Start With a Fake University

Chapter 787: Shocked foreigners for a whole year!

The R&D and manufacturing of the chip coincides with the meta-universe in Ding Yue's plan.

The meta-universe project is mainly based on virtual technology, and virtual technology is obviously inseparable from chip technology. After all, only a more powerful chip can support a better virtual world.

The current 5-nanometer chip may not be enough. Xu Bin can try it with a 5-nanometer chip first, but in Xu Bin’s view, it is better to use a 3-nanometer chip to better support the meta-universe created by the virtual world.

Compared with the 5-nanometer chip, the improvement of the 3nm chip is not as simple as a star and a half, but a qualitative leap.

"A Bin, don't worry, I will let the lithography machine experimental team of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences develop 3nm chip technology as soon as possible." Ding Yue said to Xu Bin confidently.

"Well, well, waiting for another good news from Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. I hope that by then we will be able to produce 3 nanometer chips before the Griffins, so that our meta-universe plan can be one step ahead of the Griffins. ."

Xu Bin is looking forward to saying: "In the creation of Metaverse, whoever is ahead will indeed have the upper hand. With the current technology, I think Metaverse will definitely not be very mature. We still have to wait for the 3nm chip. Otherwise, It can’t keep up with hardware devices."


Ding Yue nodded, agreeing with A Bin's opinion very much.

Although many foreign technology companies are talking about the metauniverse and saying they want to enter the metauniverse field, they are still speculating about the concept at this stage, and it is still too early to realize the metauniverse.

From 12 o'clock at noon, Fog City University of Arts and Sciences announced that it has mastered 5 nanometer chip technology, and in the afternoon, in a few hours, the popularity of this topic can be said to have created a peak miracle.

Not only is there a high degree of popularity in China, even in foreign countries, the popularity of this news has also soared. The reason why it is later than in China is because there is a time difference between China and overseas.

"How is it possible? Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences can develop a 5-nanometer chip? They have this technical strength?"

"This must be a fake news."

"Are fake news making headlines now?"

"The Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences can't be so good."

"Chip technology is so difficult, how can it be developed at the level of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences?"

"It's unbelievable, is this true?"

"Scientific research ability is so strong?"

"Oh my God, what a miracle."

"I do not believe!"

"This is very confusing news, right?"

"When I saw this news, I was stunned."

"Gosh, is this true?"

Gringoes have expressed on overseas social media platforms that this is impossible. How could Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences develop a 5-nanometer chip? It is impossible to master this technology.

Of course, there are also some sane foreigners who think that since this news has been exposed, it means that Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences may indeed have mastered 5nm chip technology. After all, the wisdom of Xia Guoren is immeasurable.

After overseas countries learned this news, they were all stupid.

Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has developed 5 nanometer chip technology. Doesn't it mean that the previous leap of Feiyue Group and the suppression of future new energy vehicles will instantly become meaningless?

After all, a Leap Forward Future New Energy Vehicle loaded with 5-nanometer chips is so competitive that Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi are definitely not able to use 5-nanometer chips to build new energy vehicles.

Even if it is the same level on the chip, the battery of Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi is no better than the graphene battery of Feiyue Group in terms of battery life.

At this stage, the graphene battery of Feiyue Group can be said to be "invincible in the world", and there is no opponent at all.

Even many overseas technology companies, who can use graphene batteries, already want to cooperate with Feiyue Group and want to use graphene batteries.

However, Feiyue Group does not give the gringles this opportunity at all.

Now, all companies that want to cooperate with Feiyue Group and want to place an order to buy graphene batteries from Feiyue Group have basically been rejected by Feiyue Group.

Gringoes are not stupid. They know that if Wucheng University of Arts and Science really masters the core technology of 5nm chips, then the previous suppression and sanctions will have no effect. Not only that, it will be for the technology of all countries in the world. Companies are also very competitive.

Half an hour later, a relatively authoritative European media released an official news, which has confirmed that Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has indeed mastered the 5-nanometer chip technology.

At this moment, the whole world was a sensation.

Although Yingjiang and Europe have mastered the 5-nanometer chip technology, it was developed by them after years of research together. After all, it is the result of a lot of efforts.


This was done by a university in Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. What kind of existence is Xia Guo's Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences?

Previously, Alpha Dog, the artificial intelligence robot of Guge Company, lost to Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. How powerful is this University of Wucheng Arts and Sciences?

When the European media confirmed that Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has fully mastered the news of 5nm chip technology, it can be described as directly shocking countless foreigners for a whole year.

At this moment, the status of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences in the world has been directly improved.

And here in Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

Ding Yue, who was originally discussing the planning and application of the future 5nm chip with everyone at his Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, kept beeping from the system in his mind.


"Congratulations to the host's Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences for gaining international prestige +100,000!"


"Congratulations to the host's Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences for gaining international prestige and achieving its small goal-international status!"


"Congratulations to the host's Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences for obtaining the title of [International Status] and getting the reward [Level 4 College Treasure Box] +1."


"Congratulations to the host..."

This system prompt sounded Ding Yue's mesmerizing feeling. Don't be too cool.

At this moment, Ding Yue finally realized his sense of sorrow that Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has gained international prestige and international status on the international stage.

In China, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences basically has no "rivals."

Qinghua University and Yancheng University are now "partners" with Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. There is no need for Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences to compete with Qinghua University and Yancheng University. Besides, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is now in China. Word of mouth and prestige have basically reached a whole new level, no less than Qinghua University and Yancheng University.

When I was young, children would always say that they would like to take the Qinghua exam when they grow up.

But now, children still say that when they grow up, they want to go to Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. This is what Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has achieved in the past few years through its continuous development and hard work. Effect.

This is the charm of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences!

"Principal Ding, the Internet is so lively now."

At this time, the secretary Wen Ruohan said to Principal Ding with his mobile phone.

"Gingles finally know the news?" Huang Youjie said with a smile after hearing the words, "Let me see what the gringos look like after hearing this news, hahahaha."

"The era that we have been suppressed by chips is finally over. I don't know what the inner feelings of these once proud foreigners are at this moment."

In the office, everyone talked happily.

This is indeed a happy day.

This group of people is also qualified to be happy.

"You guys, we don't care what the gringos think. All in all, the development of 5nm chips is just the beginning. Let us not be proud. We must keep that unreliable heart and move forward. "

Ding Yue said a few words to the big guy.

These few words are very inspiring. Ding Yue even opened the buff effect of the [inspiring] speech scroll, so that the big guys must calm down and not be proud or even complacent because of our temporary success. It is becoming conceited, just like the foreigners in the past.

The former gringles, just because the chip technology is far ahead and suppressed by this, over time, don't they have a proud, complacent, or even conceited mentality.

"Yes, President Ding is right!"

"Yes, we have to forge ahead."

"Yes, yes, we still need to continue to work hard. Now that we have mastered the 5nm chip, we still have 3nm chips to break through, and 1nm chips to pursue. There is no end to the road to science and technology!"

"Yes, yes, there is no end to the road to science and technology. This is a good saying."

"Let's go forward hand in hand!"

Everyone was also surging with enthusiasm.

Ding Yue immediately smiled again and said, "Nevertheless, on this day worth celebrating today, the evening celebration banquet is still to be held. Don’t be absent from the big guys. At the celebration banquet, I want to give it to you. Everyone who participated in the experimental project of the lithography machine will have the bonus!"

"Principal Ding is awesome!"

"Thank you Principal Ding!"

"Wow, Principal Ding is magnificent!"

When the big guy heard Principal Ding talk about the celebration banquet tonight, they cheered.

At this time Ding Xiaoyou approached his brother Ding Yue and asked in a low voice: "Brother, do I have it too? Hehehe."

Ding Xiaoyou is one of the main participants in the experimental project of the lithography machine, because part of the R&D and manufacturing of the lithography machine requires Ding Xiaoyou’s professional skills, so Ding Xiaoyou will ask to give a bonus to the celebration banquet tonight. Do you have your own share.

"Hahahaha, old girl, you are one of the main core personnel of the lithography machine experimental project, of course you have your share." Ding Yue suddenly laughed and said to his sister Ding Xiaoyou.


When Ding Xiaoyou heard that he had his share of the bonus tonight, he couldn't mention how happy he was.

For Ding Xiaoyou, the amount of the bonus does not matter. What she cares most about is the feeling that the bonus is given. The bonus has her own share, which shows the existence and importance of participating in the experimental project of the lithography machine.

"Well, everyone, today everyone followed me to be very busy. There are still a few hours before the evening celebration party starts. You can go back and have a good rest first, and you can be hilarious in the evening!"

Ding Yue said to everyone.

Although today is the day to announce that Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has mastered the 5nm chip technology, it is impossible to let the teachers and students who have been busy with the experimental project of the lithography machine to be so nervous.

So Ding Yue asked the big guys to go back and have a good rest. After the celebration banquet tonight is over, Ding Yue is still going to give them a wave of vacation, and then continue the new journey of the lithography machine experimental project.

That's right, the lithography machine experimental project of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is far from over until now.

The success of 5-nanometer chip research is just the beginning.

This beginning symbolizes that the lithography machine experimental project of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is moving in the direction of success, and it has begun to make continuous steps.


The big guys are also very obedient. Since Principal Ding asked himself to go back and rest, then go back and rest. The big guys and Principal Ding will not be so polite. U U Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

As a result, almost all the people who gathered in the office left one after another.

However, An Yujia did not leave.

"President An, if you don't go to rest for a while, you haven't slept at lunch, right?"

Ding Yue saw that An Yujia had not left, so he asked.

"Principal Ding, I'm okay, but I still want to talk to Principal Ding about chips and Feiyue·Future new energy vehicles." An Yujia had some thoughts and questions in her heart that hadn't been finished, so she didn't want to leave.

When Ding Yue heard this, he knew that this was the responsible mentality of President An Yu Jia An, and he also knew that President An was such a person, so he nodded and said, "Well, that's fine. Tell me, what are the problems? Yes. We need to give a plan."

"President Ding, now that we have mastered the 5-nanometer chip technology, the future leap forward and future new energy vehicles will also use 5 nanometer chips to carry in-vehicle intelligent systems, but what about the leap forward and future new energy vehicles sold before? Without making some response, I think it would be unfair to the owners of new energy vehicles who bought Feiyue·Future."

An Yujia said to Principal Ding with a serious face.

"Ah yes!"

Upon hearing this, Ding Yue suddenly realized.

I didn’t seem to think about this problem before. Maybe it’s because I have too many things to pay attention to every day. I suddenly ignored this. If it weren’t for An Yu Jia’an to mention it to me now, I’m It's really possible that I can't remember it all the time.

The matter mentioned by Mr. An is indeed a problem that needs to be solved, and it needs to be solved, otherwise, the hearts of the old car owners will be chilling.

It is absolutely impossible for Feiyue Group to chill the old car owners of Feiyue·Future New Energy Vehicles. Ding Yue wants to stick to this standard line!

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