Start With a Fake University

Chapter 721: Yancheng Sports Academy

Outside the central stadium.

The participating teams from colleges and universities across the country are all ready to enter the stadium.

The participating teams of each college will form a small square, and a flag bearer will hold up the school name sign of the college and enter the central stadium in an orderly manner.

Just like the Olympics.

Volunteers at the scene and the staff of the Wucheng Sports Department are conducting orderly guidance.

In the Central Stadium, the drone show performance of "Sport Drones" attracted a round of applause. This drone show is indeed different from the drone performances that big guys have seen in the past. , And it is wonderful.

Coupled with the performance of the previous program "Meeting Friends with Wu" from the Chinese Academy of Arts, the two programs are already brilliant enough.

In fact, there are only these two performances at the opening ceremony this time.

There was originally a singing show, but it was finally cancelled after the decision of the Wucheng University of Arts and Science Committee.

After all, singing performance is a bit of a cultural evening, but this time is the National University Games, the theme is still sports and competitions, "Meeting Friends with Wu" and "Sport Drones" are the most suitable, and the duration of the two shows has been increased. It's not short, and the opening ceremony only lasts an hour.

Starting at nine o'clock, the opening ceremony will end at ten o'clock, and then at ten o'clock, the preliminary rounds of various competitions and other competitions will officially begin.

After the drone show is over, it is time for Xiong Yang, director of the Cultural and Sports Department of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, to announce that the participating college teams have officially entered the venue.


After getting the microphone, Director Xiong Yang announced: "Next, please enter the competition for college teams!"

Dumping~ Dumping~ Dumping~

The familiar melody of "Athletes March" rang again.

Under this melody, participating college teams from all over the country began to make their debut from the left channel, from outside the central stadium.

From the opening ceremony, the National University Games held in Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences was broadcast live by the Wucheng Sports TV Station, the Wucheng TV Station, and the Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences in the official live broadcast room of the Feiyue Home Streaming Media Platform.

On the Feiyue home streaming media platform, in the official live broadcast room of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, there are still hundreds of thousands of viewers.

Feiyue's home streaming media platform now has more than one million active online users every day.

"This year's Universiade is really exciting."

"The opening ceremonies of the Universiade in previous years were really flat, but this year is different."

"I knew that Wucheng University of Arts and Science held the Universiade, it was definitely not easy."

"This stadium is really big."

"Fuck! It's no wonder that I chose to host the National University Games at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. This stadium is really magnificent."

"How do I feel, this stadium feels a bit comparable to the Bird's Nest."

"No, no, no, compared with the Bird's Nest, it still tastes a little worse."

"Started, started, the participating college teams are ready to debut."

"Gwangseong University is here to report!"

"Shencheng University students have come to cheer for their alma mater."

"Haicheng University will charge for me!"

"Jiancheng University of Science and Technology rush to me!"

"How is the eternal **** of Yancheng Sports College!"

"To be reasonable, Yancheng Sports Academy is indeed very good. It is said that this time, several professional athletes from Yancheng Sports Academy participated in the national team."

"Yancheng Sports Academy is really awesome in recent years!"

On the Feiyue home streaming media platform, hundreds of thousands of netizens watched the opening ceremony of this National University Games, and they all expressed their feelings about the excitement of the opening ceremony and the entry of participating college teams.

Many college students from all over the country are in the live broadcast room, calling for their alma mater. Everyone wants to see that their school can shine in the National University Games and win a few more gold medals.

Among all the participating colleges and universities, the one that has attracted the most attention and attention is undoubtedly the Yancheng Institute of Physical Education.

Yancheng Institute of Physical Education is known as the strongest sports college in China. Almost all outstanding college students from all over the country gather here. Moreover, Yancheng Institute of Physical Education is also the top four sports academies in Xia State. It is normal for its popularity to be so high. Things.

After all, who makes Yancheng Sports College have many national-level professional athletes, including the school football team of Yancheng Sports College, which is also very powerful. Among them, several well-known professional football players in the country are also from Yancheng Sports College. Playing for the Anguo professional football club in Yancheng.

"The following is the team from Southwest University..."

"The next stage is the East China University of Science and Technology team..."

"The participating teams from Jiancheng Institute of Technology are slowly coming towards us..."

"Yancheng Institute of Technology..."

With the commentary one after another introducing the college teams that entered the central stadium, the cheers on the spot became louder and louder.

"The team coming towards us is the team from Yancheng University!"

Yancheng University!

This is a top domestic university with the same reputation as Qinghua University. When their participating teams appeared on the stage, there was an endless stream of applause and cheers.

In fact, Yancheng University and Qinghua University are not only very good in academic research, but also very good in sports.

If Yancheng Institute of Physical Education is the top sports school in the country, then Yancheng University and Qinghua University, in the field of sports, can definitely be ranked in the popular list.

as predicted.

After the Yancheng University team entered the central stadium, Qinghua University came next.

Arranging these two colleges and universities together to make their debut is also a common practice in many National University Games.

Then, many teams from colleges and universities appeared on the field. Eventually, hundreds of colleges and universities and thousands of participating athletes gathered on the field.

"Finally, let us invite the participating delegation of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences as the host of this National University Games to enter the venue!"

In the end, it was finally the turn of the Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences team to debut.

Generally, according to the form of admission to the Games, the host is usually the last one. There is also a situation where the host next time may also be arranged at the end. However, the National University Games is not like the Olympic Games. It is early. It has been decided where the next few games will be held, so this situation does not exist.

Therefore, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences became the last participating university team.

"Lao Huang, Abin, look, our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences team is really arrogant and proud."

Ding Yue looked at the participating team at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his heart.


Xu Bin nodded and said.

"Hey, this time, as the host, we must win a few more gold medals, and you see, Brother Yue, the number of students participating in the Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences seems to be the largest, right? There are almost a hundred people, right?"

Huang Youjie also said excitedly.

In this National University Games, there are hundreds of participating universities and thousands of athletes. On average, the number of participants in each university is about a dozen.

But this is not the case.

Some participating colleges and universities have relatively weak sports strength, so only a few athletes have obtained the qualifications for the National University Games, and the number of places in the colleges is not too large.

Some colleges and universities are very strong in sports, such as Yancheng University, Qinghua University, Jiancheng University, Shencheng University, and Haicheng University. They have quite a lot of places, at least 30 or 50 people. .

As for top sports colleges like Yancheng Sports College, there is no doubt that there are hundreds of participants.

The last is Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. As the host, it has the largest number of entries. Therefore, the number of participating teams in Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is more than one hundred, and there are ten more than Yancheng Sports College.

Therefore, there are hundreds of participating universities in the National University Games, and the total number of participating athletes is more than 1,000.

When all the participating teams from colleges and universities have entered the arena, it is time for the leaders to speak.

According to the speech draft prepared before, Ding Yue was sent by his own artificial intelligence robot Dabai in real time. Ding Yue's speech was very relaxed.

"Well, in the end, I wish all participating college teams, in the next week of competition time, win the championship!"

Ding Yue finished his last speech, and then turned back to his seat.

Next, the leaders of the Wucheng Education Department and the Sports Department gave speeches.

Director Xiao Wenxing and Director Zhang of the Sports Department simply spoke a few words due to limited time, and then Li Chengzhu of the Wucheng Mansion Building spoke in person.

You know, the most prominent person in this National University Games is undoubtedly Li Chengzhu of Wucheng.

"I invite Li Chengzhu from Wucheng City Mansion to speak below!"


A burst of applause sounded in the central stadium.

Chengzhu Li came to the podium and started his speech at the National University Games.

I have to say that City Lord Li's strength in this aspect of speech is at the top level. After this speech, even Ding Yue would be full of praise after listening.

After Li Chengzhu's speech was over, another round of applause sounded in the central gymnasium.

"Finally, I announce that the National University Games has officially begun!"

Li Chengzhu finally announced the official opening of the Games.

The opening ceremony of the National University Games, so even if it is over, the next thing to officially start is various competitions.

In fact, most of the fields and types of competitions are similar to those of the Olympics. However, there are also many Olympic events, which are not available in the National University Games.

In each National University Games, there are three major areas of competition.

The first one is undoubtedly the track and field events held in the central stadium, including long-distance sprint and hurdle relay races, as well as high jumps and long jumps.

The second is swimming gymnastics and other competitions.

The third is a variety of ball games, such as table tennis, badminton, basketball, volleyball and football.

Since this is the National University Games, not the Olympic Games, it is impossible for the competition events to be as complete as the Olympic Games. The selection of competition events is basically the sports events that college students can come into contact with on a daily basis.

Today is the first day of the competition. There is no doubt that the most eye-catching event is the track and field events. The sprint is the most eye-catching, because there are 100 meters in the sprint, which is known as the trapeze war!

When Wucheng University of Arts and Science participated in the National University Games for the first time, athlete Yang Chen won the championship in the Flying Man and broke the record of 100 meters in the National University Games!

This time, Yang Chen also signed up to participate in the 100 meters, but this time Yang Chen did not participate in the 200 meters.

Because Yang Chen was only prepared to prepare for the 100-meter trapeze battle, he would give up if it was 200 meters. After all, running two events would affect one person's performance.

However, the two hundred meters and one hundred meters, in fact, the participants are basically the same. They are all excellent sprinters from colleges and universities across the country.

The first is the 100-meter preliminaries.

The competition of the 100-meter trapeze has the largest number of participants.

In the end, the semi-finals and finals will be conducted according to the ranking results of the group.

There is no doubt that as a national-level professional sprinter, Yang Chen is very strong. Whether it is the preliminaries or the semi-finals, UU Kanshu successfully reached the final with the group's first result.

The 200-meter race is also going on.

During the whole morning, almost all eyes were focused on one hundred meters and two hundred meters.

The three athletes from Yancheng Sports Academy performed well in the 100-meter and 200-meter semifinals.

Among them was a student of Yancheng Sports College named Zhou Hao. In the semi-finals of the group, he broke out with an astonishing speed. In the end, with an advantage of 0.03 seconds, he successfully broke Yang Chen's previous hold in the National University Games. record!

"Too strong, too strong, Zhou Hao, an athlete from Yancheng Sports College, broke the previous record of the 100-meter flying man in the National University Games held by Yang Chen from Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences!"

The on-site commentary was all excited.

"Fuck! So fast?"

"This Nima is too fast!"

"Don't look at the small 0.03 seconds, this is not something ordinary people can achieve."

"Yang Chen seems to be in the semifinals, 0.05 seconds slower than this Zhou Hao."

"Damn, Zhou Hao seems to be winning the championship this time!"

"Is a new generation of college student flying men about to be born?"

Whether it was the audience or the netizens watching the live broadcast, they were all amazed.

In the semifinals, Yang Chen and Zhou Hao were not in the same group, although Yang Chen also advanced to the final by tying his previous record of the National University Games with only 0.01 second.

However, Zhou Hao of Yancheng Sports College directly broke Yang Chen's record and led Yang Chen by a huge advantage of 0.05 seconds!

I like to start from a fake university, please collect it: () The fastest update rate is from a fake university.

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