Start With a Fake University

Chapter 807: New Year's 1 Billion Plan

When Ding Yue heard that Professor Yang Xuejin said it was neuron sensing technology, he was overjoyed.

What is a surprise?

Come, tell me, what is a surprise!

This neuron sensing technology can be regarded as a black technology to the normal level of technology. It is especially suitable for creating a virtual world, allowing people to realize the "real" experience of the virtual world through the neuron sensing technology. Experience, isn't it just a part of the metaverse that Ding Yue has prepared for a long time.

If you want to build a metaverse, you can't just rely on lip service.

At present, all the technology companies in the world that want to enter the field of the metaverse are still in the stage of talking about the concept, and no one has the strength to truly build a metaverse.

Perhaps, the Metaverse might actually be something built by those tech giants that is impossible to achieve at all. As for the purpose, there is no doubt that it is to cut leeks.

Of course, this may also be Ding Yue's guess. Maybe there are companies that are really researching the metaverse, or even building corresponding technologies. After all, the metaverse is really a direction for the future development of mankind.

After all, the future of mankind is not only about the vast sea of ​​stars, but the virtual world is also a promising development momentum.

"Director Yang, you mean... your biology department has made some progress in neuron sensing technology?"

Ding Yueqiang resisted the excitement in his heart and asked with a frown.

Because at this moment Ding Yue can't confirm 100% whether he has really made progress and mastered this black technology, so he has to ask again, if it is true, it needs research funding, is that still a thing?

"Well, Principal Ding, what we are currently developing is a helmet that can sense the scene through the neurons in the brain. Principal Ding, you can come and have a look."

Director Yang Xuejin nodded seriously.

He must have been fully prepared before he came to Principal Ding to ask for money, otherwise he would come to ask for money rashly. Wouldn't that be a curse?


Without saying a word, Ding Yue immediately stood up from the office chair.

At the same time, Ding Yue thought silently in his mind, and the system interface was pulled out by Ding Yue.

"Neuron sensing technology, check the system mall to see if there is any related."

Ding Yue thought about it, so he searched for relevant content in the system mall, but he didn't seem to find it.


Ding Yue couldn't help being stunned for a moment, then thought about it, maybe there are some black technologies that have never appeared in the system mall, and need to be obtained by opening the box?

That's why.

Ding Yue opened his inventory.

In Ding Yue's system inventory interface, there are many treasure chests for system rewards.

From the first-level treasure chest to the fourth-level treasure chest, they are all saved by Ding Yue, and he is ready to open a wave when the time comes.

"In terms of neuron sensing technology, it should be regarded as a black technology technology that is ahead of the world's scientific and technological level." Ding Yue muttered: "That should be at least a third-level college treasure chest, right?"

Ding Yue set his eyes on the third-level high school treasure chest in his inventory.

There are a total of five third-level college treasure chests, all of which Ding Yue has saved in the past year through the development and construction of his own Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, and completing various honors and achievements.

In the past, Ding Yue liked to open the high school treasure box directly after he got it, but now it is different. As the Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences gets more and more things through the high school treasure box, everything needs to be taken care of carefully. Therefore, in order to prevent his own development rhythm from being disordered, Ding Yue did not keep opening the treasure chests of colleges and universities to develop black technology.

Wouldn't it be delicious to save up and open in one breath?

Is it good to open a bunch of boxes, or is it good to open a box?

"Then open a third-level high school treasure chest."

Ding Yue thought about it, and tried to open a third-level college treasure chest first.

Didn't Ding Yue come to a conclusion before, as long as you open a box when you want to do something, then the reward in the box is most likely related to what you're thinking about.

So let's test it today.

Right now, what Ding Yue is thinking about is something related to "neuron sensing technology". Let's see if opening a third-level college treasure chest will open it.

"Do you want to open one?"

Such a prompt appeared in front of Ding Yue's eyes.

"Confirm to open!"

Without saying a word, Ding Yue confirmed the opening of the treasure chest!


"Congratulations to the host for opening one, get it!"

Sure enough!

Good guy!

The reward from the system for opening the box was as expected by Ding Yue, and it really matched what he thought at the time.

No, Ding Yue was chatting with Director Yang Xuejin about neuron sensing technology just now. As a result, he opened the treasure chest of the university directly. Isn't this what Yang Xuejin's research team in the Department of Biology is working on?

Then that's fine.

Ding Yue can give this to the research team of the Department of Biology, so that they can study the real neuron sensing technology faster and more accurately.

And if this neuron sensing technology is successful, then with the virtual world created by Xu Bin and the others relying on powerful chips in the future, to build a real metaverse together, a prototype has already begun.

A very important core of the metaverse is people's experience of the virtual world.

And how can people have an immersive experience in the virtual world?

Is it just augmented by virtual reality like VR?

Obviously, such a technology is still a little behind for the real metaverse, but with neuron sensing technology, it is different. With this black technology, the game helmets in those online game novels or It is a game cabin, and it becomes a possibility. People can directly wear a game helmet, or lie in the game cabin, so that people can experience the kind of almost 100% immersion in the virtual world through neuron sensing technology. With such a technology, it would be much easier to create a metaverse.

To be honest, Ding Yue was still looking forward to this day.

After all, Ding Yue was also a game fan before. Since he is a game fan, who has never imagined that kind of immersive game experience?

In the game, you can see all kinds of scenery and various game experiences on the spot. It's not too cool, right?

"Principal Ding, here we are, this way."

Just when Ding Yue was still immersed in the joy of opening his high school treasure chest, Director Yang Xuejin's voice came from his ear.

It turned out that before he knew it, he had followed Director Yang Xuejin to the center of the scientific research base, where the Department of Biology also had a laboratory.


Ding Yue nodded slightly and followed Director Yang Xuejin into the laboratory of the Department of Biology in the center of the scientific research base.

"Hello, Principal Ding!"

"Principal Ding!"

"Good afternoon, Principal Ding!"

There were about seven or eight students in the laboratory. After seeing Principal Ding, they all greeted Principal Ding.

"Hello, classmates."

Ding Yue also warmly greeted his students.

If nothing else, Ding Yue guessed that these seven or eight students should be the ace of the Department of Biology, just like Tong Yihang and Liu Tiefei from the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Yue still cautiously asked Director Yang Xuejin: "Director Yang, are these students the core researchers of neuron sensing technology?"

"Yes, President Ding, and two professors from our Department of Biology." Director Yang Xuejin nodded.


Ding Yue said, and then said to Director Yang Xuejin: "Can you please call the two professors over, please? They have gone back?"

"It should still be there, I'll contact you right away."

Director Yang Xuejin immediately walked to the entrance of the laboratory, took out his mobile phone, and called the two professors of the Department of Biology.

In the Department of Biology, these two professors brought their most proud group of students to do research. After the establishment of the scientific research base center of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, almost every department has its own core project, biology. The core project of the department is this research on human neuron sensing technology.

"Classmates, you've worked hard, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, you are still working hard in the laboratory, when are you going to go back for the Chinese New Year?"

Ding Yue took advantage of this moment to chat with his classmates in the lab.

"Damn, what are you going to do? I just stayed at the school for the New Year."

"Yes, Principal Ding, we are not going to go back this year."

"Doing research is the most important thing!"

"Just spend the New Year in the laboratory directly."

The students answered in unison.

Ding Yue originally thought that the students would be leaving home for the New Year in the past two days, but he never thought that they didn't plan to go back. , to continue their research on neuronal sensing technology?

This Nima is a bit hard!

But Ding Yue is not easy to say, whether it is to go home for the New Year or stay to do a wave of research on neuron sensing technology, these are the choices and thoughts of the students themselves, Ding Yue is not good Interfering, after all, Ding Yue will not force the students to hurry up and study the neuron sensing technology.

After all, the combination of neuron sensing technology and computer virtualization technology can better realize the metaverse plan, and if computer virtualization technology wants to be better, a 5-nanometer chip is definitely not enough, and a 3-nanometer chip must be integrated. , And if you want a 3-nanometer chip, then the technology of the 3-nanometer process lithography machine still needs continuous breakthroughs.

Therefore, this is a long and complicated project, and it cannot be rushed.

"Well then, whether you go home for the New Year or stay in the laboratory to do research, it's your own choice. If you choose to stay, then during the New Year, you can come and participate in the third year of the new year organized by the school every year. On the Lunar New Year's Eve dinner, all the students who stay in the school can come to the New Year's Eve dinner, and the school is also home."

Ding Yue said to the crowd with a smile.

"Principal Ding is right."

"Can you come and have a New Year's Eve dinner with Principal Ding, hahaha."

the students shouted.

"Of course you can." Ding Yue nodded and said, "Every Spring Festival, I spend the Spring Festival with the teachers and students who stayed at the school. If you stayed at the school for the Spring Festival in previous years, you should know."

"Yes, yes, Principal Ding, I stayed at the school to celebrate the New Year last year, and I still remember it fresh. The New Year's Eve dinner was delicious, the atmosphere was very harmonious and lively, and it really felt like home."

One of the students said enthusiastically.

He didn't go home for the New Year last year, but chose to stay at the school for the New Year, and experienced the wonderful atmosphere of the school's New Year. This year he also wants to do the same, and at the same time, he can stay and work with his classmates on neurons. Research on induction technology.

"I heard Director Yang say that you are doing neuron sensing technology here."

Ding Yue chatted with the students, and then he got to the point.

"Yes, yes, Principal Ding, come and see, this is the neuron-sensing helmet we are developing. Through the induction of microscopic nerves, our brains can experience the virtual world from neural senses such as touch."

A student excitedly introduced to Principal Ding.

Ding Yue naturally knows what neuron sensing technology is.

As the student said, UU reading feels virtual things through the neurons of the human body, which will give people a nearly 100% virtual immersive experience.

"Oh? Have you made a neuron-sensing helmet?"

Ding Yue asked somewhat surprised.

"Yes, Principal Ding, but because the virtual reality technology is not mature enough, this neuron-sensing helmet cannot be installed yet, but we can also test this neuron-sensing helmet in some other ways."

the student explained.


Ding Yue nodded thoughtfully, then looked at the student and asked, "This classmate, what's your name?"

"Principal Ding, my name is Zhou Yang, I am the leader of our neuron sensing technology student research group this time." The boy replied excitedly.

Those who can be noticed by Principal Ding are not simple. Zhou Yang's psychology is clear about this. For example, Tong Yihang and Liu Tiefei from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, they are now the number one person in the "technology" field of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

Let me ask the students of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, who doesn't know the names of Tong Yihang and Liu Tiefei?

You must know that Dabai is all from their hands, as well as the lithography machine, etc., are also made by Tong Yihang and Liu Tiefei and their mechanical team!

"Young and promising."

Ding Yue looked at Zhou Yang and said with emotion.

My own Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is really a talented student. I think in the future, the world will be filled with outstanding students from my Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences!

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