"Yeah." Jun Wu nodded, and at the same time looked at the battlefield of the painted beasts and the alien beasts in the distance, and said: "Let's leave here first."

He would not use all the painted beasts cultivated by the Infinite War Secret Painting to save these people.

"Yes! Leave first!"

The Lord of Laws said, and then took the others and followed Jun Wu to leave this area.

A moment later, in another place in the Star Sea, on a pale blue star.

"Thank you for your help, brother. If it weren't for you, our casualties would be very heavy." After confirming that the alien beasts did not chase him, the Lord of Laws said with lingering fear.

"You're welcome." Jun Wu smiled lightly.

"By the way, my name is Huo Ming, and I am also the temporary leader of this team. I wonder what your name is, brother?"

The Lord of Laws Huo Ming said again. There are a total of 16 creatures in his team, with different races. Among them, including Huo Ming, there are three Lords of Laws, and the rest are Lords of Laws.

"Hong." Jun Wu said.

"Hong?" Huo Ming nodded, and then said: "Brother Hong, you came to the Star Sea to explore the Star Sea, right?"

"Yes." Jun Wu nodded.

There are many exploration missions in the painting world. Just the vast and boundless secret land of Tianluo Ancient Land alone has countless exploration missions. Although ordinary creatures do not know the existence of the painting world, the behavior of painters of all generations can also let them guess something.

"Brother Hong, do you know about star sand?" Huo Ming spoke again.


But as soon as he finished speaking, several law masters became anxious.

"Don't worry." Huo Ming smiled and said to the masters: "With our strength, if we want to get star sand, how many people do you think can survive?"

Several masters were silent, and the other members seemed to have thought of this a long time ago, so they did not stop Huo Ming from beginning to end.

Seeing this, Huo Ming turned back to Jun Wu and said, "Brother Hong, to be honest, we found a secret place before, where we found the Star God and Star Sand."

"It's just that the Star God is too strong, we are no match for him at all. We fled all the way, but we didn't expect to encounter the nest of strange beasts again."


Jun Wu's eyes lit up, and he naturally knew about Star Sand.

It is an extremely precious refining material. Any treasure can be cultivated into a treasure by adding a grain of Star Sand!

If the quantity is large enough, it can even cultivate a treasure.

Moreover, each grain of Star Sand contains a mystery of a law, and is a special material naturally born in the sea of ​​stars!

However, Star Sand is also very rare, and it is easy to encounter a creature called "Star God" in the world.

This Star God is actually a special life that feeds on Star Sand. It naturally has a sense of Star Sand and can easily find the location of Star Sand!

It is said that the Star Gods are bred from the stars in the sea of ​​stars, and they have at least the strength of the realm master level when they are born.

At the same time, when the Star Gods are born, they will also be accompanied by some star sand. After they eat these star sands, and completely refine and perfectly fuse them, the Star Gods can reach the immortal level.

In addition, the Star Gods can also control the alien beasts, just like the Zerg Queen controls ordinary Zerg warriors.

After that, the Star Gods will start to collect star sands.

After all, even for the immortal-level Star Gods, it takes more than a million years to refine and fuse a grain of star sand, so after they find the star sand, they generally choose to store it.

"Yeah." Huo Ming nodded: "Our original leader and a group of companions died in that secret place."

Jun Wu suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Huo Ming said he was a temporary leader, but... According to the power displayed by Huo Ming, he was probably equivalent to the second-level universe master in the original universe.

Their original leader was probably stronger.

The star god they met was at least a fourth-level or even fifth-level universe master, as he could kill such a group of strong men and make them flee!

"How much star sand did you see in that secret place?"

Jun Wu was weighing the pros and cons.

There were ways to deal with creatures of this level, after all, he still had a battle painting of the Lord of Laws in his hand.

The Lord of Laws among them also had the strength equivalent to the fourth- and fifth-level universe masters. Even if he was not as good as the star god, he would definitely have no problem delaying.

"A lot, more than 100,000 grains!" Huo Ming said in a deep voice.

"More than 100,000 grains?!" Jun Wu was shocked. If more than 100,000 grains of star sand were handed over to a treasure refining master, he could refine top-level treasures or even peak treasures.

No wonder they fought so hard. This was more than 100,000 grains of star sand, and it was impossible to refine treasures with only star sand as one material. More than 100,000 grains of star sand could completely refine several top-level treasures or peak treasures!

"Huh..." Jun Wu suppressed his excitement and asked slowly: "Brother Huo Ming, you told me this because you want to invite me to fight against that star god and seize the star sand, right?"

"Yes." Huo Ming nodded. Judging from the current situation, it can be confirmed that Jun Wu is a third-level painter, and once he becomes a third-level painter, the improvement is beyond imagination.

Give this kind of existence some preparation time. Even if he can't defeat that star god, he can definitely delay for a while and create an opportunity for them to take the star sand.

"Okay, I can agree." Jun Wu got the answer and agreed directly: "However, I also have two questions that I need Brother Huo Ming to answer for me."

"Please speak." Huo Ming smiled.

"First, I am joining you temporarily. How do we solve the trust problem?" Jun Wu asked.

This kind of adventure is not a child's play. It is about life and death. If you take a wrong step, you may be crushed to pieces. If your companions do not trust each other, it will be fatal.

"That's easy." Huo Ming was a little surprised. After all, this kind of thing is not a problem for senior adventurers, but he did not say it directly. After all, there are all kinds of life in this world. Jun Wu has never teamed up with others before, so it is not surprising.

"As long as you swear to the laws of the Holy Realm, no one will dare to violate it. Otherwise, the Holy Realm will backfire, and even the existence of the level of the domain master will not be able to resist it."

"Okay." Jun Wu nodded. It sounds like the oath of life, which is very convenient.

"Second, if you get the star sand, how should it be distributed?" Jun Wu looked at Huo Ming and others with a burning gaze.

More than 100,000 grains of star sand are indeed a lot, but it is impossible to divide them equally. Otherwise, what is the point of Jun Wu joining?

"Of course, it will be distributed according to the contribution." Huo Ming seemed to have expected it: "At that time, everything will be distributed according to individual contributions. For example, if you, Brother Hong, act alone and hold back the Star God, then you will take the lion's share, and you will take 90% alone!"

"Of course, because Brother Hong, you are not always in our team, and we also provide the information about the Star Sand, so you can only get 80%."

"The remaining 20% ​​will also be shared according to your respective contributions."

"Brother Hong, do you think this is appropriate?"

After Huo Ming finished speaking, the faces of several of the venerables changed.

To put it bluntly, it is actually divided according to strength. Whoever is confident that he can stop the Star God and give others time to get the Star Sand can take the lion's share.

Of course, the premise is that he can survive.

"80%?" Jun Wu thought about it and finally nodded.

Although he can also explore a little bit, it will be very time-consuming, and Huo Ming and others can also find other strong people to cooperate with him if they don't look for him.

If Jun Wu went to find it himself, the star sand might have been emptied before he found the secret place.

In comparison, it is better to make a decision now.

Moreover, whether it can be completed is still unknown. How much effect he can play will have to wait until he sees the star god.

"Okay! Then we will swear now!"

Huo Ming smiled.


Deep in the star sea, there is a deep and quiet place.

This place is very different from the ordinary star sea. There is no light, but you can feel the more profound law fluctuations.

"The lair of the star god is there!"

Huo Ming pointed in a direction. It was pitch black there, just like a black hole that could swallow up all the light.

"Last time we entered it, in addition to the most powerful star god, there were five star guards at the level of the Lord of Laws."

Huo Ming said that the star god is not a social life. There will only be one star god in an area, but it is also very difficult to win by numbers.

After all, compared with the alien beasts, the life level of the star god is higher!

Moreover, they have a special talent, which allows them to enslave up to ten living beings. These enslaved beings are called Star Guards, and Star Guards can be replaced continuously.

In addition, this Star God is of a very high level, and his strength is probably close to that of the Thousand Star City Lords. If you want to defeat him by numbers, you need at least a dozen Law Lords!

"Is that so..." Jun Wu glanced at Huo Ming and others: "Brother Huo Ming, can you stop those Star Guards?"

"Don't worry!" Huo Ming smiled and said, "Those Star Guards are just ordinary Law Lords. With the strength of the three of us, we dare not say that we can kill them, but it is easy to delay time."

"Okay." Jun Wu nodded, and then pointed his finger down, using his heart as a pen to outline a human-shaped light and shadow in the void.


Jun Wu flicked his finger, and the light and shadow turned into a light that escaped directly into the black hole.

This is a phantom body of the heart painting. Although it is an phantom body, it also has 30% of Jun Wu's own strength, which can barely be regarded as a hegemon.


In just a few breaths, several beast roars sounded from the depths of the soul, and the next moment, huge bodies rushed out, chasing the tiny phantom body.


Huo Ming shouted, and then rushed out with the other two Lords of Law. At the same time, Jun Wu's phantom body gradually became illusory, and in the blink of an eye, it went into the black hole again.


The next moment, the void suddenly exploded.

A giant hand stretched out from the void, and the light of various laws shone, instantly blocking the world and pressing towards Huo Ming and others.


At the critical moment, a golden fist collided with the giant hand.

Behind Jun Wu, a creature that was a hundred feet tall, covered with golden armor, like a god or demon stepped out.


On the other side, the void was still breaking, and in the darkness, a towering figure slowly walked out of it.

Its body is extremely huge, exceeding tens of millions of feet, with seven pairs of wings covering the sky and the sun behind it, and each wing shines with different laws.

Especially his vast breath of life, it makes people feel as if they are in a sea of ​​stars, and the endless starlight seems to be able to illuminate everything in the world!

The two figures are like the difference between a giant and an ant, but the Lord of Laws Mihua behind Jun Wu is not afraid at all. After receiving Jun Wu's order, he stepped into the void step by step and suppressed the star god.


When the two beings started fighting, the sky collapsed and the sea of ​​stars seemed to roar violently. The terrifying power crushed the stars in the endless distance into dust.

"It's almost the same!"

Jun Wu smiled lightly. This is good news. At least it means that delaying time is not a problem.

Those law masters also seized this opportunity and quietly sneaked into the black hole.


Not long after, a voice transmission sounded in Jun Wu's mind.

Without saying a word, the infinite war secret painting opened, and tens of thousands of painting beasts rushed out and bit towards the star god. At the same time, the master of the secret painting law also turned into a ray of light and returned to the scroll in Jun Wu's hand.

It's just that the light is a little dim, of course, this doesn't affect anything, and it will recover after a while.

Almost at the same time, Jun Wu directly tore through time and space and escaped. The other masters of the law also used their own methods to escape from this dark area.

Seeing this, the star god seemed to understand something. His consciousness probed into the nest and suddenly burst out with more terrifying power.

In an instant, tens of thousands of painted beasts were wiped out, and the eyes looked towards the endless time and space, as if they found the traces of Jun Wu. The towering body did not hesitate at all, directly tore through the void and chased Jun Wu.

A few days later.

Jun Wu appeared on a red star, which was the agreed meeting place.

"Brother Hong, you are finally back!"

Huo Ming said with surprise, but the joy in his tone was not very obvious.

But this is also natural, otherwise someone suddenly appeared and talked to you about dividing the money.

Jun Wu came back alive, which means that they will divide a large amount of star sand. Who would be happy?

"Brother Huo Ming." Jun Wu smiled lightly.

The reason why he came the latest was still to blame the star god.

The star sand was not on him, but he just stared at Jun Wu and circled it dozens of times in the various time and space before he finally knew the distance.

"This plan was successful. According to the original agreement, we will distribute it according to individual contributions."

The Lord of the Law of Huo Ming did not like to beat around the bush and said directly: "According to the contribution, the one who made the greatest contribution is undoubtedly Master Hong. According to the agreement, 80% of it will all belong to you."

"Thank you."

Jun Wu smiled and did not bother to be polite with them. He rolled up his sleeves and took away more than 80,000 grains of star sand.

"The remaining 20% ​​will be divided among the eight of us according to the contribution." Huo Ming said again.

There are only eight of them now, but it may not be a bad thing. For example, now there are fewer people who share the star sand with them.

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