tried it.

Ordinary people can only rely on the power of the fire of adventure to complete some things, or they must constantly adapt. In the process of adapting, they can constantly find their most comfortable evil angle, so it seems that they can still be good for the time being. Really hungry, which is the most important point in itself.

So now there are not so many bad things, it is because I like it very much, so I can show all this more realistically, so this in itself can understand some of what is there and what is not, and these things themselves can It is very real to understand, so it seems to be very good for the time being.

This is a very real point in itself, and you will feel all these changes only when you are constantly changing, so even if it is like this, it is enough to make people feel that it is still very good.

There are more real things in Bai Ye's eyes, so when facing real things, even if there are more bad things, the more you will feel that everything is so real, that is, The more real it is, the more you can feel that everything has changed.

No matter how much I say, it's just like this, it's because I like it very much, so it's like this, other than that, it doesn't seem to be so bad.

The fire of aggressiveness is very important. Bai Ye needs the fire of aggressiveness to advance. After all, next month is the martial arts competition. I still hope to be able to succeed, as long as it can be successful, it seems that there are not so many bad things.

The present itself is the most important, so even in this way, Bai Ye will still feel that this is the most real, and it will not make people feel that there is still a big problem. The present itself is very important.

635: Long Yinquan

"Okay, now that you've made your decision, I'll assist you! I know a place that can adapt well to the power of the Adventurous Fire, and I can help you at the right time!"

Seeing Bai Ye's determined look, Xiaolan doesn't know why, but she just feels very relieved, because in Bai Ye's eyes, more people still feel that progress is very important, because after progress, they can protect those who are important to them .

So no matter how bad it is, what is more important now is to be able to support the existence of all of this, so even so, this is very important.

So for the time being, it doesn't seem so bad, but it is because I feel that all these are very important, so it is a very real existence.

"You still have room!??"

Bai Ye was stunned when he heard that there was still a place for Xiaolan to help Daojinzhihuo to advance. Xiaolan was usually quiet, but he didn't expect that there would be a trick, and it was his right-hand man.

Now it looks like Xiaolan is the big boss behind the scenes! Bai Ye suddenly felt that it was very correct for him to spend so many gems to obtain Xiaolan.

It also confirmed that one problem is that continuous efforts will still pay off. Bai Ye still believes that this time is also very important!


Xiaokong asked Xiaolan, Xiaokong was very concerned about this advancement, after all, Bai Ye had just advanced, if he went to advance again so soon, I don't know if Bai Ye's body would be able to bear it.

Xiaokong is very worried about Bai Ye's body, because the body is the first capital of the revolution. If you can save a little energy, you can save a little energy, which is very good. If you can't, Bai Ye doesn't know what to do, after all Now it seems that all this is just my own imagination.

A lot of things are just for a moment. If you can feel them clearly, these things are very real. After all, it seems that these things are - very good decisions for the time being.

Only by believing in one's own decision may be the best way. Many times, it is just constantly judging, constantly feeling whether one is right, and wandering between right and wrong, so that one can find the right one. Which is the right way.

And every road has to be practiced before we can know what is not good. Now it is more important to see what else can be done!

After you persist in doing it, you will be able to find some very real things, so you will be more sure that there is something else. Only in this way can you find something that looks very real.

This in itself is not so bad, so it is like this for the time being. If you really think it is still good, then you can naturally feel that there are some things that are not there, which in itself is still considered good. very real.

So for the time being, it seems that there is a very real feeling, and there are not so many disadvantages, but I feel that all this is the most real.

"Long Yinquan!"

Xiaolan said very firmly, after all, Longyinquan is also a place that Xiaolan knows, the air here is very spiritual, it can well neutralize the aggressiveness brought by the aggressive fire, and it will make people's hearts stop to change.

Change becomes a very short-lived thing, and this kind of thing itself still makes people think it is very good, so when facing these things, you can naturally feel that it is very good.

Now itself is very real, so the more real things are, the more you can feel all these changes, so only the most important decisions can determine the existence of these things.

So there are not so many bad things for the time being, it is because I like it very much, so there will be more real things, and these states can be decided naturally.

There is no way to blame others. Human life cannot be just a pile of waste. Only by constantly becoming very real can we feel the most worthwhile of all these changes.

So it is like this for the time being, I just think it is not bad, so I feel that this is very real! If there are not so many bad things, it will be natural to understand all these changes.

These seem to be understood naturally, that is, while understanding, one can feel some of the most real changes, which are unexpected.


The existence of Long Yinquan may have been for the arrival of a certain moment over the years, and the arrival of this moment will still make people feel less restless and more of a kind of peace of mind.

This kind of peace of mind really exists, so when faced with this kind of bad heart, you can feel a lot of changes, so it seems to be pretty good for the time being.

At least there are not so many bad things in itself, and now it is very real. When Bai Ye saw Xiaolan, he already felt that all this was very real.

So when you see Bai Ye like this, you can naturally have a very real feeling, and this feeling itself is very good, so it is like this for the time being.

.... . . . . . .

In Bai Ye's eyes, he could feel that Xiao Lan was doing it for his own good, so the existence of the fire of aggressiveness might be an opportunity, an opportunity to advance, Bai Ye believed in his own ability very much.

People don't feel flustered only when they are doing it, so only when it keeps becoming very real, will they feel that all this is the most real.

People, just like this, will feel that everything in front of them is the most real! These things can exist naturally, so even when they can exist, there are not so many bad things.

Longyinquan is a good place! Bai Ye is already very sure that he is going to do this thing, maybe if he doesn't do what he has already thought about, he may have even worse feelings.

So all of this itself is very real, and I naturally feel that all of this is the best, and there is not so much bad in itself, so it just seems like that for the time being.

In Bai Ye's eyes, there is more of something that is very clear and precise, and only in this way can he feel that everything in front of him is very real.

Constantly changing and constantly thinking that this is a pretty good thing is enough in itself, and it is very difficult to filter out some that are available.

636: initial

"Then let's go now!"

Facing Xiaolan's proposal, Bai Ye was very determined.

I decided to go to Longyinquan, and I had to see how powerful this aggressive fire was. If I could really cultivate and advance, it would probably be a historic page.


Seeing that Bai Ye is so sure, Xiaolan will also feel that this is very real, if she is still so uncertain, it will be even more unlike herself.

"Bai Ye, everything in Longyinquan is up to you. Our outside knowledge can't help you, so if you have any problems, you have to solve them yourself. This is a big challenge! You Get ready!"

Xiaolan still couldn't help saying a few more words, after all, this was something she had to remind "467", if she didn't remind her, Xiaolan would feel that her conscience was disturbed.

"Don't worry! You are really long-winded!"

Bai Ye was already thinking about how to resolve the fire of aggression, and Xiao Lan kept telling him, although it was for Bai Ye's benefit, but Bai Ye also knew that Xiao Lan was indeed a little worried.

Then it proves that this time's advancement may be different from the previous ones, there is a great degree of danger, and it is better to be more careful.

"Got it! Don't worry, if it doesn't work, I will quit automatically!"

Bai Ye comforted Xiaolan and the people around him. He knew that everyone in the mechanical house was thinking of himself, and only his own success could bring them a sense of security.

There is no doubt about it.

The people around did not speak, but looked at Bai Ye's forehead, knowing that all this is the so-called most real state, if they can really feel it, these states can be resolved.

So even if it is like this, this itself can still be solved. If it can't be solved, these so-called states can't be solved naturally.

"Long Yinquan's greatest ability is to neutralize your aggressive fire and turn a dangerous thing into a safe thing, so if you feel uneasy around you later, you must be good at using Long Yinquan aura!"

Xiaolan reminded together that Long Yinquan was also a place that she only knew of when she saw a great god practicing here when she followed the previous master and passed by here.

At that time, the master said that this place is very suitable for advanced people, it can help people break through the bottleneck, as long as they pass this bottleneck, it will be easy to advance, and the gas inside has this special quality.

So for the time being, I still feel that all these things are very real in themselves, and these things can already give people a very real feeling, so this in itself is still a very good thing.

If it can really exist, this state can be understood naturally, so even so, I still feel very good.

What is more important now is all this in front of me, all of which can be changed, so I can feel it very clearly for the time being.

Only when a thing can be felt in the most real way, it is considered to exist. If you really can't feel it, all these things can't exist.

Therefore, people need to learn to be smart. Smart people will not be fooled. They should listen carefully to small voices, and keep silent to loud voices.

This is the way of being a human being, and it will make people feel that it is not bad!

Longyin Spring seems to be a place that makes people feel very comfortable. The air here is very good! Longyin Spring is located in a small canyon, and it looks like a place where high-level people haunt.

“The air here is really spiritual too!”

As soon as you enter Longyinquan, you will feel the changes in the surrounding air. This kind of change is indescribable, but it will make people feel that these things in front of you are all objective.

So for the time being, I still feel that there are not so many bad things in itself, that is, this so-called state is very real. If there are not so many bad things, no one will think that there are any more bad things. .

So the present itself is a very real point, and only the most real point will have a more real feeling, so these are so much real.

"Indeed, there are often spiritual animals. If you see a predestined one, you can take it as a pet!"

Xiaolan said to Bai Ye that her previous owner had taken in a very intelligent rabbit here, and in the end this rabbit had saved the owner's life...  …

So although sometimes some things are a little troublesome, all the consequences will be presented in the end. This is still a very good thing in itself, so it still looks very good for the time being.

Now at least there are not so many bad things, it just makes people feel that everything in front of them is so real, but this appearance itself still feels good.

So there are not so many bad things for the time being, but it is because I like it, so it will be the most real, and it will not give people a feeling of not being very surprised, which is already very real.

This is nothing else, but I still feel very good, very good!

Now it seems that all of this can be done naturally, so it's just because I like it very much, so it looks very good for the time being.

Only when you are constantly changing, can you have the current feeling, so there are not so many bad things for the time being, it is because you like it very much, so you can have the current feeling.

A lot of things are just going with the flow, and 2.2 seems to be a very good state for the time being. But fortunately, there is an initial path for all of this, which will make everything behind it easier.

So for the time being, it seemed natural and felt that it was still a good thing. When Bai Ye saw Long Yinquan now, he felt that he had already achieved half the success.

After all, this is already a very normal thing now. At the very beginning, these states can exist in themselves, and for things that can exist, this state is very real.

Long Yinquan is a magical existence. When this kind of magical thing exists, you can clearly feel that everything has changed, so it looks pretty good for the time being.

637: Monologue Field

"It's so refreshing!"

Bai Ye took a deep breath of the air in front of him, and instantly felt a sense of refreshment spread all over his body, it was so real.

For the time being, it seems that this is the case, and these states still give people a feeling of surprise, so this in itself can still have a pretty good feeling.

So for the time being, it seems that this is the case, and no matter how much it is said, it is just that. For the time being, there aren't that many bad things, it's just that you can see it clearly.

After all, Long Yinquan is not the same as what he said, this is the most so-called point. It can still feel very real and very clear.

So there will be no bad things for the time being. After all, many things in Longyinquan did not appear temporarily. Everything is so good.

The reason why it is like this is still considered very good. 18, Bai Ye can clearly feel that in Longyinquan, the aggressive fire in his body has relaxed a little.

But if you have to relax completely, I am afraid that it will not be completely successful even if you work for a while, so for the time being, you will still feel that it is a good point, which is not so bad in itself.

After all, for the time being, it's just the little things in front of me, and many good things are just like that. It's just because I like it, that's why it's like this.

For the time being, everything in Longyinquan seems to be quite aggressive, at least in Bai Ye, everything is fine.

Longyinquan is a very large area, this area is not exclusive to Xiaolan, but Xiaolan can shuttle here freely, so as Xiaolan's master, it is natural that she can shuttle here freely, this is It is inevitable, so for the time being, it seems that these states are still very real.

Now it is only a temporary point, and these states can be felt naturally.

Xiaolan has many domains where she can freely travel through space, but these domains are unclaimed. As a person in the second world, Xiaolan has no way to take the initiative to claim them.

But now that Bai Ye is here, Bai Ye can use all means to claim it. This may be a very good thing for the big guys, and now it can be seen that these things are still very good.

So for the time being, I can understand it naturally.

These things are pretty good in themselves, so it doesn't seem so bad for the time being, Bai Ye's appearance can naturally feel very real, and everything in front of me is what I want, so these states There's nothing wrong with that in itself.

It's because Bai Ye likes it, and Bai Ye still feels that everything in front of him is because he likes it, so he feels this way. Think it all.

Now it seems to be very real, after all, these temporary things are natural, there will not be so many bad things, everything in Longyinquan is so real, so real that people feel all these things All good.

That's why there will be more accurate preparations for the time being. The peaceful atmosphere in Long Yinquan's domain can make people feel calm. Even if you come here in a very impetuous state, there will be a magical power.

This miraculous power is the best power when it crosses many hills, pays for it continuously, and floats to the main body, so this itself seems to be a very good place!

"Xiao Lan, the air here is so peaceful!"

Bai Ye said to Xiaolan, knowing that Xiaolan knew this place better, suddenly felt that getting Xiaolan was like winning a treasure, so for the time being, he still felt that everything in front of him was the best.

So this in itself is pretty good. If it is really like this, it will naturally have a good feeling, but it seems that this feeling is very real for the time being.

It's only natural to look at these things when you both think it's pretty good, but right now it's pretty good in itself.

There are not so many bad things for the time being, it is because I feel that I like it very much, so it will be more real. This kind of real feeling itself is still very good, so this in itself is also a good thing.

There is more in Bai Ye's eyes that make people feel very at ease!

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