Start To Pick Up The Invincible World Of Attributes

Chapter 100 Rainbow Light Blood Fox break through

The pet experience Dan is not what Luofan cares more about.

What he cares more about is this kind of place. Since he can meet Demonic Beasts, can he also be able to pick up attribute bubbles.

If you are in the Ascension battle pet experience, you can also Ascension own attributes.

The best of both worlds is really good.

The mountains that seem to be far away are not far away.

Luo Fan and his party ran wildly on the ground for about ten minutes before they came to the foot of the mountain.

"Is it so high?"

Lan Qin said in surprise.

The black egg glanced at Lan Qin, did not explain anything, and said directly:

"There are a total of five entrances here, which represent gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. You can choose to enter with the same attributes as yourself, or you can choose to enter with restrained attribute doors!"

"Is there such a function? Is this so-called entrance actually a teleportation array?"

Luofan saw that there were indeed five doors with different colors in front of him, and asked in wonder:

"Then what if it is a battle pet with a special attribute? For example, you!"

"I choose whatever, anyway, our pets swallow other Demonic Beasts inner alchemy, and don't choose attributes. It's just that the ones with the same attributes will definitely be better!"

The black egg said indifferently.

Lanqin's self and battle pet are both ice attributes, and they are also special attributes, but they are just a variant of water attributes.

After listening to the black egg, he immediately pointed to the entrance of the water attribute in front of him and said:

"Then I will choose the water attribute!"

"Okay, then you go in first, I choose the fire attribute." Luofan walked to the entrance of the fire attribute door.

Lan Qin smiled at Luo Fan, then resolutely held the Tianlin Ice Mouse and walked into the door of the water attribute.


After a blue light soaring into the sky, Lanqin disappeared.

"Master, shall we go in too?"

The black egg is looking forward to it.

It may be the Demonic Beasts egg. In this secret realm, the life has been too long, and it has long been bored.

Now he can finally Ascension his own level, and Luo Fan will leave here with him, he can't wait.

"Don't worry!" Luo Fan waved his hand.

The black egg looked at Luo Fan suspiciously.

I saw a cute little scarlet fox appeared in Luo Fan's hand.

"Rainbow Blood Fox?"

The black egg recognized the identity of this little fox at a glance.

"Is this another pet of the master's contract?"

Seeing that the rainbow light blood fox had only a low-grade Xuan-level, the black egg's face couldn't help showing a smug look.

Tsundere's little expression was all over his face.


What about the battle pet that became the master earlier than me?

It's not even Xuanjie's inferior little cabbage chicken!

Big Brother, I am a middle-rank Xuan, you can get... Fuck!

Heidan was showing his own disdain to the Rainbow Blood Fox, but suddenly discovered that the rank of the little cabbage he looked down upon was suddenly changed from the original mysterious rank, Ascension, to the same mysterious rank as the middle rank.

"How is this possible? Master, how come this little guy's rank is Ascension?"

The black egg had an incredible expression on his face, and his heart was shocked to the extreme.

"I'm helping Ascension!"

In the future, I will definitely help the black egg Ascension rank, Luo Fan didn't hide anything from it, and said with a smile.

But the line of sight has been fixed on the body of the Hongguang Blood Fox, watching its upgraded attributes:

【Battle Pet: Rainbow Blood Fox (Ari)

Grade: Mystic middle grade (upgradeable)

Grade: first-order late stage

Loyalty: 100 (the pet of the system contract, permanent full value, there will be no risk of reduction)

Upgrade conditions: Fire Element 300, Blood Element 300, and one inner alchemy of the top-ranking Demonic Beasts, or ten middle-ranking Demonic Beasts inner alchemy]

The level of Ascension, let Ahri's level also directly Ascension to the first-order late stage, which is exactly the same as the current black egg.

The upgrade conditions and elemental requirements have also tripled.

The need for the Demonic Beasts inner pill naturally becomes ten middle-rank Demonic Beasts inner pill, or a top-rank Demonic Beasts inner pill.

The requirements are similar to the upgrade requirements of Black Egg, on average.

This made Luo Fan understand.

In terms of quality, the Rainbow Blood Fox and the Black Egg should be the same.


It should be said that after the upgrade of the system, the talents of Ari and Heidan are almost the same.


For the black egg, its current rank may not be the limit.

Even without Luofan's help, it still has the possibility of Ascension in the future.

But Ari!

The rank of the middle rank of the mysterious rank has broken the rank record of the rainbow light blood fox race.

It is now regarded as the highest rank among all the Rainbow Light Blood Foxes on the entire Profound Sky Continent.

The same as the black egg.

As long as they are adults, the Cultivation Base can reach the Martial Emperor.


The black egg finally woke up from Luo Fan's words.

His face immediately showed a pleasing look, and he rushed to Luo Fan's side with great expectation, and said excitedly:

"Master, it's really amazing! You can even help the battle pet Ascension rank? Then I want Ascension to reach the mysterious rank, what conditions do I need?"

"How do you know that I will give you an Ascension grade?"

Luo Fan glanced at the black egg and smiled cheerfully.

"The master is so powerful, even the rank of Demonic Beasts such as the Rainbow Blood Fox can break through the shackles, I am sure I can too!"

The black egg said with a smile.

"It can be, but there is no such condition yet!"

"Master, please also say that I will work hard to find the necessary conditions!"

The black egg looked excited, and the tension in his heart completely relaxed. He had no doubt that Luo Fan was deceiving himself.

After all, it was an upgrade of the black egg, Luo Fan did not hide it, and said directly:

"Ten middle-ranked Demonic Beasts inner pill, or a top-ranked Demonic Beasts inner pill, and some other materials, you can’t get it, I will find a way to get it! The main ones are dark elements and souls. !"

"Demonic Beasts inner alchemy, soul, these things, I understand, but what is the dark element?"

The black egg asked incomprehensibly, then hesitated:

"Is it the dark attribute Spiritual Qi that I cultivated and absorbed?"

"I can't explain it to you, you just need to know, those things, I will help you, you are responsible for collecting Demonic Beasts inner alchemy. By the way, collect as much as possible, it may not be enough!"

Luo Fan reminded.

"Master, wrap it on me!" The black egg used the smoke confidently, turned out a palm, and slapped it on own chest, his face full of arrogance.

It doesn't matter if it is a Demonic Beasts inner alchemy of the highest grade of the mysterious order, or ten Demonic Beasts inner alchemy of the middle grade of the profound order.

From the black egg's point of view, it is very easy to gather all these things.

It's not difficult at all.

Even with this amount, Ascension ten times again made him feel that it is very easy to get it.

Don't talk about other places.

It is in this mountain range in front of me that it is not difficult to find this level of Demonic Beasts inner alchemy!


Isn't it difficult?

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