Start with a Cat and Mouse Game

Chapter 75: collaborate with each other

  Barney probably has been in the soldier for too long and is used to taking orders.

   Or in consideration of the employment fee of 50,000 U.S. dollars, he only hesitated for a few seconds before being pulled away from the hillside by Li Changheng.

   After half an hour, the two came to the timber yard of the Tibetan police car.

   All the money from the bows, arrows, spears, and a large backpack were put into the trunk, then he changed into a police uniform and drove hurriedly out of the town.

   Before the state police blocked the road to the outside of the town, he left the town.

   And he was more mindful, instead of going straight to Cleveland, he would rather spend more time detouring to avoid colliding with the police car coming from Cleveland.

   Fortunately, Americans are not like the celestial dynasty, as long as it is a highway, it is fully equipped with monitoring equipment.

   Even in 0202, the police patrolled the roads outside of the U.S. cities instead of monitoring.

   It was around 4 a.m., when the day was light, I finally rushed back to the hotel I rented in Cleveland yesterday.

   "Wait, Henry," Barney didn't rush to get out of the car, but said cautiously, "I just need to sleep in the back seat of the police car, lest you can't explain why there are police friends in Cleveland".

   When Li Changheng thinks about it, it's okay to be careful.

   avoided the only camera in the hotel, went back to the room, set the alarm clock and fell asleep.

   At 7:30 in the morning, a doorbell rang, and Li Changheng, who was wearing shorts and a vest, opened the door, handed a one-dollar tip to the waiter who delivered the meal, and closed the door in response to repeated thanks.

   This kind of motel that only costs 3 dollars a night, I believe that the waiter who received a $1 tip will definitely not forget him in a short time.

   Half an hour later, a police uniform came to the counter to check out. After spending a few minutes with the hotel owner deliberately, Li Changheng left with a smile in the eyes of the hotel owner’s dissatisfaction.

   got in the car, took Barney to the second-hand car shop in Cleveland, parked the car dozens of meters away and changed into ordinary clothes.

   From the backpack in the trunk, he took out about twenty thousand dollars of scattered banknotes and put them into the two inner pockets on the left and right of the jacket.

   There are 26 left in the backpack, all 31,000 piles of money sealed in a transparent plastic bag.

   spent a thousand dollars to buy an 80% new pickup truck that looks familiar.

   handed the backpack full of old banknotes to Barney, and Li Changheng told him, "When I get to the house I rent in New York, remember that there is no need to not go out.

  I will return to New York to join you in at most a week."

   "Understand", when Barney took the backpack, a touch of movement flashed in his eyes.

   Such a backpack of money is directly given to himself who has not known him for a week, Li Changheng instantly rises in Barney's heart and can give his back to his partner.

  Looking at the gray pickup truck going away, Li Changheng couldn't imagine that this Chevrolet ‘Task Force’ pickup truck would be regarded as a symbol of friendship by Barney.

   kept refitting, maintaining, and repairing until one day he would drive this car with a Kung Fu emperor nicknamed ‘yin and yang’. Gunner took seven or eight people into a sieve.

At around ten o'clock in the morning, Li Changheng, who was driving from north to south, drove a police car around two counties, around ten kilometers south of the town, parked his car outside the car restaurant on the highway, and started contacting the town police station with the on-board radio. .

   The person on the call was indeed not Will, but the only female clerk in the police station. He learned that Will had been called to Lane Farm an hour ago.

   Li Changheng thought for a while and was in the restaurant, ordering a cup of coffee and waiting slowly.

   The road back, southeast, northwest, and northwest must be related to the card. If you tell the state police in charge of the inspection at this time, you helped Will send a copy of Rambo's death certificate yesterday to the Cleveland Police Department's archives.

   will definitely be suspected, he is the one who secretly sent the information to the prosecutor Charles.

   simply sat in the restaurant, under the nose of the restaurant owner and waiter, until Will learned that he was using the radio and contacted the police station.

   And the restaurant owner wished he had been sitting here today.

   A checkpoint was set up a few kilometers away, causing many curious drivers to stop and order some food and drink, and ask the restaurant what happened.

   Therefore, there are police cars and police, even if customers wait for a meal for a long time, they dare not make trouble.

   Time came to one o'clock in the afternoon unknowingly, "creak, creak", a series of elevated tones requesting a call came from the police car.

   Li Changheng with excellent hearing put down his knife and fork, walked out of the restaurant, took the walkie-talkie and said, "This is a patrol car, please speak."

   Will, who returned to the police station with the state police, heard that Li Changheng didn’t say his name directly. He breathed a sigh of relief and immediately cursed.

   "Damn, I asked you to go on patrol this morning, why don't you **** come back now".

   "Sorry, sheriff".

   The corners of Li Changheng’s mouth were upturned, and he knew that there were other people around Will.

   Otherwise, Will would never talk to him in this manner.

   Although I had discussed with Will about some emergency response methods, the people from Cleveland raided yesterday, which was indeed not what they expected.

   "The car has broken down. I have been in the car restaurant on the southern national highway since ten o'clock in the morning, waiting for the restaurant owner Pedro to repair the car."

   didn't come back from the north?

   Will was happy, but his face showed dissatisfaction, "Damn it, how long will it take you to fix the car?"

   "Sorry, Sheriff, I have to ask Pedro for this."

   "Asshole, you wait for me".

   Will hung up the communication and shook his head helplessly to the captain of the state police, "Sorry, Arthur, I can still work as a subordinate now.

  Furthermore, the patrol work of 6 people every day is all at once on one person. Whether it is a car or a police officer, it is a bit overloaded."

   "Understandable", Arthur smiled and nodded, "Let's go, I will go with you, by the way, check the manpower responsible for the level inspection task, whether there is any laziness."

   Outside the highway restaurant, Li Changheng pouted his lips and threw the walkie-talkie on the car seat, walked back to the restaurant, and hooked his finger at Pedro.

   Pedro, with sparse hair and almost superb, hurriedly called the waiter to help him guard the checkout counter, and quickly followed Li Changheng out of the restaurant.

   I met the young police officer in front of him, opened the hood of the car, and pulled off a leather tube.

   then smiled and said, "Sergeant Will will drive over in a while to check if I'm lazy.

   And what I told him is that since 10:30 in the morning, I have been waiting in the restaurant for you to help me fix the car.

   So, you will help me, right? "

   Li Changheng patted with a smile, middle-aged bald Pedro on the shoulder, "The arrested sergeant caught me being lazy, and at most deducted my salary for a week.

   If you don’t want me to come here to check the driver’s license every day when I patrol, if the vehicle is overloaded, you should know what to do, right? "


   Pedro nodded hurriedly, and Li Changheng harassed the guests in the name of checking his driver’s license and vehicle.

   He, the restaurant owner, really has no good way to counteract it.

   Fortunately, car restaurants on the highway usually repair cars part-time. Pedro does not say how good the technology is, but the police car modified by Chevrolet Seaville is too familiar to him.

   put his eyes on the police car for ten seconds, stretched out his hand and operated a few empty-handed on the engine.

   Li Changheng, who didn't know how to repair a car at all, saw a greasy liquid spilled out.

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