Start With a Fake University

Chapter 793: That's called a winner in life

This gala dinner of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences was very lively!

Everyone was happy and happily participated in the raffle draw. Especially after Tong Yihang's girlfriend Yang Han won 100 million pocket money, the atmosphere at the scene reached its peak.

In the live broadcast room of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, netizens applauded Tong Yihang and Yang Han for their lucky love.

When Yang Han won the grand prize of 100 million pocket money, Tong Yihang rushed up without saying a word, and hugged his girlfriend Yang Han tightly in his arms. At this moment, everyone was envious.

"What kind of fairy couple is this?"

"Ah, love is indeed the most wonderful thing."

"I didn't believe in love before, but now I believe in love again."

"Maybe this is love."

"A love worth 100 million, I really want to have it."

"Who wouldn't envy such a girlfriend?"

In the live broadcast room, netizens and viewers sent barrages one after another. Some congratulated Tong Yihang and Yang Han as a couple, and some were envious of being able to win a 100 million pocket money bonus. It was very lively.

Ding Yue saw that Tong Yihang and his girlfriend Yang Han had such a good relationship, and Yang Han also won the 100 million pocket money prize in place of Tong Yihang, so he came forward and said to the two with a smile: "You two Complementing each other, it’s really a team made in heaven.”

Hearing Principal Ding's voice, Tong Yihang and Yang Han slowly let go of their embrace.

"Thank you, Principal Ding."

Tong Yihang is very excited, not to mention the 100 million pocket money award, President Ding is already worthy of thanks for taking care of him on weekdays, and all his achievements are based on his studies at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. It is only obtained on the basis of learning knowledge, otherwise everything is a dream.

Tong Yihang is now a real winner in life!

Just ask in this world, who can be so young to have the identity and glory of the core personnel involved in the development of 5-nanometer chip technology?

Who can have such a beautiful love?

Who else can achieve a level of life that is difficult for others to reach in their entire lives at the university stage.

And who else can win 100 million in the lottery and get rich in a lottery?

Looking at the world, I am afraid that there is only one person like Tong Yihang, right?

"It seems that you are the biggest winner tonight, such a good girl, you must grasp it." Ding Yue approached Tong Yihang and whispered to him.


Tong Yihang nodded, the firmness in his eyes, just like his firm participation in the lithography machine experimental project.

In Tong Yihang's life, he thinks that the three most important things in him are his family, that is, affection, and his girlfriend Yang Han. Tong Yihang is really grateful to God for allowing him to meet such a girlfriend .

Then there is the mechanical-related work that I am engaged in, especially in the field of precision machining.

"There is still a lot of room for your kid's future, don't be proud, keep working hard."

Ding Yue stretched out his hand and gently patted Tong Yihang's shoulder.

"I will definitely work hard, Principal Ding!"

Tong Yihang nodded again with a firm look in his eyes.

Because the celebration dinner of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences tonight is live broadcast, and the number of netizens in the live broadcast room of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is still quite large, almost approaching 10 million online people, therefore, Tong Yihang's love story, and Tong Yihang's love story The deeds of honor can be said to be spread all over the Internet.

Suddenly, a "winner in life" recognized by the whole network was born.

The winner of this life is Tong Yihang.

In the past, netizens said that those who can capture the hearts of beautiful women are the winners in life, or that those who have good reincarnation skills and are born with a golden spoon are the winners in life.

But despite this, there is no real perfect winner in life.

Today, this near-perfect life winner emerges.

He captured the reassurance of the beauty.

He achieved financial freedom at a young age.

He also participated in the development of 5-nanometer chip technology, and is a "tech hero" in all populations.

Such a winner in life was instantly spread by netizens and became popular all over the Internet.

"This Tong Yihang is really awesome, **** it!"

"What kind of fairy life is this?"

"I feel like I'm a woo woo who came to the world to make up the numbers."

"Fuck, you're only in your early twenties?"

"My Nima people are stupid."

"This is truly a peerless genius."

"The key is that this B has such good luck. He found such a beautiful girlfriend, and the girlfriend gave him a bonus of 100 million directly. I am so envious of me!"

"Lemon fruit on the lemon tree, only me under the lemon tree!"

Tong Yihang probably doesn't know at this moment that he has become popular all over the Internet, and he has become a person who is called "the winner of the perfect life" by the entire Internet.

The celebration dinner on the side of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is still going on.

"Kiss one, kiss one!"

"Marry him!"

"Just get married on the spot!"

"You two stand here and don't move, I'll go and bring the civil evidence for you!"

"Married! Married! Married!"

"Marriage on the spot hahaha!"

The students in the hall were booing in various ways, and the atmosphere at the scene could be said to be very lively.

"Alright, alright, when the couple gets married, it depends on the couple, so don't just stay here and make a fool of yourself. Come on, let Tong Yihang and Yang Han go down and have a rest first, let's go. Continue the sweepstakes."

After Ding Yue and other big guys were all lively, he moderated the scene for a while.

After all, it can't be too messy, because the lottery draw of the lottery carousel will continue.

Sure enough, it was Principal Ding who spoke best.

After everyone roared for a while, they stopped, and then the atmosphere at the scene began to ease a little. Tong Yihang and Yang Han also held hands and walked off the stage.

"Tong Yihang, Yang Han, the 100 million pocket money bonus you have drawn will be cashed into your bank account within three days to one week. Remember to check it then."

Ding Yue also specially reminded Tong Yihang and Yang Han, and then said with a smile: "Besides, if the two of you really get a license to get married, remember to notify me, and I will prepare a copy for you two. Great gift."

When the students in the audience were coaxing the two to get married in place, Ding Yue was actually thinking, when will these two get married? If they do, he will definitely prepare a super gift for Tong Yihang. of.

"Principal Ding, I will definitely invite you to be the witness at that time." Tong Yihang replied with a smile.

"That's fine, no problem."

Ding Yue nodded immediately.

The students of my Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences can have a happy life, and I am definitely happy to be the principal.

In the next lottery carousel event, many students also want to draw the 100 million pocket money bonus, but not everyone is as lucky as Tong Yihang to have a beautiful and beautiful girlfriend of Ou Huang, Therefore, most of the students actually get a reward of 1.8 million red envelopes, or a Feiyue Future New Energy Vehicle.

Of course.

There are also some lucky ones, who have drawn a big red envelope of tens of millions, or a big red envelope of 6.66 million.

Tonight, the celebration dinner of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences was very popular. Even some celebrities and public figures came to the live broadcast room of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, and they also bought a lot of gifts.

And just like that, the night passed.

Until the next day, the hot search of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences was still hanging on Weibo. Ding Yue estimated that this time Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences was going to be listed on Weibo's hot search list for several days. Who made the research results of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences this time really too awesome?

But Ding Yue will not be proud.

What does it mean to just develop and master 5-nanometer chip technology?

This 5-nanometer chip technology has been mastered by the foreigners many years ago. If you want to surpass the foreigners and become a leader in the chip industry, you must develop a more powerful chip, that is, 3 Nano chips, only in this way, can they become the overlord of the chip industry.

At that time, it is not the Gringos who will punish themselves, but they will be able to choke the Gringos by their throats!

After the second day, some members of the lithography machine experimental project team went on vacation, and some felt that they had nothing to do even if they were on vacation, so it is better to stay in the laboratory of the scientific research base and continue their own work. Chip research.

And today.

Ding Yue wanted to receive a group of academicians from the Academy of Sciences in Yancheng.

These academicians of the Academy of Sciences have all been engaged in chip technology research, such as Mr. Li before.

Mr. Li and the others organized a group of old academicians from the Academy of Sciences. They flew directly from Yancheng to Wucheng today, and then Ding Yue dispatched a special car in advance. At Wucheng Airport, he personally greeted Mr. Li and his party.

This time, Mr. Li and the others came here mainly to visit the lithography machine, etching machine and other equipment developed by Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

These devices are things that their generation hardly dared to think about.

After all, the technology used to be limited, and the blockade of technology by foreigners was too serious. Therefore, Mr. Li and the others could not find any breakthrough in research.

This is the Fog City Airport.

Ding Yue quietly waited for the arrival of Mr. Li and their flight.

"Principal Ding, after Mr. Li and the others come, can I follow along to see the lithography machine we developed and manufactured?" Wen Ruohan, the secretary beside him, asked Principal Ding looking forward to it.

"What's wrong with that."

Ding Yue shrugged and said calmly.

Just as Ding Yue's voice fell, the phone suddenly rang.

Ding Yue took out his mobile phone and saw that the caller was Mr. An Yujia'an, so he answered the call.

"Hey, Mr. An, what's the matter?"

Ding Yue asked directly after answering the phone.

"Principal Ding, President Wang of Guoxin Technology Group, the plane is coming to Wucheng today, and he wants to interview us about the next cooperation matters." An Yujiahui reported on the phone.


Ding Yue heard the words and said calmly: "Then let President Wang come, but you have to receive President Wang first. I will pick up Mr. Li and the others at the airport."

"Principal Ding, I'm almost at the airport, Mr. Wang's flight should arrive soon." An Yujia said.

"Oh? Is it such a coincidence?"

Ding Yue looked up at the flight schedule and asked, "Which flight is it?"

"Xiahang XXXX!"

An Yujia replied.

Ding Yue took a closer look at the flight schedule and found that the flight that Mr. Wang Liwu was taking was only ten minutes away from Mr. Li and the other flight.

It's just that one flight came from Yancheng in the north, and the other flight came from Haicheng in the east.

"That's it, Mr. An, I'm right here at the outbound pick-up gate of the T3 terminal."

Ding Yue reported the location to An Yujia, because President An would come over soon.

"Okay, Principal Ding, I'll be right here."

After about fifteen minutes, Ding Yue saw Mr. An approaching not far away.

"I took a look. Mr. Wang Liwu's flight arrived ten minutes earlier than Mr. Li's and the others, and it should be there in five minutes. Of course, the premise is that there is no delay."

Ding Yue looked at the time and said to Mr. An Yu Jia An with a smile.


An Yujia nodded, and then said, "Principal Ding, Mr. Li and the others came to visit the lithography machine?"

"Yes, old scientists like Mr. Li and the others are so happy to be able to witness the lithography machine developed and manufactured by our own domestically in their lifetime."

Ding Yue replied.

"Then why don't I join President Wang later, just in time to take advantage of this incident, to discuss with President Wang about the follow-up cooperation between us and Guoxin Technology Group?"

An Yujia thought about it for a while, and felt that it would be better to follow President Ding later, with Mr. Li and the others, and with Mr. Wang Liwu, to take a look at the lithography equipment developed and manufactured by Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.


Ding Yue readily accepted An Yujia's suggestion.

While Ding Yue was chatting with An Yujia, the flight that Mr. Wang Liwu took had arrived at Wucheng Airport.

After about five minutes, President Wang Liwu appeared in the sight of Ding Yue and An Yujia.

Wang Liwu and Ding Yue have met them, and have seen them several times. I remember that when I first cooperated with NationalCore Technology Group on gallium nitride semiconductor materials, it was Mr. Wang Liwu who came to talk to Ding Yue in person.

"Mr. Wang, this way."

An Yujia waved at Wang Liwu.

After Wang Liwu saw Principal Ding and President An, he walked over with a smile.

Behind Wang Liwu, two assistants followed.

After all, it is such a large company as NationalCore Technology Group. It is normal for a boss to go on a business trip with two assistants.

"Principal Ding, President An, long time no see."

After Wang Liwu came forward, he was the first to shake hands with Ding Yue.

Because Wang Liwu actually knows that whether it is Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences or Feiyue Group, it is this President Ding who has the final say!

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