Start With a Fake University

Chapter 815: College students cry with envy

Latest website: Although Ding Yue said that Zhang Hang is more inclined to choose the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, but this is actually just a courtesy to Deputy Director Chen.

Ding Yue really wasn't sure where Zhang Hang wanted to choose.

Of course.

If Zhang Hang can choose the aerospace research and development department of his Feiyue Group, it would be the best, but if Zhang Hang is more willing to go to the aerospace research institution or the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Ding Yue will definitely not stop others. It is his own choice and represents his own future and future.

"Hahahaha, okay, Principal Ding, let Zhang Hang choose one of the three of our Space Administration, Feiyue Space Department, and Space Research Institute. After all, we still have to respect other people's own choices, right?"

Deputy Director Chen said with a smile.

"Yeah, then Deputy Director Chen, let's just say that, from the aerospace research institute..."

Ding Yue pondered in his heart, it would be better for the Aerospace Administration to speak to the space research institution. After all, Ding Yue would be able to speak at that time. Otherwise, Ding Yue always felt that after talking to the space research institution, he would The side will be more or less unable to wipe away the face.

"I understand what you mean, Principal Ding, don't worry, the aerospace research institute is up to me."

Deputy Director Chen is a smart person, and he immediately understood what Principal Ding meant, so he said so.

"That's good, Director Chen, I'll explain the situation to Zhang Hang." Ding Yue said with a smile.


Finally, after Ding Yue and Deputy Director Chen finished the phone call, Ding Yue was going to make another call to the aerospace research institute, but after the call was over, the phone did not get through, indicating that he was on the phone.

It is estimated that Deputy Director Chen should hurry up and call the space research institute.

After Ding Yue put down the phone, he raised his head and looked at Zhang Hang in his office.

This is a person on the surface, but in fact it is really a sweet pastry.

Under the competitive pressure of the two top domestic places, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Aerospace Research Institute, the Feiyue Aerospace Department established by the Feiyue Group may seem a little weak.

In fact, Ding Yue is also prepared in his heart, respecting any choice made by Zhang Hang, he can go wherever he wants, and his Feiyue aerospace department will definitely not be perfected overnight.

But if Zhang Hang can choose his own Feiyue aerospace department, it will be better, Ding Yue will be very happy.

These are all later stories.

"Student Zhang Hang, do you know who called me just now?"

Ding Yue said to Zhang Hang with a smile.

"Well, I don't know."

Classmate Zhang Hang shook his head and replied in a dazed way.

"You kid, it's really hot. Of course, this is also related to your hard power. It's like this. It's not just one department that called me just now. Two departments called me and asked me for someone in person. , one of them is the aerospace research institute of the Academy of Sciences, and the other is the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, both of them want you."

Ding Yue truthfully told Zhang Hang about the situation just now.

"Really, Principal Ding?"

After Zhang Hang heard the words, he was stunned and asked Principal Ding with wide eyes.

"Can I still lie to you?"

Ding Yue smiled and said.


Zhang Hang's mind is still a little dazed at this moment, and even a little buzzing.

This is not because of any stimulation or the like, but because this huge surprise came too suddenly.


Ding Yue suddenly said again.

After Zhang Hang heard the words, his nerves suddenly tightened, and then he stared at Principal Ding, wanting to hear what Principal Ding had to say.

"Student Zhang Hang, now not only do you have the two choices of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the space research institute, but you also have a third choice. As for which one you choose in the end, it's up to you."

Ding Yue said calmly.

"Ah? Principal Ding, I have a third choice? What choice?"

Zhang Hang can be said to be completely bewildered at this time, and asked immediately.

"That's right, our Feiyue Group is about to join forces with the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences to establish a new aerospace department, and will invest heavily in the aerospace department for scientific and technological research in the aerospace field. For you, It is also a good choice.”

Ding Yue said with a smile.

"Really, Principal Ding? Our school and Feiyue Group will have an aerospace department? Can it meet the research of our astronauts?"

When Zhang Hang heard this, he was immediately excited.

This is a good thing!

Just like Tong Yihang and Liu Tiefei from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, they are not only the top talents of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, but after graduating early, they even entered the Feiyue Group. Not only that, after entering the Feiyue Group, they have more resources and a better environment. , in order to develop more scientific and technological achievements, 5 nanometer chip technology is the best proof.

Of all the students of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, which one is not proud of being able to work in Feiyue Group?

Zhang Hang is the same!

"Of course, didn't I just say that I, and Feiyue Group, will invest heavily in scientific and technological research in the aerospace field." Ding Yue said to Zhang Hang with a serious face.

"Well, this is great, but the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and aerospace research institutions are also the most powerful in the domestic aerospace field..."

Zhang Hang hesitated for a while and began to struggle.

As a member of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, he naturally wanted to directly enter the Feiyue Group like Tong Yihang and Liu Tiefei. Principal Ding and the Feiyue Group will definitely give huge resources. Zhang Hang believes in Principal Ding very much.


The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, but there are also aerospace research institutions. These are the top existences in the domestic aerospace field. If you enter one of them, you will be a real astronaut, and you will definitely have no worries about your job. The honor of being an astronaut.

This made it difficult for Zhang Hang to make a choice.

"Principal Ding, where do you want me to go?" Zhang Hang raised his head slightly, looked at Principal Ding and asked.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Ding Yue suddenly laughed and said, "Student Zhang Hang, this is your own choice, others are only giving you some advice, and if I give you advice, then you should understand what I mean, we The aerospace department of Feiyue Group needs you to build it together!"

"Ah, um, I know Principal Ding. I think I might think about it for a while. Principal Ding, can you let me think about it?"

Zhang Hang said very tangled.

It can be said that it is very entangled. In fact, Zhang Hang wants to go to these three places.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, where you can have access to various opportunities in the aerospace field, and in aerospace research institutions, you can become an aerospace scientist, and you will definitely be able to make great contributions in the fields of theory and research.

In addition to this love, in the Feiyue aerospace department of Feiyue Group, you can do your best to realize your dreams when all resources are sufficient.

"Of course you can, this choice, you definitely need to seriously consider it."

Ding Yue said with certainty.

It is absolutely impossible to make people anxious to make choices. Three choices may be three different lives. This depends on Zhang Hang's own choice.

that's all.

Ding Yue gave Zhang Hang a few days to seriously consider where he should choose as the stage for his future development.

During this period, Ding Yue asked Feiyue Group to specially approve a sum of money for Feiyue Group to set up an aerospace department for the research and manufacture of technologies and equipment in the aerospace field.

What Ding Yue thought was that, starting from this Feiyue Aerospace, with the Feiyue Group as a strong backing, and Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences as the cradle of talent incubation, he began to formally move towards the vast sea of ​​stars.

You can't always yearn for the vast sea of ​​stars without taking action, right?

But it is not so simple to take action to go to the vast sea of ​​stars. Forming your own, and also the first domestic private aerospace sector company, is the first step.

During this period of time, I don't know where the news came from. At the same time, the news of Zhang Hang's new aerospace department by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Aerospace Research Institute and the Feiyue Group has flowed to the Internet.

After Ding Yue found out about this matter, he felt that it was nothing, and even felt that it was actually quite good for his Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences to set off a heated discussion on the Internet.

Therefore, Ding Yue did not ask Abin to check where the news came from.

Why is it said that after this matter has gradually been discussed on the Internet, it is not bad for Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences?

That is of course the student Zhang Hang, but he is a talent cultivated by Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. Just imagine that the college students who are trained by Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences will be favored by top units such as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and aerospace research institutions upon graduation. , how good is this?

This can give many people a feeling that they are students who graduated from Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

In fact, as early as when the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Department of Computer Science were famous at home and abroad, the feeling that the students of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences were very sought-after to the public had already formed, and now it is more intense.

In just half a day, Zhang Hang's incident was directly on the hot search.

This is not the first time that Zhang Hang has been on the hot search. After all, the beginning of this matter is that Zhang Hang's graduation thesis and graduation thesis defense video became popular on the Internet.

Weibo hot search 2# What kind of fairy graduate is this? #Hot value 9103734!

The discussion on this topic seems to be approaching 10 million.

Netizens also joined the lemon fruit on the lemon tree, and you and me under the lemon tree.

"Fuck! What kind of immortal graduate is this?"

"Is the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences so awesome?"

"Envy, the space agency can enter directly."

"The most awesome discomfort NASA can go directly, but can choose to enter or not to enter the NASA."

"Isn't this like a programmer who can freely choose whether to go to the Penguin Group or the Ali Group?"

"This is too arrogant!"

"This is a top aerospace talent!"

"Being an astronaut? Isn't this Zhang Hang theoretical?"

"Who told you that NASA only has astronauts?"

"To be honest, if you enter an aerospace research institution, you will really be a boss in the future."

"Good guy, Feiyue Group has also established an aerospace department?"

"This is to prepare to keep the talents on my own."

"One thing to say, Feiyue Group is still very good at recruiting talents."

"Indeed, in the past two years, the college students recruited by Feiyue Group have at least started in the double-first class."

"I remember many students from Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, didn't they all go to Feiyue Group?"

"Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is the industry of Feiyue Group. Isn't it normal for outstanding students of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences to directly enter Feiyue Group?"

"I'm darling, why do we feel that Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences and Feiyue Group are playing a big game?"

Countless netizens are envious of Zhang Hang, and they are so envious that they cry with envy. This is the pinnacle of life right after graduation?

Pushing it a little further, wouldn't it be possible to go straight to the pinnacle of life by entering Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences?

For a while, the popularity of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences was once again passed down by the mouths of the majority of students. How many miracles can this private university create?

In fact, not only the vast number of netizens, but even experts from all walks of life are thinking, how many miracles can this Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences create?

This student Zhang Hang has to say that it is indeed a miracle.

Even the outstanding graduates of Yancheng University of Aeronautics and Astronautics are difficult to obtain the treatment of being robbed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and aerospace research institutions. Generally, they have to rack their brains to enter one of them.

The outstanding graduates of the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences are different. UU Kanshu has been scrambled by these two companies. The most important thing is that Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is not very willing to give it. They have already formed the Feiyue Aerospace Department and are ready to absorb talents by themselves.

It is precisely because of this that some ill-intentioned people have begun to take the rhythm of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, and they are still blind to the rhythm, saying that Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences forces students to stay in Feiyue Group to work, the purpose is to squeeze these The final value of the students, etc. Anyway, in less than an hour, there are many more rumors about Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences on the Internet.

Perhaps it has been a while since the netizens who spread rumors about Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences were sanctioned last time. Some netizens have forgotten how resolute Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is in dealing with rumors and slanders.

After seeing the rhythm of these Heiwucheng University of Arts and Sciences on the Internet, Huang Youjie directly issued an announcement, saying that the law school of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is working again...

good guy.

This announcement directly made the netizens who followed the trend of Heiwucheng University of Arts and Sciences fooled, and immediately used their own accounts to send apology Weibo.

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