Start With a Fake University

Chapter 781: The era of domestic self-developed chips is coming

In the next period of time, all the work of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences went on smoothly as usual.

The relocation of the factory in the southern part of the high-tech zone has also proceeded smoothly.

Without the “persistence” of the steel mills, the factories in the southern part of the high-tech zone have complied with the Wucheng Mansion’s relocation policy, and successively moved to the industrial park prepared by the Wucheng Mansion for them.

According to the planning report of the Wucheng City Planning Department, it is expected that in mid-November, all the factories in the southern part of the high-tech zone will be completely relocated. At that time, the Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences can start the program, and then I got this piece of land and boiled water to prepare for the construction of the new campus of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

Of course.

In the process of walking, with the support of the Foggy City Mansion Building, the City Planning Department will definitely open up a shortcut, but the premise is that all the qualifications of the Wucheng University of Arts and Science meet the requirements.

In addition to preparing for the construction of the south campus of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, the most important work in September is naturally the military training for freshmen.

The military training of more than 100,000 freshmen can be described as a huge scale. Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has hired instructors from two military colleges and universities, as well as instructors from a local unit in Wucheng. This is enough for the freshmen of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences to conduct military training.

As in the opening ceremony of military training in previous years, when Ding Yue gave a speech on stage, he gave the freshmen a study BUFF.

This is after each freshman enrolls, Ding Yue will inevitably add a system to study BUFF for them. Only in this way, their group of students whose academic performance is actually not very good can they be able to study in the next few days of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. I fell in love with learning during the years, so I learned professional knowledge and technology.

In this case, if you apply the learning BUFF effect to the group, Ding Yue generally uses learning totem props. After using it, all students studying on the campus of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences will improve their learning. Efficiency and the degree of brain development.

In this way.

Among the more than 100,000 freshmen at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, Ding Yue estimates that many more talented college students will surely be born.

However, during this whole September, Ding Yue was not actually concerned about the military training of his freshmen at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

September is the most critical moment for the biggest project of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

The last difficulty is to solve the problems in the field of lithography machine, etching machine and chip only after the lithography machine experimental project team of Wucheng University of Arts and Science solves it.

At that time, the lithography machine experimental project team of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences can officially announce that it has mastered all the technologies of the 5nm process chip!


In late September, Ding Yue would stay with Tong Yihang, Liu Tiefei and Luo Peng at the center of the scientific research base almost every day.

Almost stayed from morning till night.

Even the director of the Academic Affairs Office Qi Chunsheng, and the directors of other departments, including General Manager An Yu Jiaan, who is in charge of the operation of the Feiyue Group, came directly to the center of the scientific research base when they came to Ding Yue to report their work.

In a blink of an eye, it came to the morning of September 30.

The morning of this day is very important for the lithography machine experimental project of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

The last precision machining process is about to be completed. After this process is completed, lithography machines, etching machines and other equipment, as well as chip development and manufacturing, etc., can all be connected in series.

Once these things are all connected in series, it means that Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has officially mastered the R&D and manufacturing technology of 5nm chips.

That morning, Ding Yue was very nervous and excited.

It's been several years.

Since the establishment of this experimental lithography machine project, now that there is finally a chance to witness the miracle, who can't be excited?

That is, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences did not disclose the progress of this lithography machine experimental project. Otherwise, it is estimated that the netizens across the country will be in a close relationship with Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

"How about it, today do the last test of the last precision machining program, what time will it start?"

After Ding Yue arrived at the center of the scientific research base, he asked Tong Yihang.

"Principal Ding, according to our plan, officially started at ten o'clock in the morning. All the preparations have been done. We just waited for the time to come before we started to do this last test."

Tong Yihang replied.

As a top genius in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, Tong Yihang is also one of the most core engineers of this lithography machine experimental project.


Ding Yue nodded and asked, "If everything goes well, what will happen next?"

"If all goes well, the next step is to apply the test data from this time to our database, and then we can form a complete data support. At that time, our lithography machine experimental project team will officially publish the corresponding paper, and then President Ding can officially announce to the whole country and the world that we have mastered the manufacturing technology of 5nm chips."

Tong Yihang said confidently.

"Hahahaha, that's great, then I'm waiting for your good news!" Ding Yue burst into laughter suddenly.

Since Tong Yihang is so confident, why is there any reason why he, the principal, has no confidence?

Must be confident.

Because this morning will be Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, and even the entire Xia Kingdom, the moment that will be recorded in the annals of history.

The global chip sanctions against Xia Guo and Eagle sauce's blockade of Feiyue Group will be completely broken by Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences today!

"Principal Ding, don't worry."

At this time Luo Peng walked towards Principal Ding.

It can be seen that Luo Peng is also very confident.

In fact, Ding Yue is quite confident. After all, these technologies are all obtained from the system, and then given to this group of the top teachers and students of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

After so many years of research, it is finally about to produce results today.

Ten o'clock seems to be here soon.

Tong Yihang, Liu Tiefei and Luo Peng all started to "work".

The last test of precision machining is about to begin.

Although Ding Yue didn't understand very much, he couldn't help but feel excited when he looked at the large devices behind the glass in front of him.

The lithography equipment is very large. Ding Yue saw that the logo of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences was printed on this lithography equipment. The equipment next to it should be an etching machine.

"Brother, our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences will be able to master 5nm chip technology soon, aren't you excited?"

Standing next to Ding Yue was his younger sister Ding Xiaoyou. Seeing that her brother Ding Yue was so calm, she asked.

"Of course I am excited."

Ding Yue smiled and said: "But those who make big things naturally have to be happy and angry."

"Fit, you go on."

Ding Xiaoyou rolled his eyes directly at his brother Ding Yue.


Ding Yue glared at his sister Ding Xiaoyou, and then said: "Xiaoyou, you are also a participant in the lithography machine experimental project, this time you have to remember you."

"Just remember my work?"

Ding Xiaoyou grumbled and said, "Didn't I even get you a cold fusion energy device!"

Gu </span> "Yes, yes!"

Ding Yue nodded immediately and said, "This is really to give you a credit."

"Then brother, where's my steel suit?"

Ding Xiaoyou stretched out his hand and transformed himself into a white prostitute again.

"Cough cough cough, this is not the mechanical department. They are busy working on the lithography machine experimental project. They have never had time to work on the steel suit project for us. Don’t rush, wait, wait for the lithography machine. Once the experimental project is done, there will be time."

Ding Yue gave a light cough and explained with a smile.

In fact, even Ding Yue is not in a hurry.

At first I thought my sister Ding Xiaoyou helped me get out the cold fusion energy device, and I could quickly experience the feeling of Iron Man.

In fact, during the summer vacation, Tong Yihang and Liu Tiefei did follow Principal Ding’s drawings, but because the lithography machine experiment project seemed to be more urgent, they focused their energy on the lithography machine experiment. On the project side, the steel suit was put on hold for a while.

However, as Ding Yue said, as long as the lithography machine experimental project is solved, then Tong Yihang and Liu Tiefei will have time to help themselves with steel suits.

"Oh well."

Ding Xiaoyou didn't bother arrogantly. Knowing which was lighter and heavier, he shrugged.

From ten o'clock, Ding Yue and everyone on the scene were excited and looking forward to it. Until 12 o'clock at noon, a burst of cheers erupted from the center of the entire scientific research base.

Those teachers and students of the Department of Mechanical Engineering who followed Tong Yihang, Liu Tiefei, Luo Peng, and Subeilin to participate in the final precision machining test, finally came out of it.

"how's it going?"

Upon seeing this, Ding Yue hurried forward to ask.

Although Ding Yue had already seen the result from Tong Yihang's expressions, he still couldn't help but want to ask.

"Principal Ding, we succeeded!"

Tong Yihang said excitedly.

Luo Peng, Liu Tiefei, and Subeilin were all excited, and the smile on their faces was truly brilliant.

"The data sorting work can be done before tonight, and then tomorrow, we can publish papers based on the data!"

Luo Peng said with a smile.

When Ding Yue heard this, his mood naturally followed, and he was also excited to say to everyone: "Very well, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has you. It is my pride. We have developed 5 nanometer chip technology, which means that we The real era of domestic self-developed chips has come."

Everyone listened carefully to the passionate speech of President Ding.

At this moment, who can not be excited?

At this moment, if Xia Guo's netizens knew it, it would be boiling.

But in no hurry, Ding Yue is not yet ready to announce the news.


Waiting for tomorrow, today is September 30, and there is one day before Xia Guo’s birthday. Tomorrow is October 1. Ding Yue is going to announce the news tomorrow, using 5 nanometer chip independent technology to give Xia Guo Present a birthday gift!

"Principal Ding, when shall we announce this news?"

Liu Tiefei asked very excitedly.

As one of the participants of the lithography machine experimental project, Liu Tiefei naturally hopes that the results of his own efforts will be seen by the world.

"Yes, Principal Ding, this must be exciting news!"

Subeilin clenched his fists and said.

However, Ding Yue shook his head and said, "Don't worry, you first get the paper out tonight."

Just now Ding Yue was still not in a hurry, waiting for the announcement tomorrow, but they asked.

In this case, Ding Yue planned to tell them his thoughts.

"Tomorrow is October 1st, I want to announce this news tomorrow, what do you think?" Ding Yue said to everyone with a smile.

"Yes, tomorrow is October 1st."

"Tomorrow is a good day."

"Yes, it will be great to choose to announce this news tomorrow."

"Principal Ding, let's announce the news tomorrow."

Everyone agreed to this idea of ​​Principal Ding.


Ding Yue smiled indifferently, and said: "Since the lithography machine experimental project was established, everyone has worked hard. Today can take a good rest. Oh, yes, you have to get a paper, right?"

It's okay, it's a lot easier to get papers for precision machining. "Tong Yihang said, shaking his head.

"Then work hard for you. UU reading"

Ding Yue said with relief: "When I look back, I will give you a celebration banquet, and rewards are definitely indispensable!"

After years of unremitting efforts, the lithography machine experimental project team has invested a lot of energy, and finally exchanged for today’s 5 nanometer chip lithography machine, etching machine and the mastery of R&D and manufacturing technology. This is indeed a huge The credit, even for the entire Xia Kingdom, has a very significant impact.

Therefore, Ding Yue, as the president of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, and as the person behind the scenes of Feiyue Group, is naturally to reward them, and Ding Yue thought about it, this reward will definitely be expensive.

This time, Ding Yue must set an example so that everyone in the world can see that the staff involved in scientific research are worthy of making a fortune.

Rather than making hundreds of millions and billions of billions in the same way those celebrities bring goods and anchors, and even tax evasion and tax evasion, they are hundreds of millions. This social trend is ready to take advantage of this good opportunity to change it.

"Wow, thank you Principal Ding!"

"Principal Ding is magnificent!"

"Is it a bonus?"


After listening to President Ding's words, everyone was full of anticipation and excitement.

President Ding is such a person. As long as he has made achievements in Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences or Feiyue Group, then President Ding will definitely not treat you badly, as everyone knows.

"Okay, the big guy is very busy this morning, hurry up and go for a meal!" Ding Yue called the crowd, and directly prepared to go to the Five Canteen to take everyone to dinner.

"Let's go, go dry!"

A group of diners with smiles, hands on their shoulders, walked out of the center of the scientific research base and headed to the Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences' Wu Canteen.

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